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The three arrived at some ramen shop that Bakugo suggested to Inko on the way out of UA. Inko was thrilled, meanwhile Izuku was annoyed. Right now he just couldn't stand to look at Bakugo's face. They sat at a booth, and Inko was making small talk with Katsuki. Izuku grumbled under his breath, knowing he would have to talk to Bakugo sooner or later. He was hoping it would be later. Katsuki was busy looking at the menu while Inko spoke. "I'm just so glad you're back, Izuku. I looked for you everywhere, but I could never find you."

Midoriya already knew his mother had searched high and low for him, he almost got spotted by her once. "Oh, that's nice to hear that.."

"Bakugo was just telling me how he looked for you too in the first few weeks you went missing."

"He.. looked for me?"

"For two weeks straight, everyday when he got home from school he would stay out until sundown. He looked on the weekends too." Inko added, then looked down at her menu. Izuku looked over at Bakugo, who was still studying the menu. He had looked for him? Was that why he had passed by Bakugo so many times while he was in hiding? Bakugo actually cared? No, that couldn't be the case. Izuku knew Bakugo as the stubborn-jackass who cared about no one, so why would he even try to look for him? Bakugo's apology to Deku suddenly seemed a bit more sincere. A waiter came over and took their orders, as usual Bakugo ordered the spiciest ramen available, and Inko took a plain one. Izuku chose a plain one as well, he hadn't eaten ramen in a while, but didn't feel like eating something fancy. The food came out rather quickly.

"So Izuku, what do you plan to do when you get into UA?" Bakugo leaned back and crossed his arms.

"I'm probably not getting in, I'm quirkless, remember?"

"You could always be the first." He shrugged, slurping up some noodles.

Izuku sighed and ate, "Pretty hypocritical considering how you acted three months ago."

"I'm just trying to be positive."

"Since when are you ever positive?" Izuku narrowed his eyes, glaring at Bakugo. Inko watched the two, concerned.

Inko looked between the two nervously, "Uh, boys... perhaps we should change the subject.. The... the weather's nice isn't it?"

"Yeah." Izuku mumbled, eating more. A long pause settled on the group, no one wanted to talk.

"Isn't it supposed to rain today?" Bakugo looked outside, squinting out the window.

"I can check-" Inko pulled her phone out, swiping her finger across the screen, "- huh, you're right. It should start raining soon, so we should finish up and go our separate ways."

"Sounds good to me." Deku chirped, taking another bite. Bakugo rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Inko mumbled in a hushed tone, "Izuku, honey, you should be nicer to Katsuki."

Midoriya inhaled sharply and forced a smile. "Of course, mom." She smiled back, putting a hand on his shoulder. Izuku took a moment to calm himself, he could stand being nice to Katsuki for a while. "What is UA like?"

"It's full of surprisingly decent people. Don't tell them I said this, but they aren't that bad.. The course is rigorous and will keep you entertained at the very least."

"Oh, that sounds kind of nice."

"Yeah, except there's this one purple haired freak who keeps creeping on all the girls."

Izuku looked like he had just sucked a lemon, "Yuck, that's gross. I'd hate to be one of those poor girls."

"Right? No one says it, but everyone hopes he gets expelled, or at the very least gets detention."

"You said that the only reason the spot is open is because someone got expelled, right? What was that for?"

"I think she did drugs in the bathroom, for like the fifth time, and got caught."

"Yikes, I'm glad I'm not her."

"I don't even remember her name, she was hardly at the school for a week or two before getting busted."

"You were never great at names." Izuku chuckled, a coy smile on his lips.

"I'm great at names!" Bakugo huffed playfully.

"Sure, sure. If you say so, but you always make nicknames for people you don't care to remember."

"True." Katsuki shrugged, smiling. "But anyways, you'd better start preparing for the entry exam. I heard a rumor that it's going to be a sparring tournament, and that whoever wins gets into the school."

"Ugh, might as well give up." Izuku tossed his head backwards, groaning.

"You can totally kick their asses!"

"If I get a miracle from God himself, maybe." Deku looked back at his childhood friend, noticing that Inko was watching the two with a small smile. "You alright, mom?"

"Yes, it's just so great to see you two together again. I still have pictures of when you two were in kindergarten!" She held up her phone and tapped a button, a picture of Izuku and Katsuki was being displayed. The picture showed their younger selves, laughing and playing together. Izuku stared at it for a moment, smiling slightly. Those were the good old days, when they both were equals, before any of their problems started. "I'm so glad you're still friends after all this time."

The two laughed nervously, exchanging a few fleeting glances before looking away. "Yeah, friends..." Izuku tugged at his sleeves subconsciously, his smile fading somewhat.

"This was nice, but I think we should get going. Thanks for joining us Katsuki."

"Anytime, Mrs. Midoriya." Bakugo smiled at the two sincerely, paid for his meal, and left.

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