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A / N
There's a nsfw bit at the end but its like, super short and not that bad. Also I made art for this fin appreciate it.

Tord woke to strong arms around him, his face buried into the person's chest. It was so warm and soft, tord was convinced he was cuddling a cloud. A soft smile graced his face as he snuggled closer. He never wanted this moment to end, but having what little things of comfort ripped away from him was normal. 

Even still, he couldn't stop the little whimper that left his mouth when the warmth left him, whoever was cuddling him sitting up and leaving tord cold once more. He didn't wanna be cold again. "Wow Tordy, you sure are clingy now." Came the tired chuckle of Matt. He sounded pretty tired. Opening his eyes, Tord found himself in Matt's bed wrapped up in his oversized hoodie. He frowned as he registered Matt's words, pulling away. The ginger frowned at tords action, brushing a bit of tords hair out of his face. 

"Beklager..." he rasped, hiding amongst the thick covers. Matt only chuckled, ruffling his hair and sliding out of bed.

"Come on, lets get some food into you." Tord reluctantly  threw the covers off, allowing his feet to hit the cool hardwood floor. 

"How did I…?"

"You had a nightmare and came to me. I didn't want Tom to get mad so I let you sleep with me." Matt said, stretching and pulling his arms high above his head. Tord stood his legs sending pain through his body and nearly sending him to the ground. Luckily Matt was there to help him, holding him up and helping him walk. It was slow and painful, but they made it to the kitchen. Tord sat down at the table, resting his cheek against the cool table. 

Matt started to make breakfast, the sound of cooking soothing to Tord's ears. Someone came down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Opening his functioning eye, Tord saw Edd standing in the doorway with a bag over his shoulder. "I'm gonna be out helping my sister move for the next few days. Don't do anything stupid, Matt, don't let Tord outside." With that, edd grabbed a cola and left.

Matt finished breakfast and set down a plate in front of Tord. After staring for a bit, Tord was able to recognize them all as eggs, pancakes, and bacon. He smiled weakly, letting out a barely audible 'thank you' before shoving  food into his watering mouth. 

It tasted so good Tord could cry! He smiled to himself as forced himself to slow down. His body twitched in excitement, and he was able to ignore Matt's chuckling as he focused entirely on the tasty food. Matt finished, putting his dish in the sink and pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "Come to my room when you're done." Matt said, exiting the kitchening and going upstairs. 

Tord took his sweet time finishing his breakfast. He pushed himself away from the table, shaking as he put his plate in the sink and stumbling up the stairs and into Matt's bedroom. Matt was in fresh clothes now, digging through his closet and pulling out new clothing.

"I know edd told me not to take you outside, but I really want to go to the park." Matt shoved an armful of clothes into tords arms. "Go take a shower and get dressed, This stays between us." Tord nodded, stumbling back to the bathroom. Setting his clothes on the counter, Tord started up the shower and let the water hit his hand while he adjusted the temperature. Slowly, he could feel himself sinking back into normalcy. He tossed his clothes in the hamper and stepped under the water once he was satisfied.

The water felt amazing on his skin, and for a while tord just stood there. After a few more minutes, he picked up a bright red rag and soap, rubbing them together and cleaning himself. Matt knocked on the door, asking if he was okay. He told him he was, turning off the water and stepping onto the bath mat. Drying and dressing himself, tord exited the bathroom and found himself back in Matt's room. Matt was busy doing his makeup, so Tord laid down to give his legs a rest. 

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