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Inko stared at Izuku in disbelief, choked up, she held her hands up to her mouth and let out a loud sob. She was messy, and looked as if she had dropped anything and everything she was doing so she could rush to UA. She ran up to her son, embracing him tightly. "Izuku, my baby!" Deku paused, and then hugged her back, shedding a few tears. He clung onto her, he didn't realize how much he had missed her until that moment.

"Mom, I'm... so sorry." He hugged her tighter, sniffling.

"I'm just glad you're okay Izuku. I was so worried--" She pulled away to wipe her eyes, then embraced him again. "- I missed you so much. It was horrible, being without you. Oh, thank God you're finally home. Where have you been?!"

"I was with some friends, they took care of me." Izuku looked out of the corner of his eyes, seeing that Aizawa was studying him. Deku looked away and pulled away from Inko, smiling weakly.

"What are you doing at UA?"

"Mom, I know this is... strange to ask... but I need you to let me try to join the hero course."

"Izuku you'll get hurt!"

"Actually, I learned a lot while I was gone. Will you let me try?"

Inko looked around nervously, and sighed. "I just got you back, honey.. I'm not sure if I can handle you being in such a harsh environment."

"This school is much safer than the streets, mom. Please?"

"You're quirkless, Izuku..."

"I can do this."

She thought for a moment, seeing that she couldn't change her son's mind, and that since he probably wouldn't get enrolled, it would be alright. "Okay, but you have to promise me something."


"You'll quit if it gets too hard for you, okay?"

"Of course."

"Oh, Izuku, I'm just so glad to have you back." She hugged him again, pressing against the still-raw wound on his chest from when he fought with Bakugo. Izuku winced, but smiled through the pain, laughing nervously.

"Thank you, mom. It means a lot to me that you're even willing to consider this." Izuku looked down at his mother, smiling. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time. Was he happy? Could he even call this joy? He paused for a moment, thinking about what going to UA would mean. He would have to betray either UA or the League of Villains. He had to choose. His heart plummeted. Of course he wanted to be a villain, but could he really do something horrible to innocent people? At first he had only created the League to spite Bakugo, but now he was too deep to go back now. Why had Bakugo even asked him to go to UA? Didn't he know that eventually he would betray them? Why was he willing to take that chance? Izuku's mind raced, and he just couldn't grasp it.

Inko took the papers in his hands and grabbed a pen, sitting down. "Your old friend, Bakugo, is outside. You may want to talk to him, I bet he missed you too! I'll finish up the paperwork."

"Okay." Izuku tried his best to seem happy, but as soon as the door closed behind him he sighed. What had he gotten himself into? He turned the corner and bumped into someone, looking up and scowling to see it was Bakugo.

"Maybe watch where you're going next time, nerd." He mumbled softly. "I saw your mother come in, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it but she's actually signing the papers to apply me to UA."

"You managed to make her agree?" He raised his eyebrows, looking somewhat shocked.

"Somehow, but I need to uh--" Izuku thought for a moment, but decided against opening up to Bakugo. He had been hurt by him too many times before, it's not like things were going to change now.

"You need what?"

"Nothing!" Izuku perked up, waving his hands wildly. "I was just thinking about how I need to- uh- eat?"

"Oh, okay. I know a good ramen shop if you want to go after Inko finishes signing the papers."

"Uh-" Izuku tried to find a way out of having lunch with Bakugo, that was the last thing he wanted to do right now. "I'm not sure I-"

"Izuku, sweetheart, I finished signing the papers." Inko spoke from behind Izuku, smiling.

Izuku turned, "Oh, great. Let's go-"

"Hey, Izuku." Bakugo put a hand on his shoulder, and it took every nerve in Deku's body not to lose his shit and go ballistic on Bakugo. "Can I get your phone number?"

"Sure." Izuku spoke through clenched teeth, pulling up his number on his phone and holding it out for Bakugo to copy down. "Here you go."

Bakugo blinked, staring at Midoriya for a moment, before mumbling something under his breath and taking copying the information into his phone. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"I'll see you later."

"Oh Bakugo, you can come with us if you'd like. I'm sure the two of you have some catching up to do!"

Cue Izuku's internal screaming. Now he wasn't able to avoid him.

"Sure." Bakugo nodded and then started to follow Inko out the door.

"They said the test to get into UA is in three days, so you'd better start preparing, Izuku." Inko added, cheerily but nervously.

"Sure, mom." Izuku grit his teeth and followed the two.

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