Don't Mess With Fire

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Steve's POV

Alexx's scream pierced the air, heard over the thunder, and I ran toward her. Ashley stood over her with a bloodied sword in her hand. I looked at Alexx's crumpled body and tears filled my eyes. 

I moved to run to her aid, but Alexx looked at me and held her hand out. Stopping, I looked at  her. She wouldn't last long without help. Alexx was soaked from the rain, the water doing little to clear away the ash from the fire from the apartment.

Alexx stood on wobbly legs, staring at Ashley, who -- I just noticed -- was aiming a gun at my head, her finger on the trigger. Ashley pulled the trigger and Alexx was suddenly in front of me, protecting me from the bullet. How she had gotten there so fast, I wish I knew.

She grunted as the bullet shot into her right shoulder. I moved to help Alexx, but she stopped me again. I watched as hate and rage took over. Her black hair was sticking to her face, her bangs almost covering her eyes. Bright orange flames came from her hands and moved around, engulfing her entire body. I watched as the fire healed her wounds, but once it did, it didn't dissipate. Instead it seemed to become stronger.

Alexx was beyond angry. The state she was now in, she didn't feel physical pain. Her emotional pain was what drove her. She rarely let this happen, and it scared me when it did. She almost didn't look human anymore, her humanity almost gone.

With her wings spread wide and her body engulfed in raging orange flames, Alexx walked toward Ashley. When she was within two feet of Ashley, Alexx looked back at the man holding Lily. Lily looked terrified, by the man holding her and by the sight of Alexx.

A dagger made of fire materialized in Alexx's hand and she threw it toward Lily and the man, not even aiming. I moved to protect Lily, but the dagger moved as well. At first, it was headed straight for Lily, but now, it seemed to move on its own as it went right into the man's chest. The man let go of Lily and stumbled backwards, clawing at the dagger in his chest. It was made of fire so he wasn't able to actually remove it. He soon fell backwards, his body lifeless. The dagger then disappeared.

Alexx turned to me, giving me a look I instantly understood. I ran and pulled Lily into my arms, hugging her close and trying to calm her down. She was crying, traumatized. I knelt down and watched Alexx, who was again looking at Ashley.


Alexx's POV

Ashley saw the emotions in my eyes and fear filled her own. She knew what I was capable of. She knew I could easily destroy her. 

Ashley's eyes widened as my fire disappeared.

"You have always hurt me, now and in the past. You kidnapped an innocent little girl and used her to get to me." I hissed through clenched teeth.

"A-Alexx...please..." Ashley cried, dropping her weapons.

I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and held her above the ground.

"I'm the one that made you stronger! I...I told Jess to turn you into this! She was going to kill you! You would have been the most powerful weapon HYDRA had!" she cried.

"No." I slammed Ashley against a car, denting the metal. "I am not a weapon. I don't care what you 'did' for me. I don't think you cared about me at all." I looked at her. "Why do you even want Jess killed?"

Ashley groaned. "Jess isn't exactly the loving mother a kid could want."

I looked at her as things started to make sense. 

"She was abusive and obsessed with experimentation. With creating the perfect human weapon. She loved you because of the way you turned out. But me? I was just her lab rat, used to perfect serums. She would always reverse the effects on me because she didn't want me to become powerful and kill everyone." She chuckled angrily. "She only cared about herself."

"I had no idea..."

"Of course you didn't. You were stupid and young and always in a cage."

I sighed and shook my head. I didn't want to feel bad for her, so I pushed everything I learned to the back of my mind and looked at her as she looked at me with confusion.

"If I ever see you again, and I know you're still HYDRA, I will kill you." I promised.

"Why are you doing this?" Ashley asked.

"I'm not a murderer like you." I moved closer to her. "I was there for you when Jess wasn't. Remember that." I whispered into her ear.

I turned around and walked toward Steve and Lily, ignoring the commotion behind me as cops ran in and arrested Ashley. Within five feet of them, my legs buckled beneath me. Steve quickly ran to me, his arms out as he barely caught me, keeping me from hitting the ground.

I groaned as Steve held me close. Lily stood a few feet away hiding behind Nat. 

Hiding from me.

I looked toward her. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Lily. I shouldn't have done that." I felt ashamed.

"Nat, take Lily to her mom." Steve ordered. She nodded and left with Lily.

I looked at Steve and smiled softly. All of my wounds had completely healed, but because I had used my fire so strongly, my body was exhausted. I wasn't used to using so much fire all at once.

Steve looked at me with tears in his eyes. He gently brushed my hair from my eyes and smiled sadly. "You are so beautiful." Steve's tears fell on my face, along with rain drops. He pulled me close, his face buried into my shoulder.

Steve moved back and looked at me again. I placed my hand on his jaw and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. Steve put his hand on mine and held it tight, not wanting to let go.

My eyes filled with tears. I had scared Lily and probably scarred her for life. She would never forgive me for that.

I couldn't blame her.

I had scared Steve as well. I knew he hated it when I let my powers and anger take over. He had told me before that it frightened him, and I did it anyway.

"I'm so sorry, Steve." I whispered. I could feel my consciousness quickly slipping away. "Steve, don't worry about me. I'm just going to...take a nap."

I smiled as my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep.

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