Flowers and fire: Not a good combination

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(Katie Gardner is with Travis Stoll in this chapter)

Art Credits to Viria on Tumblr

Did I use a Wheel decider to choose the characters? Y e s

Katie Gardner POV

So today did not go as planned. 

First of all, time is supposedly frozen. I was in class when this happened.


Then I had to drive all the way to Camp Half-Blood. Only to find that Chiron is frozen too, along with every other camper. Well, except Will, Nico, Rachel, and Connor. Apparently, everybody else thought that it was a good idea to drive there too. Everybody that wasn't frozen that is.

It honestly wasn't that many people.

Clarisse, Chris, Grover, and Travis.

Yep. Travis Stoll, my boyfriend.

None of us got the chance to talk. Before any of us even opened our mouths, a blinding light made it's way to my eyes.

Black spots danced in front of my eyes as I opened them. I frowned, I was laying on something. When was I laying on something before?

"Uh. . .Hello?"

I sat up quickly and looked in the direction of the voice. It was Chiron, it had to be Chiron. But he was frozen? So how exactly is he talking? I looked up, it was Chiron in centaur form.

"Chiron?.." I asked hesitantly.

"Yes, that is me." He replied, a frown on his face. "You appear to be laying on somebody dear." He finished, looking down.

I followed his gaze and saw curly brown hair. I blinked.

"LEO!?" I yelled as I stood up.

"Jeez lady you're heavy." He replied in a muffled voice.

I glared at his back. Which he must've felt because he immediately sprang up from the ground with a nervous look on his face. Huh, Calypso must be scary. His eyes widened as he looked past my shoulder, he suddenly stood straighter.

Because of this, I looked back.

Apart of me wished that I didn't

Behind me was Camp Half-Blood. But not the same one that I knew now. It was the one that I knew 5 years ago, or was it 6? Either way, it was unbelievable. I looked at Chiron, panicked.

"What's going on? Why are we here?"

He must have sensed how confused I was because he gave me a pitiful look. I honestly hated that look, but I didn't tell him. 

"It seems that the fates have chosen you and some demigods to come to the past." He answered.

I stared at him as if he were saying that Kronos had come back to haunt us once more.

"WHAT!?" Leo and I yelled in unison.

My head whipped to the dining table, scanning all of the tables until I found the Hermes table. Travis, Connor, Percy, and Luke. Luke. 

"Oh my gods." I muttered in surprise.

"So you're saying that time only stopped because the fates wanted us to come to the past?" Leo asked.

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