SHIELD Headquarters

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Steve went to Fury's office after dropping me off at the infirmary. He had insisted I get checked by the doctors.

"Broken ribs isn't too serious of an injury, as long as pieces haven't broken off." The nurse, Emma, looked at the x-ray screen. "And lucky for you, they haven't. Now, all you need is rest. No fighting, nothing that could possibly make it worse. They will heal on their own. Make sure you take plenty of pain medications, and go about your day normally. But I do need to get that shrapnel out of your leg."

"Oh, yeah. That..." I sighed.

"Suit off, please. You can put this gown on." Emma hands me a hospital gown.

"Mind if I just change here?"

She looks around the room. "I don't see why not."

I stood up with my weight all on my right leg, then I took off my catsuit. It was bloodstained a bit, and had some ash on it from the grenade. Once it was off, I pulled the hospital gown on and tied it in the back.  

"Alright," I laid on the hospital bed and extended my left leg for Emma so she had better access to the wounds. "Let's get this over with."

For about half an hour, Emma carefully took shrapnel pieces out of my leg, and I winced every time. Once all the shrapnel was out, Emma sanitized and cleaned each area, then she put gauze on them. She wrapped a bandage around my whole leg to keep the gauze in place. 

"Alright, I think you should be fine." Emma nodded.

"So she'll be okay?" Steve walked in, but he wasn't wearing his suit. Instead, he was wearing a white t-shirt, dark jeans and a black jacket, his shield on his back.

"She'll be fine, with rest and care. And lots of pain killers."

"Good." He looked at me. "Fury debriefed me, so we can leave now."

I nodded, and stood up. "Alright, lemme change into something normal." I grabbed the pile of folded clothes Emma had brought in and put them on. A tank top, a pair of sweatpants, and some sneakers. "All right, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Steve replied. He spun on his heel and walked toward the door. I followed him slowly, trying to be careful with my leg.

As we went, I pulled on a jacket and we left.

New Avenger (A Steve Rogers love story)Where stories live. Discover now