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Tord had been staying with Paul and Patryck for a little over a week at this point, but it felt like barely a minute. Currently, he was curled up on the couch watching the flickering flames in the fireplace, a thick blanket pulled over his shoulders to fight off the chill November air. Patryck and pau's could be heard flirting in the kitchen while they made a warm drink to soothe his throat and cold body. They both accepted the fact that Tord's memories were forever damaged, and his voice was shot beyond repair. They didn't care. They loved him.

The couch dipped near his head and he looked up to meet the gentle eyes of Patryck. "Hey Tord, this will help warm you up." He held two mugs in his hands, and Tord grabbed one as he sat up. Paul sat on his other side, leaning against his side. Staring down at his mug of dark brown liquid.

"Hot....chocolate?" He croaked, blurry childhood memories coming to mind. Patryck nodded and pulled the blanket so it hung over the shoulders all of them. The now dubbed hot chocolate did indeed warm him up, and it tasted good too! A well needed bonus.

"We should go shopping later. It'll be good to get out of the house." Paul mumbled, arms wrapped around Tord's midsection sleepily and head resting on his thighs. Tord smiled softly at the Dutch man's adorable actions. Paul was always a source of happiness, even if he was generally clueless to the fact.

 Paul was always a source of happiness, even if he was generally clueless to the fact

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[I tried so hard]

"That sounds like a great idea," Pat said, setting his half-empty mug on their coffee table and resting his chin atop Tord's head. Tord felt warmer than ever before with them pressed against him. Legs intertwined and skin touching. Tord sat his mug down, hugging Paul and leaning back into Pat's warm embrace. This was perfect. This was exactly the life he wanted to live.

Tord fell asleep happy, dreaming of wonderful days with fear or torture. Without rules and punishments.

He dreamed of finally being happy.


OK, maybe this was a bad idea. Paul and Patryck held his hand as they walked through the busy shopping center and Tord hated it. He felt everyone's eyes on him, watching his every move. They knew they knew who he was! He felt pat squeeze his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. "It's alright," He reassured so confidently, how was Tord to believe he was anything but honest? "We've got you. You're safe with us." Tord nodded, calming down. Safe... he was safe.

They entered another store, Pau groaning about something while Pat chuckled and pointed happily at a duck plush sitting on a self. Tord was pulled closer, so he could figure out what was happening. "Pat, we need to buy important stuff."

"Duck plush is very important, Pau," Patryck countered, grabbing the duck and hugging it to his chest. Tord chuckled, smiling at their adorable banter.

"We should... should get it. 'S cute." He stared at the fluffy plush animal. He loved it. Pat grinned, handing it to tord.

"Well, now we have to get it, Pau," Pat pressed, and Paul gave in, walking around the store and trying to ignore his lovers' giggles. At least they were happy. Tord held onto that stuffed animal like a lifeline, keeping it in his hoodie for fear he'd drop it and get it dirty. He leaned against pat as they stopped at the food court. Pat and Pau happily chatted while tord just sat and ate. He wasn't upset by this, it felt nice to just listen to others talk.

Unfortunately, Tord being so into his own mind, he hadn't noticed when Pau and Pat started to walk off. He squeaked, jumping up and stumbling around the crowded streets. Where were they? Surely they wouldn't abandon him, right? He reached the street, head on a swivel as he desperately tried to find his family. Hands grabbed his arms and pulled him roughly back, he gasped and turned in their hold.

His stomach dropped as he met the gaze of furious jet black orbs. FUCK! A choked off whimper left his mouth and he began to fight against his hold.

"You have a lot of fucking nerve running off like that. Don't worry though, I'll let edd and matt do the talking." Tord was thrown over Tom's shoulder, and He was too in shock to even scream. No! NO! This couldn't be happening. Oh god! Please no! Pau and Pat exited the restaurant, eyes catching the tail end of Tord and Tom.


"Stop! P-please, stop" He croaked, racing out weakening for them. It was no use as Tom tossed him into the back of a car and he was quickly held down. He could only sob in fear as The car lurched out of the car park. He could only briefly see Paul and Patryck watching in shock from the sidewalk as he was dragged off. All Tord could do was press himself into the seats and sob. He ignored anything they tried to say. Why should he listen to them? Peaking out, he watched the world pass by in a blur. They arrived at the house of his nightmare and he was dragged inside. Tom shoved him down on the couch, and the three of them stood around his with their arms crossed.

"What the hell were you thinking? I did something nice for you, and you went missing for a week!" Matt snapped, genuinely angry. Tord really fucked up.

"Why do you care!"

"Because you're our fri ... our responsibility! We can't let you hurt anyone else." Edd settled on, and even tord could see through his lies. Tord stayed quiet though, curling in on himself and starting to cry indeed. He wanted to go back to Paul and Patryck. Tom scoffed and stormed off to go get drunk, and Edd left for his room.

"Come with me, i don't trust you alone down here." Matt sighed, helping Tord to his feet. He was led to Matt's room and he curled up on his bed, pulling out his stuffed duck and petting it idly. "Where did you get that?"

"Friend." Tord held the plushie closer, glaring at matt. He held his hands up defensively. "Bought it for me, it... all i have left.." Matt nodded, sitting down next to him.

"I'm sorry Tord, i know you'd rather be with your friends than us," he said after a few minutes, running his hands gently through Tords soft hair. Tord didn't respond, closing his eyes and trying to escape this painful world. "Edd really does care about you. He misses being friends, he just needs to learn how to show it."

"Good night, Matt."

"Good night, Tord."

A / N

Tada! here it is, a whole month later. uwu. Tom's a dick,  I kin pau & pat. i hope you enjoyed

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