What's Happening to Me?

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A/N: The above piece of art is a piece I commissioned, so please do NOT use it. Thank you, and enjoy!

Steve's POV

Alexx sat next to me, staring into space. She looked horrified. I shook her shoulder and she came out of her trance. "Alexx, are you okay?" I asked.

"I-I'm just tired." Alexx replied. "Is there a room I can sleep in, Mr. Stark?"

"Please, it's Tony. And yeah, just down that hall. You can choose any room you want."

Without another word, Alexx walked down the hall.

"Is she okay?" Tony asked.

"She was fine until now." I shrugged.

"You should go check on her." Clint suggested while he ate Doritos.

"She said she's tired. Give her some space." Robyn ordered. 

Our time in Washington was rough, several casualties. I could see it hit Alexx hard. I was sure she blamed herself. I knew something haunted her, something that had to be from her past, but she wouldn't tell me what it was. 

"Good idea, Robyn. DC hit her hard. Quite literally, too." Nat said.

"I agree. She needs some time to herself." Bruce added.

"You're turn, Clint." Tony said, getting back to the game. I was glad that there was still Monopoly. A lot had changed since I went down in that plane 70 years ago.

Clint rolled the dice. Three and one. "Damn it! I'm still in jail." Clint sighed, causing us all to laugh.

Tony grabbed the dice. "My turn." He shook them in his hands and tossed them onto the table.

A scream pierced the air and echoed through the tower. 

"What in the hell was that?" Robyn asked.

I shot up to my feet. "Alexx." I ran toward the scream, Tony, Clint, Nat, Bruce and Robyn close behind.


Alexx's POV

I walked down the hall and went into the last room. It was nice, modern. The wall farthest from the door was made entirely of glass. Standing in front of it, I could see New York's night life.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I took in the sights of the city as I took my hoodie off. It was beautiful. I took in a much needed deep breath and held it for a moment before letting it out.

Watching Steve as he almost had his life ripped from him was horrible. And me nearly dying as well was worse. Learning I was made to kill Steve ripped my heart into pieces and I couldn't handle it anymore.

I lift up the sheets on the bed and laid down, wanting to get some sleep. Suddenly, I felt an odd sensation in my back. I could feel the bones in my back shifting and changing. In fact, I could feel almost every bone in my body, moving and growing and changing position. I could feel my muscles becoming stronger. I began to feel lighter, and I swear I felt my bones becoming hollow.

All of it was painful, causing me to grunt through clenched teeth. Excruciating pain shot through my back, a sharp, stabbing pain. I felt like I was being butchered from the inside out. I held in the screams as long as I could. With every second, the pain grew worse. Suddenly, I felt as if something was coming through my back, from inside me. I felt bones growing inside my back, then coming out, attaching to new sockets in my shoulder blades.

I couldn't hold in the screams any longer. I screamed out in pain, in agony. Never before in my life had I felt a pain so horrifying. Not even being shot and stabbed by Bucky was this bad.

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