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A / N
Anything in italics is in the past.

Edd and Tom walked down the street, chatting animatedly. As they walked, Someone in red caught Edd's eye. Pausing, the brit looked a bit closer. Was that a….person?  Tom noticed the silence, turning to his friend curiously. "Edd?" 

"Do you see what I see?" He mumbled, elbowing his and pointing at the figure slumped over in the ally. They wore a tattered red hoodie, matted Caramel blonde hair, and scars lining his entire right side. His frame trembled as he took in a rattling breathe. Tord.

"Commie," Tom growled, narrowing his eyes. Edd stumbled forward, Tom having to hold him so he wouldn't run headfirst into traffic. "Let's just leave him to die as he deserves." he scoffed, attempting to tug Edd away. It didn't work, as he quickly brushed him off and crossed the street. 

"Tom, we have to do something. We can't just leave him here." Edd whined, carefully setting him up fully. The tattered male coughed sickly, and he truly looked like he was on his last leg of life. Tom shook his head.  

"Yes, the fuck we can, edd. He's a murderer and he doesn't deserve our kindness." 


"What if he tries to hurt or kill us again? What then?" Edd fell silent, staring sadly at the man who he once called his friend. His lips were pressed tightly together. 

"He's ou- My friend. He's my friend…. Am i supposed to leave him alone?"

"Can you forgive yourself if he kills me and Matt?"

"What if he hurts someone else?" He said after a moment. Turning slowly to his friend, his eyes seemed just a bit darker. "How could i forgive myself if i let him hurt so many innocent lives? Shouldn't we make sure he never hurts anyone else?" 

"I… um…" Tom raised a concerned eyebrow at the sudden change in his friend's demeanor. Edd smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Help me carry him, Tom." 


Tord ate his cereal, feet pulled up into the chair. Tear tracks stained his face as he stared listlessly ahead. What had his life become? When he was a young boy, he'd never imagine he'd find himself in this position. Never thought the people he considered his family would hurt him. It wasn't fair. Sure, maybe he did some awful things. Sure, maybe he ended someone's life. Sure, maybe he abandoned them for 8 years. Yeah, he wasn't the best person in the world. 

Even with all of that, did he truly deserve months of endless torture?

"Hey, commie." Tord flinched, whipping around to face the source of the voice. Deep void eyes stared back at him, so cold it filled him with an icy fear.

"T-tom… what brings you here…?" He muttered, trembling ever so slightly. He'd never get over the trauma Tom caused, and he'd always be fearful of him. The brit narrowed his eyes, stepping a bit closer. Maybe his fears were justified.

"Do you think we're gonna go back to the way we used to live? Do you think we're just gonna let you back and live like normal? Do you think after everything we're gonna forget everything you did to us?" He asked bluntly, confusing and scaring Tord even more. What brought this? 

"N-no. I know you hate me…." It was barely a whisper. Tom seemed satisfied with this answer, thankful.

"Good. Don't fucking forget that. You don't deserve Edd or Matt's kindness, and you sure as hell aren't gonna get mine." Tom spat, grabbing him by his hoodie front and pulled them close. Way too close. "Murderers don't deserve to live. If they don't do something soon, I will." With that, Tom left the kitchen.

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