He's Alive? And she used to be dead? Huh, what a coincidence (It really is)

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Jason POV

Sitting in the Underworld got a little boring after a while. I mean, sure, it was funny when random people asked me if I was Chris Hemsworth. I had to tell them no, sadly I was not Chris Hemsworth, I just happen to have lightning powers. 

Even with all the friends I made; Charles, Silena, Phoebe. . . I was still lonely. Loneliness seemed familiar to me. I felt alone when my mom left me with Lupa, or, at least I think I did. I felt lonely when I was on that bus with Leo and Piper; trying to figure out why the Hades I was there. I felt lonely when Piper left me.

I'm so proud of Piper.

And now I see her. Standing even more stunning than the last time I saw her. Except, I know she doesn't love me. I don't think she ever did. And I'm okay with that; why? Mostly because I'm dead, but also because a part of me knew-

Wait. I'm dead.


I opened my mouth in shock. I should be dead, why am I here? Why can they actually see me. They can see me. Oh gods.

A quick blur reached my eyes, and I felt something holding onto me. I looked down and saw a mess of black hair; shorter than it was before. Nico was hugging me. 

I slowly wrapped my arms around him as my eyes teared up. I wanted to cry, I really did. Was this some sick joke? Or was it real? Nico didn't even seem to stiffen as I returned the hug. He's doing so much better.

"Jason, oh my gods you idiot."

The wording made it sound like a teasing insult, but it was filled with pain and relief.

Piper was frantically wiping tears from her eyes as she slowly fell to the floop. Sobs racked her body as she covered her face with her hands. 

Everybody stood still, silent.

Nico finally released me and glared straight into my eyes. I could see the tears threatening to come out, but I didn't mention it. 

"How could you just-" Nico struggled to form words, his face contorted into frustration. His hands were gripping onto his jacket and the grass seemed to die. The air was colder and the whole camp was still. Everybody was staring at him, anxiously waiting for the rest.

Suddenly, he looked down and stormed out of the pavilion, leaving a trail of dead grass behind him. Every step was filled with hate and pain. His whole soul felt like it exploded and mended itself together in one second.

Guilt filled my stomach as I watched him go. I didn't mean to die that day, I didn't want to die that day. But when I did die, I knew that I shouldn't go back. It wasn't right. I knew I couldn't talk to them. Was it because I didn't want to face them? It would be too sudden, right?

We stood in silence, the only sound you could hear were Pipers quiet sniffles and hiccups. I looked at her and was about to walk over to her when Thalia stood in my way. She shook her head and I understood. She needed time. I couldn't just pop out of nowhere and expect her to stop grieving over my death. 

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