Miranda's in Florida

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I started my long trip by flying straight over Virginia to North Carolina, where I stopped for another break. It took me three and a half hours to get to Charlotte and I was starving. I flew around until I found a McDonald's, craving some chicken nuggets. I quietly landed in a place no one would see and walked into the restaurant. 

"Hello and welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?" the cashier asked.

I looked up at the menu, my mouth watering. "Um, yeah. Can I get a 40 piece chicken nugget, a large fry and a large Dr. Pepper?"

"Yes, ma'am. Any sauce?"

"Sweet and sour, please."

"All right, your order will be $12.59."

I pulled out my wallet and handed the cashier $15. "Keep the change."

I stood off to the side and waited for my food. A family sat by a window, eating and laughing and messing around. I looked at them with envy, missing my family.

"Your order, ma'am?" A woman put a paper bag on the counter with a large soda next to it.

"Oh, right. Sorry." I grabbed my food. "Thank you."

"Have a good day."

"You too." 

I sat at a table by a window on the other side of the restaurant and set out my meal. Within 20 minutes, all of my food was gone and in my stomach being digested. I sipped the last of my drink and put it into the paper bag and into the garbage before leaving.

It was late, the sky dark and littered with stars. I still had five more hours until I got to Daytona Beach and it'd probably take me another half hour to find the hotel Miranda was staying at. I looked for a cheap place to stay. As I walked around, I found a Motel 6 a few blocks from the McDonald's.

I walked all the way to the motel, my feet killing me and my wounds felt like they were on fire. Several cars were parked outside. 

I walked into the office and paid for one night with cash.

I unlocked the door to my room and went inside, locking the door behind me. The room was decent, green walls, curtains and bedspreads. A desk sat against the wall by the door, a tv on an entertainment center against the wall opposite the beds. I tossed the key and my backpack onto the other bed and yawned. Not even bothering to change clothes, I turned off the lights and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I awoke to my shoulder throbbing. I groaned at the pain, rolled over a little too far and fell off the bed, grunting. I got up and rubbed my head, then groaned as I stood up and got my first-aid kit out of my backpack. 

Pulling off my shirt, I checked the dressing Sarah had done. It was still holding up pretty well, so I left it alone. Then I changed my clothes, putting on a pair of athletic shorts and a loose short-sleeved shirt. 

I sighed as I took a tylenol. I couldn't heal myself, it would take too much energy. Energy that I needed to make it to Florida. Once I got to Florida, I would heal myself completely.

I put my hair into a ponytail, pulled on my shoes and made sure that all of my things were packed and ready to go. I quickly ate a granola bar and decided it was good enough for now. 

Grabbing my backpack, I went outside and looked for the nearest Walgreen's. It wasn't far. When I went in, it was practically empty. I quickly found the hair product aisle, found some black hair dye, paid for it and went back to the motel. Once I got back, I began the process of dying my hair. 

After about half an hour, my hair was done. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It was now pure black, no one should be able to recognize me immediately. Now that I was ready, I slid on a pair of sunglasses and checked out of the motel.

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