Chapter 4 - Hospital part 1

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I arrived at the hospital.

I had butterflies in my tummy, i was terrified.

Keira mum kindly offered to drop us of but then asked us if she could stay.

We walked up to the a&e emergency desk.

"Whats your name miss?"the lady sounded nice.

"Maddison greenfields.."

She was doing quite a bit of typing and clicking on the computer till she found what she wanted.

"Oh here you are, so this is your mum right?"

"No im her friends mum" quickly said Mira (Keira mum)

" oh where is your mum Maddison?"

I hesitated " work "

" okay, just wait over there till the doctors ready."

I looked around me, looking to see if anybody was there for the same reason.

One boy was close to it. He had cuts up his arms like me but mine was from my mum his i think was from him... I honestly didn't know what happened to him...

We mad eye contact.

He smiled at me and so i smiled back.

I thought he was cute. He was thin. He got called in and he waved back before he went with his dad to the doctors room.

Soon after i got called in...

"Maddison Greenfield?"


"Okay, come in."

Keira and Mira stayed outside the room and left me to deal with the personal questions.

She asked me questions like how i was feeling and that my school had emailed my doctor to tell her everything i didn't really want to say...

She asked me to go on the scales to weigh me.

"Wow your in the underweight danger zone !"

"How much do i weigh?"

"4 stone 5!"

Id then realised i hadn't eaten much in the last three months so that could explain the weight loss.

"Your supposed to be at least 7 stone by your age, you are fourteen right?"


She gave me a disappointed face and carried going through my details.

"Can you take your coat of please?"

I did and closed my eyes so i couldn't see the fear my fresh bruises and cuts would bring to her face....

She quickly rushed to my arms, fear in her eyes looking upon my arms.

"Thats not all of it..."

I lifted up my trousers and tried to show her my legs.

"Have you experienced any type of bone break feel in your body were this person has hit you?!"


"I think we should keep you here for a month you need to recover..."

She organised all the rooming and bed situation and told me to go home and pack my things and got straight back there.

I told Keira and Mira everything, Mira took me home quickly because my mum would be home in about an hour so i had to be quick...

I packed all my 'good' clothes even good pyjamas.

I managed to get there not one sight of my mum.

I got my room card so i knew were i was staying.


Sorry for the late update, I've been busy with school. New twist. This is were the story starts kicking of. Next chapters not going to be long trying to get it done by next week *fingers crossed*

Nearly '90' wow! Seems so little but means so much! When I published the first chapter I thought I'd only get about fifteen read! I bet I've used that phrase before but oh well!!

Please Vote and Comment and keep reading I promise you it will get more interesting!


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