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"RISE AND SHINE, GARBAGE" Edd's screaming and a sharp kick to the gut is what Tord woke up. He coughed up some blood, prying his eye open to stare up at his torturer. Edd grabbed him by the hair and forced him up, hitting him with something metal. He squeezed his eyes shut as the ringing returned. His scalp was sore from how much his hair was pulled on. "Tom told me what you did yesterday. Breaking rules now, are we?" He spat, gripping his hair and forcing them to meet eyes. Tord whimpered, biting his tongue to keep from speaking.

"Tom, I think you went easy on him"

"What?" Tom raised an eyebrow.

"He's still got both eyes, doesn't he? Oh, wait," they both burst out in laughter as if tords pain was funny to them. It was, they enjoyed this. They enjoyed breaking tord down to his lowest, then mocking him. They fucking enjoyed hurting, and bruising, and taking what was left of him! Was it so funny to hurt? He'd show them fucking funny. Feeling rage bubbling under his skin, Tord smacked Edd, causing him to stumble back in shock. 

Rule 5; Never hit or fight back

"Son of a bitch!" Tom cursed, picking up the weapon he'd drop and holding it high above his shoulder as he moved in front of him. Tord was now able to see the weapon which happened to be…. A crowbar? Yeah, a crowbar.

Wait, what?

Tord ducked, hands flying to cover his head. Tom could only gape at Tords sudden display of defiance His shock morphed to a look of absolute rage, and he rammed the end into Tords empty socket. The man below him screamed, hands flying up to cover the socket. Slowly, his scowl changed to a grin, and he began to giggle. "HeheheheheHEHEHEHE" His laughter grew louder and louder, Tord only being able to stare in petrified fear. "Finally grew the balls to fight back, ain't he?" Tom said finally, elbowing Edd. Edd started in confusion before a look of understanding came across his face. 

Rule 4: Always let them hit you

They towered over tord, grinning with ill-intent. While not the shortest in the group, tord had always been small compared to most. It was always times like these where he felt exceptionally small. It wasn't his fault everyone was freakishly fucking tall, but holy shit. Holy fucking shit. They started to whisper to each other, still staring down at the scared commie. After a few moments of shared words, Edd left Tom and tord alone together in the basement. "You've got a lot of nerve to hit Edd," Tom stated, pinching the bridge of his nose. "But somewhere deep down he still cares about you, so you better be fucking appreciative of this." Edd came back down the stairs, a key in hand. He disconnected the chains from the wall and unlocked the cuffs from his wrists, leaving only the cuff around his neck like a sick collar and leash.

"Come on, since you finally stood up for yourself, I think we can let you out this once," Edd said, pulling him to his feet. Tord trembled, his legs weak like jelly after not using them for so long. Carefully leaning against Edd, pleased when the other simply let him. It was a struggle to get up the stairs, and edd resorted to picking him up in bridal style and carrying him the rest of the way up. Tord squeezed his eyes shut at the bright light, letting out a small whimper. "What? Do you want to go back down there?"

Tord shook his head quickly as he was placed on the floor. Once he was able to open his eyes without pain, he looked around the living room. It was all so… Colorful! And it was new, and Tord felt overwhelmed with all the new information. The floor was soft and red, the walls and ceilings a nice cream color. There was a….couch? Yeah, it was called a couch. Just to be sure, he pointed to the object while staring up. "C..ouch?" he croaked, feeling like he'd swallowed sandpaper. Edd nodded as he went to sit on the couch. Not trusting his legs to carry him, Tord crawled across the floor like a toddler. He gasped at every new thing that came into his line of sight. Finally, he came across the window, getting up to peer out of it. It was so pretty!

Tortured and Abused (2020 reboot)Where stories live. Discover now