preference - they walk in on you changing

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Ponyboy  -

You were in Pony's room changing into your pajamas. Your situation at home was pretty rough and you sometimes stayed at the Curtis's house, so you left an extra change of clothes there at all times. Soda was hogging the bathroom, so you had no other choice. Suddenly the door knob shook and before you could say anything Pony walked in. You yelped and grabbed your clothes and held them to your body. 

"Oh my god y/n I'm so sorry!" Pony exclaimed, turning beet red. His eyes jerked down to your body. 

"Pony get out!" you yelled. He quickly looked back up and stumbled out the door, a tinge of red still on his face. 

Johnny  -

You were in the bathroom at the Curtis's house. You were quietly humming a song while drying out your hair. The rest of the boys were in the living room laughing loudly, so you didn't hear when there was a gentle tap at the door and a "can I come in y/n?". Johnny, thinking you were done, stepped into the bathroom, only to be met with the sight of your naked body. He turned red as you whirled around. You grabbed a towel and quickly wrapped it around yourself. 

"S-sorry, y/n" Johnny quietly muttered while slowly walking backwards out of the room. On his way out, he bumped into the wall, bringing him back to reality as he frantically ran out the door.


You were working with Steve at the DX. You were fixing a car when the gasoline spilled all over you. Literally everything you were wearing was soaked. 

"Damnit." you muttered. "Steve I'm gonna go change." you yelled to your boyfriend who was under the car. He grunted in response and you got up and headed to the employees room. Lucky for you, you always had an extra set of clothes whenever working at the DX for accidents like this. 

You quickly stripped yourself of your shirt and shorts as you looked through your bag for your clothes, clad in only your undergarments. Suddenly, the door flew open and there stood Steve, his jaw slightly dropped. He looked down at you and smirked. 

"Steve! I told you I was changing!" you yelled at him. 

"Relax, baby, it's nothing I haven't seen before." he replied cockily. You threw your oil-stained shirt at him to get him to leave. 

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving." he said, a smirk still gracing his face and he left the room.


You were at one of Buck's parties with Two, your boyfriend. Unsurprisingly, Two was drunk as hell, and as you danced on the floor with him, his drink spilled all over you. 

"Sorry, babe!" he yelled over the loud music. You sighed. 

"It's fine, Two. I'm gonna go wash the shirt off." you yelled back. You pushed your way through the crowded people into one of the bathrooms. You took your shirt off and held it under the running water. You weren't wearing anything under the top. Then the door burst open and Two straggled in. He took one look at you, topless, and smirked, closing the door. 

"Two! Why don't you ever knock!" you admonished, holding the shirt to your body. 

"Oh, come on, babe, it's fine." he said drunkly, making his way towards you. You pushed him away. 

"Not in here, Two." you said. You were paranoid someone would walk in, since it was just proved that the locks don't work. Two sighed, surrendering and making his way back to the door. 

"How about when we get home?" he winked suggestively, loudly laughing when you glared at him. 


You were at the Curtis's with the rest of the gang. You were currently in the bathroom and you just finished your shower. As you stepped out of the shower, still wet since you couldn't reach your towel from the tub, the door swung open. Dally stood there, mouth agape. He quickly smirked when he realized you weren't wearing anything. You quickly covered yourself with your hands, standing in a fetal position to hide yourself from his eyes. When that didn't work you stood up straighter, which just made Dal whistle at you. 

"Damn, doll, you have a nice body." he commented, smirking. 

"Dal! Get out!" you yelled. 

"Now why would I do that when I have such a nice view?" he said cockily, leaning against the door frame. 


"Alright, doll, I'm leaving." he said, holding his hands up. As he left, he grabbed your towel and threw it at you, that damned smirk still on his face as he watched you bend down to pick it up. 

Soda -

You were in Soda's room, changing into a new set of clothes after your old ones got dirty from playing all day in the sun with the gang. You heard brisk footsteps heading towards the room, and before you could even comprehend what was happening, the door burst open. 

"Steve I- oh you're not Steve - damn." came a voice. You whirled around and saw Soda standing at the doorway, his eyes raking down your body. You coughed, and when he saw that you noticed him he quickly averted his eyes. 

"Uh-sorry y/n." he said apologetically, stepping out into the hall. You sighed as he closed the door behind him. You don't get paid enough to deal with this. 


You were taking a shower in the Curtis's house. You just turned the water off when you realized that you left your clothes in Soda and Pony's room. And the gang was in the living room. You wrapped a towel around yourself and quietly stepped into the hallway. Luckily, the gang didn't notice you and you were able to slip into the bedroom. You closed the door behind you and dropped your towel. Just then the door opened and Darry walked in. You whirled around and made eye contact with him. He looked shocked and his eyes looked down at your body before he quickly averted them and looked at the ceiling. 

"Sorry y/n." he said, still staring up. By this point you had wrapped the towel loosely around you. 

"It's fine, Darry." you said, looking away. You felt his eyes on you for another second before he quickly walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. 

Go to the "requests" chapter to request an imagine :) 

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