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Edd woke up with a crick in his back. He was never falling asleep on the couch again. Sitting up, the Brit looked around in a half sleep daze. He blinked bleary as he took in his soundings



What was the sound?


Where was tord? Why was the scent of blood in the air? Oh god no, please no-


Edd dragged himself off the cough and flew down the basement stairs. He pulled out his phone flashlight, searching for the hidden door in a blind panic. Finding it, he threw it open.

He wanted to vomit

"Police arrived to arrest Thomas Rosewell, Edward Gold and…... Have been charged with…."

There lay Tord, laying in the middle of the floor, a large cut spilling blood from his throat. He let out weak gurgling sounds, eyes dull and rolled back into this skull. Edd screamed, rushing over to his friend's side. How could this happen? "No! No no no no no, please god no. I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." He wailed.

"....mpted murder, kidnapping, torture, and domestic abuse. The jury finds the defences guilty."

"Edd?" Matt stood in the doorway, face painted with horror.

"Call an ambulance, someone! Please!" Edd begged, holding the dying friend close. Matt gave only slight hesitation before rushing off to get his phone.

"...was found guilty on charges of domestic abuse and kidnapping… final sentencing of 50 years in prison"

Matt sobbed on the phone,  begging them to hurry up. Yet it was all for show, because he knew. He knew and he knew that the others had forgotten.

"Let go on 2 years of probation after further questioning."

Somewhere in the world, 4 people were curled up together on a big bed. On the TV, a rerun of the trial was playing. Only one of them. Hadn't seen it, but after much begging they agreed to play it. They sat in silenced pain, holding each other tightly, even if it had been so long ago.

"I'm sorry we weren't there for you." One of them said, pressing a kiss to the smallest person's cheek. The only smiled, signing back a simple 'I've already forgiven you.'

"...has been found guilty on all charges…… Has been sentenced to life in prison."

A / N

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
Chapter word count: 382
Overall word count: 13,067

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