Jessica Bruns

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Jessica Bruns' POV

I woke up to silence, which was odd. Usually, someone woke me up by banging on the wall to feed me.

But not this time. This time, I woke up on my own.

I sat up and listened to the silence. Nobody was around.

There was a sudden static sound throughout the tower and I looked around curiously.

"Hey, AI! What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Hello, Jess."

I knew that voice.

"Is this a rescue mission, Johnny?" I smiled.

"It sure is, ma'am." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Great. Let's get me out of here. Where do I go?"

"Hold on. The cell door should open in three, two, one."

Right on cue, the door opened and I walked toward it. "Johnny, where are the Avengers? Where's Alexx?"

"They're on vacation, ma'am. In France. She just saved the plane we tried to use to get rid of them all." Johnny replied.

"Damn. She's more powerful than I ever could've hoped for. And that's a problem." I looked around and went through the halls.

Getting to an elevator, I went up.

"The Avengers have files on the third floor, if you want to take some?" Johnny informed.

"Perfect. Tell me where to go."

I went to the third floor and followed his instructions until I got to a closed door. I opened it and looked around. Stepping out, I moved to the room, quickly finding boxes full of paper. As I went through a box, I realized that the papers were scavenged data from missions the Avengers had been on.

I looked through another box and found information on all of the Avengers. A file with Alexx's picture in it caught my eye.

"Bingo." I scanned through the file and smiled excitedly. It was very detailed, showing what experiments had been done on her and what mutations and powers she had.

I grabbed the entire box of Avengers files and stuffed a few more files into it, files about other experiments I could try on subjects.

Grabbing the box, I ran toward the elevator. On the way, I passed what looked like a lab, robots asleep on each side. I carefully placed the box on a table as I walked in, noticing a few small reactors a lot like Tony Stark's chest piece. I smiled evilly and took some, tossing them into the box. Then I noticed a purple stone glowing softly, the light pulsing. I looked at it curiously and carefully picked it up.

Nothing happened.

I put the stone in the box, grabbed the box, then ran to the elevator. When it reached the top floor, I took the stairs to get to the roof. There, a jet waited for me, Johnny smiling outside it.

"Good to see you again, Johnny." I smiled as I got to the jet.

"Good to see you too, ma'am." he smiled.

Johnny helped me into the jet and I buckled in and held onto the box as we flew away.

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