The USJ Disaster

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Deku and his new friends talked to each other on the bus about what they thought the USJ would be like. Everyone was in their hero outfits, except for Midoriya, since he didn't have one yet. Izuku, having researched the building in the past, was more than happy to provide insight on it. But though the USJ was on UA's property, it was still a while away. While they were on the bus, Uraraka shared that someone had destroyed the UA barrier gate a few days ago, letting the media get in. "It was crazy! Everyone thought it was an attack, but it turns out it was just nosy journalists." Midoriya could only wonder who could have possibly destroyed the barrier and gotten inside, but couldn't think of anyone. Shrugging it off, he turned to look out the window to see they had arrived at the USJ. A small smile appeared on his face as everyone started to exit the bus, his first day couldn't possibly be bad, right?

When they walked inside they were greeted by the hero Thirteen, who happily waved them down and started to explain what they would be doing. She informed them of the zones, and that they would be practicing how to handle natural disasters. There were smiles all around, as Deku went onto his tiptoes to look past Thirteen and into the separate areas. As his eyes scanned over the middle, he noticed a dark purple swirl slowly growing larger. It took only a fraction of a second to realize who it was, and what was about to happen. Midoriya looked around wildly, seeing if anyone else had noticed. Villains started pouring out of Kurogiri, rapidly taking up more and more space. "Uh, Thirteen..." Izuku went pale, pointing behind her.

"Oh? What is it?" She chirped happily before turning and going silent. "Eraser Head, are you seeing this?" Thirteen turned, panicked.

"Villains! Everyone huddle together!" Aizawa yelled, the scarf around his neck starting to float, "We have to evacuate! Is there any way to contact the school?"

Thirteen looked around frantically. "No, we don't have any contact. The alarms should've sounded by now! Our only hope is to get out in one piece."

"One of the villains must have a quirk that jams the security system." Todoroki discerned, looking down at the steadily increasing number of villains.

The villains slowly crept closer and closer, and Izuku noticed that Kurogiri had vanished. Tomura was at the head of the pack, chuckling as he drew closer. "Hello heroes... Where's All Might? I thought he would be here by now... Oh well, he should come once we kill a few students." Izuku looked around rapidly, trying to see where Kurogiri was, to find that he was behind them all.

"Look out!" Deku screamed and blocked his face, preparing for an attack. There were a few shouts and yelps, and then everything went quiet. Izuku slowly lowered his arms, opening his eyes. All of his classmates and teachers had vanished. "Kurogiri! What the hell is going on? What are you doing here?!"

"We're killing All Might, now take this gun for when he arrives." Kurogiri grumbled before roughly thrusting a small pistol into Izuku's hands. "He'll be here soon enough, and then this will all be over. There are only a few bullets, and you'll need them all."

Midoriya felt his heart drop as he stared down at the gun, and turned to see that there was a nomu in the group of villains. "What is that doing here?! I thought Sensei said they weren't ready!"

"Calm down, it still works, and will get the job done. There's no possible way All Might can beat the nomu." Kurogiri shrugged, adjusting his vest.

'I can't do this.' Izuku's conscience screamed as he looked back up at him. 'I can't.' He swallowed hard, and could hear his heart beating so loud he thought Kurogiri could hear it too. Izuku's voice wavered as he wrapped his fingers tightly around the gun. "Okay."

"Go find a secluded spot to take aim. Whatever you do, don't miss."

Izuku nodded, and started running towards one of the zones. He felt like he was in a dream, everything seemed so surreal. His feet carried him all the way to the Ruins Zone, and he heard explosions on the floor above him and loud cussing.

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