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Tord let out a soft hum as Matt left kisses along his neck, arms wrapped around his broad shoulder. The sun barely peeked through the window, basking them in the soft morning glow. He didn't mind the kisses, or when he started to nibble lightly. "Do you mind if I mark?" Matt asked softly, to which tord just shook his head and tilted his head. Matt began to suck hickies against his pale skin. He sighed sweetly, arms falling to his sides. 

Matt moved up, capturing his lips in a soft and tender kiss. It filled tord with warmth and love, and he smiled into the kiss. He pulled back after a moment, staring down at his shaking and panting form. His sun-kissed face was flushed, and Matt couldn't hello but mumble 'beautiful'. 

"I'm gonna miss you, Tordy." He said after another few minutes. He laid down next to him, pulling him close and cuddling him. 

"We can still talk after this, though. Maybe I can get pau and pat to fly you out to Norway now and again." 

"Ha, yeah." They fell into a comfortable silence, Matt combing his fingers through his hair, and Tord nuzzling his chest. A quiet yawn escaped his lips. 

"This is...nice." He mumbled, giggling softly as Matt started to pepper his face with kisses. "Matty~!" 

"You're too cute," Matt chuckled but did stop. He sat up slightly to look at the alarm clock. He sighed, sitting up fully. "I really should start packing, my flight leaves in a few hours." 

"Ah... Ok." He mumbled. 

Tord watched Matt pack his things from the bed, curled up under his thick cover. Edd and Tom had started to argue by now, and Matt was grumbling irritably. While the two of them had been nice to him, he was fearful to spend the night alone with them. "It'll be fine," Matt reassured, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I'll be back tomorrow evening." Tord nodded, untangling himself from the mess of blankets before standing up to get dressed.

His own bag was hidden in the closet, his favorite yellow duck sticking out of the small pocket. He smiled, putting on his signature red hoodie and some black jeans. "I'll be off, make sure to eat and drink, and call me if anything happens," Matt said, picking up his bag and leaving the bedroom. Tord hummed, moving to stare in the mirror. He still hated his face and everything wrong with his scars, but he was slowly coming to terms with it. 

A low rumbling in his gut reminded him that he was hungry, so he made his way downstairs. He could still hear Tom and Edd arguing, and the closer he got to their bedroom, the more he was able to make out what they were saying.


"HAVEN'T WE?" Tom?





Tord quickly backed away, stumbling downstairs and into the living room. He was far too sick to eat now. Did they want to put him back? He sniffled, curling up with a pillow over his head. His head was filled with every awful thing they'd ever done to him. There was so much more than simple beatings. So much fucking more

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Agony, as he dubbed it, was one of the worst punishments he'd ever experienced.  He'd only suffered from it twice, but it was twice too many. The way SLA worked was he'd be blindfolded, cuffed, and forced into an odd position with headphones one, blasting his least favorite song on loop. Sounds mildly annoying, but not torturous, Right? 


To start, being in such an odd position caused his limbs to fall asleep. It would be numb at first, but as the hours dragged on it would get worse and worse, until it felt his entire body was static. To the point it became painful. He had no sight, no-touch, and no hearing due to the stupid fucking music.

Because scientists haven't created 24-hour battery phones or headphones, they would eventually die and shut off. Leaving him in agonizing pain with nothing to distract from it. It would continue until Matt came down the next day. His only solace is after a while, his body would start to go numb again. Even so, he hated it. It hurt! It hurt it hurt it hurt so goddamn much! Something happened the last time this punishment was used, but tord's memories of the event were hazy at best


Matt walked down the stairs to their basement, dreading what he had to do. He always did. He could hear the sobs and despite cries from here. "Oh Edd, again?" He sighed, moving a bit quicker as he flipped on the lights and opened the second door. There was poor Tord, tied up with his arms behind his back, tears dripping down his face. He somehow shook the headphones off, as they lay on the floor a few meters away. Grabbing his pocket knife, he began to gently cut away the ropes, rubbing at the burns they left as he went. He finished off with the blindfold, two wide silver eyes becoming visible. His sobs and screams had stopped by now, and he now sat there dead silent.  

"Tord?" He waved a hand in front of his face, not getting a response. "Answer me! Come on, what's gotten into you?" Tord twitched violently, nearly knocking his head into Matt's. Ok, something was definitely wrong with tord. He stood up and raced to the bottom of the stairs. "EDD! EDD GET DOWN HERE, SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH TORD." He yelled at the top of his lungs, dashing back just in time to see the Norsk slam his head into the floor. Matt let out a startled shriek. Tord did it again. And again. And again. Matt pulled him into his arms to stop him. He choked and made a gurgling sound, pushing away from Matt to puke his guts out. Or at least that's what Matt thought upon seeing him choke up blood and chunks of who knows what. 

After which he just laughed, laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. Matt pulled him back to his chest as he continued to laugh, tears falling rapidly. Edd and Tom entered the small room, horrified. He didn't even glance at him, to focus on the broken man in his arms.

"Why do you have to do this to him?" 

"The fucking commie deserves it." Tord laughed harder at this, eyes hazy and dead.

"But does he? Does he really deserve to be broken down like this? He's barely been here a month." He asked, running his fingers through Tords matted hair. 

"I... I'll think on that, Matt. We'll go easier on him for now, but we aren't gonna stop." Edd said after a moment, walking away with Tom. Matt stayed with Tord, petting his hair and rocking them back and forth gently. Tord eventually stopped laughing, sniffling softly while nuzzling his neck and gripping onto him with a death grip. This was the most comfort he'd received in months. 

"Things will get better soon, Tord, I promise." 


Tord groaned, pulling himself off the couch and walking over to the kitchen. He made himself something simple, a bowl of cereal. Anything to distract himself from the god-awful memories. As he sat in his seat, chewing on a spoonful of lucky charms, Tord felt lonelier than ever. He wanted Matt. He wanted the pain to stop. 

Tord just wanted to be happy.

Word count: 1,308
A / N
I exist against my will. Matt is best boy but oh-fucking-boy did you just make a fucky wucky Matty boi. I still hate

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