Chapter 33 Reception

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Mean while with Issei.

He was also getting flung around by his mentor, but it was a much less brutal faction.

Draige:"This is embarassing, quit running and face him!"

Issei: "Easy for you to say, you're not the one fighting!!!"

Tannin shot another blast at blowing the ground up under him.

Issei: "That was close!"

Tannin:"Seems you were able to avoid it this time."

Issei:"Don't sell me short three days in you haven't burned me yet, starting to think you don't live up to the hype! "

Tannin:"I hate to disappoint, I'll turn up the fire power."

He stomped, and fired a massive blast right at Issei!

He jumped away and started sprinting!

"Your friend, weilder of the twin dragons, he's a brave little worm. Now fight like a dragon!

He caught up and blasted him launching him back! Tannin kept thrashing Issei around like he was nothing.

And after hours he was left Twist up on the ground.

Issei:"You are wise and powerful sir."

????????:"Getting Bent overs not the worse thing when it comes to Tannins training, hut I'd expect nothing less of the Red Dragon Emperor."

Issei:"Who are you?"

????????:"Just a spectator, I came here to see how much you improved since your rating game with Risers peerage. I'd hoped for better but granted you are just a kid. But here lemme give you a piece of advice."

In a quick motion he caused the ground to spilt! Issei ran looking back.

????????:"Being number one takes guts. "

He said before walking off waving.

With you.

The land was fully scarred and battered destroyed from your training.

You layed in the center of it all bruised, exhausted, and bleeding out from constant damage to your body.

Azazel:"All things considered you did very well, no where near mastered the gear but you should be able to keep the gear from purifiying." He stood over you eating an apple.
"I figured you'd die by day two, but you actually managed to improve."

You just layed there starting at the "sky"

Fafnir:"Perhaps you went to hard on him."


Almost everyone was back together, Issei was crying into Rias Arms about his tough dragon training. The others were standing by.

Rias:"Where are Akeno, Koneko, and Y/n?"

Kiba:"I've been wondering that myself."

Azazel:" Well, The Short one is getting some much needed rest, she adding extra Regiment to the training I gave her, the steess was too much for her to handle. The other two had more extreme damage during there training and are in the spring for healing."

Gasper:"Poor thing..."

Rias:"Healing? "

Azazel:"Excuse me I have to go prepare for tonights reception, I'll send someone for you later, there be a lot of clans there.

With you down in the depths.

I sat in the hot water my wounds from Azazel and Fafnir were healing closing slowly.

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