Chapter 24 Hail to the King

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Diwedd flew past you, ramming into Dechrau.

Grabbing his neck, with one arm, he dragged him higher and higher.

Without his influence, you started to fall.

Dechrau:"Brother sto-"

Dechrau struggled to speak as  his brother, the King, started to choke him,

He brought him closer, biting deep into his wing, Dechrau like out a truly deafing screech. The resurrection dragon clawed to escape from the clutch of his brother.

Diwedd continued to rip, and tare threw his wing until it was hanging by threads of skin and muscle.

You continued to fall uncontrollably.

Y/n:"In my head, why can't I. "

You struggle to stabilize yourself until


Long past the bright, clouded false heaven, Diwedd carried the dimming Dragon Lord into the emtpy void.

Then, in a blinding flash, Dechrau tried to calm his brothers rage. But it was useless.

Diwedd pierced into Dechrau's slim body, causing his radiant blood to rain to the ground. He released the grip on his brother, letting the shining dragon hurtle towards the ground, burning up from the atmosphere.

Diwedd ceased his accention, turning back to face his brother. He watched him plummet.

Dechrau frantically flapping his one working wing, letting out thunderous shrieks.

Colliding with the ground, tearing it to sunder, leaving crater the size of an island.

Dechrau:"Urhhhhh-hhhg. "

Strugging to move after the impact, he looked up in awe at the silhouette of his brother blocking out the sun.

In furious descention, Diwedd impacted the earth, cumbling to dust under the titanous King.

Dechrau:"Brother Pleas-".

Diwedd cut off his brother, forceing his head into the ground only before letting out a cataclysmic roar threwing up a massive  black cloud.

As the dust settled, Diwedd stared at his brother. Then he finally spoke.

Diwedd:"You're even weaker than before, and you never deserved my mercy."

Your eyes open, your body left mangled in a crater from your fall. As the blood of Dechrau rained to the ground.

And then an other thunderous desperate screech in agony.

As the blood started to pool, forming a large lake.

You emerge healed from the glowing blood.

Y/n:"What is happening?"

The sky is bleeding, the earth is rumbling,

an Angel

has fallen.

I get out of the growing sea of blood. Claiming onto a mountain.

Y/n:"Is this in my head? "

Question in I scale the mountain.

As I made it to the summit, I couldn't help but feel sick.

Diwedd ripping apart Dechrau's weak body, devouring his dimmed scales, tearing flesh from his bones.

Dechrau tried to claw at his brothers eye, only to be caught by Diwedd jaws. He tore his brother's arm off and threw it to the side.

Finally, he plunged his talon-like claws into Dechrau hollowed out chest, he ripped out the beating blinding light that is his brothers Heart.

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