Chapter 12 - October

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It was coming towards halloween. The time of the year where all children knock at random peoples houses and ask for sweets. Now on the other hard kids my age don't really do it...anymore. So I was thinking of things I could do, maybe I could meet Nathan?
It's was now Thursday 30th of October and me and Nathan had decided to meet in the woods at 8:00 pm.
As I was getting ready I thought I'd wear makeup to look prettyish. In the end I wore eyeliner and mascara and foundation...something but nothing big. I had to decide what I should wear which would make me look more like I had curves. So I wore black skinny jeans and my slim fitting black top... And black converse. I had no idea what todo with my hair, I thought maybe I should have it up but then what if I had to redo it? So I went with the simple all down hairstyle if that is one.
My mum was going to a halloween party so I had the house to myself, which was good because I wouldn't have to climb out the window. Earlier that day I had argued with her so I didn't think she was going to say bye. When she left I was ready to leave. I brought my phone fully charged and some spray to make sure I smelt good.
It was turning 7:35 and I was worrying if my mum was going to leave in time. I quickly messaged Nathan saying,
'Sorry, mums not left yet might be late. I won't be long.'
He never responded.
She left for 7:45 and I was okay to leave. I had a quick look in the mirror to see if I looked okay, grabbed a jacket and locked the door and put my keys in my bag.
I walked all the way to 'shortgrove' and was nearly there. Then I got a message from Nathan saying,
'Hey, yeah sorry me too..'
'How long?'
'Maybe 20 minutes....sorry'
'It's okay, why?'
'.....I'll tell you when I get there'
He went offline and I was left waiting on the curb outside the woods. I was scared someone was going to grab me....
15 minutes later...
'I'm on my way now.'
By the time he got there it was 8:25,
'Hey!' I said with a big smile on my face.
'.....hey' he said leaning in for a hug.
We hugged quite awkwardly but it was okay.
'Why was you late?'
'...oh just family shizz'
I didn't want to make him upset or something.
After a pause..
'I've missed you...'
'I've missed you too..'
'Are you okay?' I asked
'Yeah..I'm fine..' He raised his head as he said so
We both sat down on he curb.
'If his helps I brought some flash lights!' He said smiling.
'Haha yeah'
We spent most of the night wondering in the pitch black darkness with on flash lights to see. It was pushing 11 pm and I was worrying about time.
'Hey wanna see if we can get up that tree?!' Nathan asked
Struggling we both made it, things felt less awkward as we giggled unconsciously about little things.

We sat close.
He was looking at me like he was gonna say something then stopped himself.
'Are you okay?' I asked
'Yeah shouldn't we be getting back?' He questioned
'Oh yeah,'
I glanced at my phone realising it was half 11, my smile dropped...
'My mums going to be back any minute'
'Why don't we go back together?' *Nathan*
'We'd have to be quiet though'
'I don't mind' *Nathan*
We headed back as fast as we could sneaking though my bedroom window. We made it just in time, my mum was just parking on the front as we got in. I told Nathan to hide in my wardrobe as I pretended to get a drink for bed in front of her.
She was drunk so I rushed and shouted "goodnight" she nodded waving her hand for me to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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