Meeting Pepper Potts

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Abby sat on my bed, tail wagging as I got dressed. Today I decided to wear something simple; a white v-neck and light blue yoga pants. I almost never took off the bracelet Tony gave me. Abby then followed me as I walked from my room to the kitchen for breakfast, combing my fingers through my hair to make it look a bit better. 

"Want some coffee, Alexx?" Tony offered as I walked in. 

"Yeah, that sounds great." I smiled and sat at the island as Tony handed me a fresh cup of coffee. I sipped it and sighed happily. "So warm."

Setting my cup on the counter, I poured Abby some dog food into her bowl. 

Thor entered the kitchen and froze when he saw me, giving me a soft smile.

"Good morning, Thor." I smiled. "I didn't get a chance to show you what got me my ticket to join the team yesterday, did I?"

Thor chuckled and shook his head. "No you didn't, but I would like to see."

I sipped a bit more coffee and stood up. I then lit one of my hands on fire, snaking it around my arm and making it float around the room a bit. "I have pyrokinesis with fire that heals and hurts. I also got thermal vision recently." I extinguished the flames. "I'm built similar to Steve; strength, speed, longevity, etcetera." Then I spread my wings a bit. "I also grew these a couple months ago. Some may say I'm 'over-powered', but I think I'm just the right amount of powered."

"I would have to agree. More powers means a better chance of winning a battle." Thor smiled.

I folded my wings and smiled. "Thanks." I suddenly felt a finger poke my back, causing my wings to spring outward in response. "Damn it, Tony. You know I could knock someone out!"

Tony laughed and I smacked the back of his head as he walked away. I sighed and grabbed my coffee.

"You are a powerful sorceress, Alexx." Thor commented.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled.

"You remind me of my brother."

"You mean Loki?"

"Yes. He's a powerful sorcerer. I'm sure you two would get along."

A woman walked into the kitchen behind Thor. She was pretty, her strawberry blonde hair pulled into a neat bun, her outfit a pantsuit. She looked at me curiously. 

"Hello, I assume you are Pepper Potts?" I asked.

"That I am. You must be Alexx Monroe." She nodded.

"Looks like both of us did our homework." I walked toward her and offered my hand. "It's an honor to officially meet you." 

Pepper shook my hand and smiled gently. "The honor is mine. Working with Tony means I get to meet all of the new Avengers."

"All of them?"

"Well, only you and Robyn. Tony says Robyn isn't a part of the team because she's too young, but between you and me, she is a member." 

"Hell yeah I am." Robyn walked over and snatched an apple from the counter. 

Pepper sighed. "I need to get to work, but I'll see you around a lot, I'm sure."

I nodded and watched as she left. Then I looked at Robyn. "Youngest Avenger ever, huh?"

"Yup. I'm probably the strongest, too. After aunt Nat." Robyn shrugged.

When I finished my coffee, I rinsed out my cup and gently placed it into the dishwasher. "Thanks for the coffee, Tony." 

"You're welcome." Tony called after me as I left the room.

Abby followed me closely as I walked through the halls toward Steve's room. When we got there, I peeked inside and found that Steve wasn't in there. 

"JARVIS, would you happen to know where Steve is?" I asked.

"He is in the gym." JARVIS replied.

"Thank you."

I closed Steve's door and headed toward the elevator to go down to the gym. As Abby and I got closer to the gym, I could hear Steve grunting. I opened the door and Abby trotted in, sitting by a bench. 

"Hey, Steve." I walked toward him.

Steve lift the 3,000 pounds of weight off his chest and grunted. I stood by his head, ready to spot him, even though he wouldn't need it. He let it sink down to his chest, then lifted it again, and I grabbed it, putting it on the hooks. Steve sat up and I passed him a towel, sitting next to him on the bench. 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you?" Steve panted.

"Yeah, I'm good. I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk and get some breakfast." 

Steve wiped the back of his neck with the towel and nodded. "That sounds great."

I stood up and offered my hand to Steve. He took it and I pulled him to his feet. I wrapped my arm around his waist and leaned against him as we walked. Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me close.

"Let's get you in the shower before we go." I chuckled.


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