The Full Story

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Bakugo had left the room, leaving Midoriya and All-Might together in silence, except for the faint mumbling and chatter from students passing by the room to get to their next class. Izuku was bouncing his legs nervously, avoiding eye contact with his teacher. "Alright, Midoriya. Start from the beginning."

"... I always wanted to be a hero, like you... You were my idol. " He admits sheepishly. "I watched videos of you for hours on end, I wanted to be just like you, but I was born quirkless. I was friends with Katsuki in elementary-school and middle-school. Back then we weren't on the best of terms, and we still aren't. He made me think I couldn't be a hero, and I gave up... From that point on I developed a hate for heroes, because I could never be one. I could never achieve that dream and it hurt me. I ran away at 14 and met Shigaraki Tomura, someone who hated heroes like I did. I figured we should find more people like us, and we did. We formed a group, a family, almost. It started out as a small club of people who were just dealt a bad hand and were trying to get through it all, but it slowly turned... violent. Villainous. The rest of them went away to fight and I stayed behind, learning what I could about heroes and feeding them that information. They taught me how to fight, but I was never able to join the rest of them, partially because I knew I'd get clobbered and partially because I was the youngest, and they didn't want me to get hurt or killed."

Izuku continued.

"I eventually wanted to reconnect with Bakugo, or at least annoy him to get back at him after all those years. It wasn't the best reunion. We talked, well, argued... and things escalated until we fought. We dueled until we reached a tie, we made a deal where we had to do one thing the other wanted. Bakugo chose for me to reconnect for my mom, but I chose for him to chose another option because I didn't want to do that. I hurt my mom by running away but I couldn't just show up randomly after all that time.. He then chose for me to apply for U.A. and I realized I was in big trouble because I couldn't back out. Since he chose again, I chose again and I made him swear to tell no one I was a villain. I applied, got caught by Aizawa, and was forced to reconnect with my mom. It was nice, I missed her a lot. From there we went to lunch, Bakugo and I argued a bit more on the phone, and I went to the candidate competition. Somehow I won, but only after training my ass off and inspecting everyone as closely as I could. I didn't know why I was trying so hard, but I was. I met the people in 1-A and they were... really nice. It was refreshing, and I liked it a lot. They were proud of me, impressed by me. It made me feel like maybe I could actually do this. I got a call from the League that on my first day we would... try to kill you. They gave me a gun but I couldn't do it. I worked with Bakugo and took down a few of the cronies until we got out to you. I saw Shigiraki and Kurogiri and.. just moved on my own. I didn't know what I was doing, I just ran in blindly trying to protect you and nearly got myself killed."

All Might let out a hum of acknowledgement. "Many heroes have had a defining moment like yours.. they jump into action before thinking to help another person."

"I'm no hero, I just.. want to be; but I'm quirkless and.. even if I am a hero I'll always be the weakest one."

"You seem like a good kid, Midoriya."

"Seem. You don't know me, I'll just be a disappointment. If something happens I'll-"

"Try not to be so negative, you managed to get into U.A. just by raw talent. That's quite the feat."

"I can't go far based on raw talent, that's just not how the world works..."

"It could be enough to get you started, though." All-Might placed a hand on his shoulder. "Can you continue the story, please?"

Izuku nods, continuing the tale. "After the USJ attack I was too scared to go home alone since I thought the League would show up at my house or ambush me, so I stayed at Kacchan's place."


"Oh, I mean Bakugo. It's just a nickname I've had for him for a long time.."


"Anyways, we talked and actually bonded, I think. And he convinced me to come talk to you, and now I'm here. I got really nervous, I thought you'd tear me to shreds!"

"Ah, no. I wouldn't do that unless I absolutely had to, and even then I wouldn't want to 'tear you to shreds' or fight my own student."

"That's reassuring, you're just really intimidating I suppose."

"Here, why don't we talk more? I'd like to get to know you better, and for you to keep me posted to make sure you're not flipping sides or causing trouble. I'll have to keep an eye on you regardless, but it'd be easier if I relieve some of the tension between the two of us."

Izuku blinks, was he really going to spend more time with the number one hero? Spending time with him would've been his dream only a year ago, but not under these circumstances of course. Regardless, it was a little bit of an honor for Midoriya to have All-Might want to get to know him. "Er.. okay!"

"Great, then just meet me after school today if you can, if not we can meet tomorrow."

Izuku nods, and the bell for next period rang. He stands up and waves to All-Might. "Thank you, I'll ask my mom if I can stay at school for a bit longer and let you know."

"Alright, enjoy your day and stay out of trouble." All-Might waved, watching as the green-haired boy rushed out of the room and into the hallways to meet up with his classmates. He sighs before mumbling: "Please, don't make me regret this..."

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