Chapter 2

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You get off work around 5:00 p.m, you walk out the building and get into your car. On the drive home you feel really tired.When you get home you unlock the door and plop down on the couch" oh shoot what to do what to do", you think to your self. You dial E.J's phone, he picks up,"uh hey Y/N what's up"? He asked with a litte hint nervousness on his voice." umm whats going on"you ask knowing somethings wrong." uh can you come over I need someone"? he yells into the phone causing you to move the slightly away from your ear." uh sure E.J and one more thing is everyone home for the night?"You ask not trying to be sus." uh yeah can you just hurry up please". he said starting to sound really desperate." ok ok i'm coming just give some time I'll be over.After about thirty mins you pack everything you need to stay over at the house. You get everything in the car and start your drive. When you arrive to the mansion you see E.J standing outside waiting for you" huh he must have been really scared" you think to step out of your car and walk up to him " hey E.J " you say smiling." hey Y/N " he says calmly. You grab your stuff and you both enter the mansion. As you walk in BEN runs past you and E.J looking terrified and then Jeff runs past with a water bottle. " sorry about them they do this every night." E.J says scratching the back of his head. " oh it's ok " you say smiling. You and E.J go upstairs, you make a sleep area on the floor. " hey  where is everyone anyway"? you ask curiously. " um I know everyone gathers in Masky's room for something not sure what it is" he says looking up at the ceiling." ok i'll be back" you say leaving the room. You go over to Masky's room and knock.The door opens and you see Masky." oh hey Y/N whats up?"he says. "uh is it ok if I can talk to everyone?"You say looking at him." uh yeah come in"he says moving out the way to let you in. "Hey Y/N ", They all say as you sit."hey guys I was wondering if you guys were doing anything for E.J's birthday tomorrow"? you ask looking them. " uh no" Toby says and everyone looks at him." what we really don't at least i'm telling the truth", he says crossing his arms."o.....k then, anyway um I was thinking if we took him to a restaurant". you say looking up at the ceiling."hey that's kinda a good idea", clockwork says smiling. "well is everyone ok with that", you ask looking at everyone."yeah", they all say in agreement." ok well im going to got to bed ,goodnight" you say yawning."But what restaurant ?" Brian says standing up." oh yeah um... well me and E.J used to go to this hibachi place not too long long from here, he always got chicken hibachi but he always got his chicken raw", you say giggling at the thought. " That sounds good i'm down if everyone else is", Nina said standing up. You and everyone agree about the hibachi place and everyone falls asleep in Masky's room except you. You carefully exit and go to E.J's room. When you open the door you look over and E.J fast asleep, you smile at the sight. You carefully walk over to your sleep area and lay down. You look at your phone and see 12:00 p.m. You sigh and turn off your phone. You cover up in your blanket and eventually fall asleep.

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