Chapter 9

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You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing. Your head shot up and looked at your phone. You sigh and grab your phone," hello", you say grabbing some clothes from your drawer."Hi good morning Y/N" it was your boss, what did she want. "Oh hi Mya do you need something" you said stepping in to the bathroom." um no actually I'm just calling you to tell you that you don't  have to come to work today, you finished all your paperwork." You sighed and put the clothes down." alright that's fine thank you bye." you say hanging up the phone. You go back into your room and sit down on your bed." well shit". you breathe out. You grab the T.V remote and turn the T.V on. You scroll through the channels and don't find any good shows so you shut off the T.V and walk back into the bathroom and take a shower. When you get out of the shower you grab a towel and dry off. While you were brushing your teeth you hear a light tapping on your window. You turn around and and E.J tapping on your window staring at you. You wash out your mouth and walk over to the window. You put your elbow on the window seal and hold your head with your hand and stare at him. He tilts his head to the side and you could hear him saying something but you couldn't make out what he was saying. You continue to stare at him and he eventually jumped down and ran out of your sight from the window. You got up and walked out of the bathroom and went into the living room. You sat down on the couch and watched Youtube. After about 30 mins passed you doorbell rang. You looked over at the door. You sigh and go to the door. You look through the peep hole  and see E.J and Masky at the door. You sigh and open the door" what's up". you say looking at them blankly. " Oh h-hey Y/N, what's up", E.J said looking off to the side. " Hey Y/N we just wanted to come by we heard you didn't have to go to work." Masky  said walking past you. "I bet you did stalker." You say letting in E.J and closing to the door. You went into the kitchen and got a water bottle. You walked back into the living room to see Masky watching the news and E.J reading book he found on your  book shelf. You sigh and grab your lap top and  played games and listened to music. 

( Time skip an hour)

You got hungry so you stopped playing games and went into the kitchen, while you were looking in the fridge you heard the same tapping sound on your kitchen window, you looked over to see Toby, BEN, Kage kao, and Brian. You look at them confused. They all just smiled and waved at you. You open the window" why the hell don't you guys use something called a door". They didn't answer they just jumped in through the window. " so why are you guys here?" you say crossing your arms." um well I smelled whine" Kage kao said looking through your cabinets."  I sensed Masky " Toby said running into the living room. followed by you hearing Masky scream."and you too idiots?" you say looking at Brian and BEN. "Um no reason" Brian said walking off." oh yeah I heard you just got a new gaming system, can I play?" BEN said looking up at you." sure its in my room" you say grabbing a apple and walking into the living room and see Toby holding onto Masky's leg and Masky screaming at him. You sigh and go over to them and grab Toby's hood and pull hard. Toby hit the couch gasping for air. " Thank you Y/N". Masky said sitting down. You look and see E.J on one of the couches sleeping, you chuckle at this and sit on the floor watching a show on the T.V. 

(Another hour Time skip)

About an hour passed an you got bored so you decided to go to a cafe near your house. But you forgot that there was six killers in your house. And you knew what kind of damage they could do if you aren't there to monitor them.  You were on your way to your room when Kage Kao stumbled in front of you. You sighed and crossed your arms." what do you want", you say looking at him." whine", he says struggling to stand up. " this is exactly why you guys are rarely here cuz stuff like this happens", you say Kage Kao outside and into your car. You walk back into the house and see Masky standing in the middle of the living room, just staring at the floor. You sigh and walk past him and into your room to find BEN still playing video games." hey bro you're going home are you walking or am I dropping you off?" you say tapping his shoulder. " ill walk home" BEN said standing up. You walk into the living room and see Masky , Toby, and E.J asleep on the couches  and Brian was looking at the blank T.V screen" fucking weirdo" you said to yourself. " so uh are you guys walking home or...... am I dropping you off?" you say looking at Brian."um we'll walk home thanks" Brian said waking up the others. You get into your and see Kage Kao asleep in the front seat. You start the car and drive off. when you get the park you wake up Kage Kao and help him walk to the mansion. You knock on the door and Slender man opens the door and face palms. You smile and Kage Kao walk in the mansion. You wave good bye to Slender man and you leave. While you were walking through the forest you had a feeling that some one was watching you. Every thirty seconds you would look behind you to see if someone was following you but every time you looking there was no one. You were half way along the trail and you heard a twig snap. You turn around and step back. While you were stepping back you ran into something and fell. " ow" You open your eyes to see E.J looking down at you. " hmm what are you doing out here alone?" he asked helping you up." I was walking back to my car." you say feeling your face start heat up." umm I have to go, bye." you say running off. When you make to your car, you sigh."oh no why is he so hot" you think to yourself. While you were starting your car someone knocked on your window, you look over to see BEN. You roll down your window." hey what's up?" you say looking at him." I know " BEN says smirking. You look at him so confused." know..... what?" you say confused as hell. He doesn't anything he just walks off and disappears in the night. You sit back and sigh," what the fuck." you say driving out of the parking lot. when you get home you sit on the couch and turn on the T.V, you grab a blanket and watch Youtube.  An hour later you get tired and begin to head to your room when you hear a knock at your door, you stop in your tracks. You turn around slowly and look the door. You grab your phone and look at the time, it was 1:00 a.m " what the fuck" you thought to yourself", Some was knocking at the door but who, you dashed to your room and grabbed your gun and slowly walked over to the door. You look through the peephole to see E.J just standing there. you sigh and open the door. E.J quickly backed up and put his hands up." what" you say forgetting you had your gun in your hand "oh oops sorry". you say putting it on the little table in the living room." so what's up E.J why are you here at 1:00 a.m?" you say letting him in." slender kicked me out for the night." he said looking at the floor." hmm ok you can sleep on the couch i'm going to go brush my teeth." you say walking off to the bathroom. when you get don brushing your teeth. You walk into your room to see E.J asleep in your bed. You sigh and slightly feel yourself blush. You walk over and lay down on the bed and close your eyes, and eventually fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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