Rescue Plans

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Steve's POV

I punched the bag hard, stressed beyond belief. Alexx ran away, told us where she was, then she disappeared before we even got there. We got to Florida, but Miranda had no idea what happened to Alexx. She said that Alexx had left to get more medical supplies for her injuries and never returned. 

That was a month and a half ago. Tony, Bruce, Clint, Nat, Ryan and JARVIS were all trying to track her down. We knew HYDRA took her from everything Miranda had told us, and they were keeping us off their scent.

I punched the bag several more times, angry with myself. I should have known she would have left as soon as we gave her a chance.

Abby laid by the bench, asleep. She seemed to be as stressed as I was, it wore her out. She always paced around, sniffed Alexx's things, slept in her bed after Tony had the window repaired.

I couldn't handle being away from Alexx when I knew she was in danger. I'd be out there now looking for her if it wasn't for Tony. He told JARVIS to make sure I didn't leave the tower by myself.

I grabbed the towel from the bench, Abby waking up when I did. I wiped my face and the back of my neck, then started toward my room. Abby followed me until we passed Alexx's room, where she went in and laid on her bed.

I took a quick shower, dried off and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, then I went to the lab where everyone was working.

"Find anything new?" I asked.

Tony took a sip of his coffee. "We're as close as we were before."

"Shut up, Tony. We're getting close, Steve. You should rest. You look exhausted." Nat said.

I nodded. "Let me know when you find something."

"Of course."

I left the lab and went straight to Alexx's room. Her scent overwhelmed me and tears welled up in my eyes. I laid on her bed, face down. I held her pillow to my face, taking in the familiar smell of chocolate. Alexx loved chocolate and always seemed to smell of the sweet treat.

Tears flooded my eyes as I buried my face into her pillow, wishing so much that Alexx was safe with me.


Alexx's POV

After cutting me open and poking my insides for what seemed like the hundredth time, Pinkie -- or Jack -- dragged my half destroyed body from the lab. He threw me into my cell and locked the bar door.

I laid on the ground in a bloody heap. My wings had lost several feathers and looked like a diseased bird's wings; cut, bloodied and missing several feathers. They were even broken in places. My body was covered in bruises and cuts and gashes. My long hair had been chopped off because it got in the way of their torture. It was shaggy and stopped an inch below my ears. 

I sat up and held my knees to my chest, my head resting on them. I curled up against the wall, wishing I could cry. Tears no longer came, Ashley rarely gave me water and never gave me food. She was barely keeping me alive. 

My eyes closed as my consciousness slowly slipped away, and I welcomed the darkness.


My eyes opened and I wished I could close them again. 

Ever since I'd been there that first day, I hadn't been given any new clothes. Now, I sat in my cell, completely naked and alone.

I heard footsteps and looked up at the approaching bodies. Tiny -- or Amos -- grinned and walked toward me menacingly as soon as Ashley opened my cell. He wrapped his large fingers around my wrist and lift me up above his head. I was so weak I couldn't do anything and just became limp. 

Ashley stood in front of me with a large syringe. "I think it's time to put you out of your misery. Of course, this poison will only slow the process of death, so you'll still be alive for another day or two. But you will die here, cold and alone in this shitty cell."

"Please...leave me alone..." I pleaded.

"Sorry, can't do that." 

Ashley shoved the needle into my neck and forced the liquid into me. My body jolted as the serum reacted inside me, and I grunted from the pain.

"Now, we wait." Ashley smiled.

Amos dropped me, then kicked me in the stomach, and while I groaned and writhed in pain, Ashley and Amos left my cell and locked the door. They watched me closely as I looked at them, my body going through so much pain. I wished I could burn them.

Someone walked behind them and my eyes widened a bit.


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