Chapter 15 New power

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Rias P.o.v.

I was playing akeno in a game of chess while koneko sat next to me. Then I realised It's been five ours since I sent y/n to his fifth contract, usually hes thrown out in an hour of so but now we have and assignment to take out a stray devil.

Rias:koneko can you go get y/n.

She took a breath and sighed.

Koneko:Got it.


Shr step on the transportation circle and go to the house.

-Koneko p.o.v.-

Koneko:smells like glitter, sweat, and shame, definately y/n...

Walking threw the house hearing multiple voices coming to the living room then, music started playing.

I opened the door seeing a large group of girls having a party all of them were from other schools but there was something that gave me a bad feeling.

I walked threw the horde of randos until getting to a dark room lit by candles.

Seeing y/n's head in the lap of a girl with long white hair. As I got closer chills went down my spine.

Koneko:hey y/n, get up we got job to do.

He seemed to be in TRANCE.... And didn't respond.

Koneko:😐*sigh* Rias sent me to come and get you we have business to take care off.

??????:oh it can wait hes just resting.

Koneko:from what?

???????:so angry must be resentment from his family, maybe friends. But his mind is so hard to see but one thing is clear he has the arua of a dragon, no The Dragon, bringer of the end.

Koneko:how do you know that?

The door shut behind me as she slowly got up.

Leaving y/n unconscious on the bed.

As a long cape appeared down her back.

??????:well dragons have a way of finding family.

She smiled as ears appeared on her head.

??????:you smell like someone I used to know a certain black cat.

Koneko:who are you?

Serena: I told the Dragon King my name was Serena. And if you are wondering I'm not nekomata they all died really a pity I was interested in their way of sage arts.

Koneko:what do you want?

Serena:nothing as of now just wanted to reunite with daddy.

She said rubbing y/n's head.

Koneko:give y/n back.

Serena:Your hostility isn't need he's not in any immediate danger.

-Y/n p.o.v-

I woke up in Serena's room as she looked down at me. I stood seeing koneko.

y/n:whats happening?

Koneko:we have a job to do.

Y/n:is it a stray?

She nodded.

I walked past koneko going outside.

Y/n:good no one messed with my motorcycle.

I waited for a few mins an koneko eventually came out.

Koneko:let's go.

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