2:06 AM

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Both Bakugo and Midoriya stayed silent, both wishing they could change the past. Maybe then they wouldn't be in this confusing mess. Izuku fidgeted with his hands as he looked around his friend's room, trying to think of a way to change the discussion. "Do you still snore?"

"I never snored in the first place."

"Oh, you definitely did."

"Well do you still sleep with stuffed animals?"

"Of course not! I stopped doing that when I was 10!" Deku huffed, crossing his arms. Katsuki laughed, a small smile forming on his face. It had been a while since Izuku had seen him smile so sincerely, he smiled too.

Mitsuki's voice cut through the house, "Dinner's ready!"

"You might need some milk."

"Milk? Why?"

"The old hag told me that tonight she was going to make her favorite spicy ramen."

"I probably won't need it, I can handle spice."

"Just wait." Bakugo grinned, and walked out with Midoriya following close behind. The smell of homemade dinner flooded the hallways, and Izuku got excited. He hadn't had Mitsuki's cooking in a long time, but he knew she cooked well.

"Will you get some bowls for me, Katsuki?" She asked once they reached the kitchen.

"Yeah." He nodded, opening the cabinet and taking out four bowls. Bakugo went to his mother and handed her the bowls, and she filled them up with the soup.

"Now set the table, Izuku would you help?"

"Sure!" Izuku piped up, walking over to the kitchen cabinets. It had been a long time since he had been in their house, but he still knew exactly where everything was. He took out a couple of cups, forks, and spoons, carrying them over to the table and putting them down. It was at that moment when Katsuki's father opened the door and stepped inside.

"Welcome home, Masaru!" Mitsuki yelled from behind the kitchen counter.

"Thanks, dear." He smiled as he walked over, but stopped when he saw the green haired boy. "Izuku? I thought you were missing... "

"He came back and Katsuki didn't even tell us!" Mistuki spoke up, now at the table. "I'm just glad he's okay though, everyone was worried sick."

".... Everyone?" Izuku mumbled.

"Oh, of course! Katsuki nearly cried when-" Mistuki started rambling.

"MOM!!!" Bakugo interrupted, red in the face from embarrassment. "Let's just eat the god damn food, okay?"

"Watch your tone!" Mistuki scolded, but sat down.

Deku couldn't help but chuckle at Katsuki's reaction, and he took his seat at the table with everyone else. "Thank you for the food, it looks great."

"Aww, you're so sweet Izuku." Mistuki smiled. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

Midoriya took a bite, and swallowed. At first the food wasn't that spicy, and then a nearly unbearable heat coursed through his mouth. Izuku's face scrunched up as he grabbed his glass of water and chugged it.

Katsuki smirked coyly, leaning on his hand as he took a bite. "Something wrong, Izuku?"

"No!" He grumbled, taking another bite. His mouth felt like it was on fire, he could hardly bear it. But Bakugo's whole family was eating the ramen with blank faces. 'How can they eat this stuff?!'

"So how was your day at school today, Katsuki?" Mistuki asked, taking a sip of her water. "Why'd you come home early?"

"Villains attacked us on our field trip to the USJ, most of them were taken away in chains."

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