Chapter 6

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After about two hours of watching T.V, you hear the kitten scratch at your bed room door. You get up from your bed, walk over and kneel down to the kitten."oh yeah you're probably hungry huh." you say smiling petting the kitten on the head. It purrs and it makes you chuckle. You back up and grab your purse and head out the door. You get in your car and you remember seeing a pet store not to far from your house.You put the location in your GPS and start driving. When you arrive you get out of the car and look at the door of the store it had same note on the door that the cafe had."hmmm maybe they got robbed too." you mumble to yourself while walking into the door. You walk through the isles and see the cat section so you walk through it. You see food, collars,and toys. You pick a few of the items and you go to check out. The worker hands a bag containing the items, you pay the employee and your head out the door. when you get in your car your phone buzzed. You look at your phone and see it's E.J. You unlock your phone and read the message. E.J wanted you to come over but you had work tomorrow, so you texted him back saying that. He text you back with a sad face emoji, this made you chuckle a bit. You put your phone in your purse and drive home. When you arrive at your house your phone buzzes again. You look over at it, this time it was Masky. He asked if you were dissing  E.J. You text back and told him no you just had work tomorrow. He text back ok and you shut off your phone. Sitting back in your car seat and sighing. You open the car door and get out."I'm tired" you say to yourself walking up to your porch and getting your keys. When you open the E.J was somehow sound asleep on your couch. You take off you shoes and close the door.You walk into the living to see Tim and Brian. sitting on the other couch watching T.V but now looking at you." what the hell" you say looking them frustrated." oh hey Y/N how ya been." Brian says nervously chuckling. "Don't fucking hey Y/N me you fucking balled up lays chip bag." You say walking to your room."well that went well." Hoodie said turning back to look at the T.V. You open the door to your room and walk over to your dresser, you grab your pajamas and you walk into your bathroom. You lock the door and take off your clothes, you start the water and walk in. After you got out of the shower and put your pajamas on you walk out in your room and brush your hair. You grab your T.V remote and watch You tube. You were in the middle of an Fusionzgamer video and you hear someone knock on your door. You pause the video, sigh and walk up to the door and open it. " what the hell do you want." you say looking at Tim." umm just wondering can we umm sleep here." he said looking at you kinda smiling." what the fuck did you guys do to Slender man now." you say crossing your arms. " umm well we didn't kill a kid, the kid got away and well he was like get out and don't come back." he said looking at you intensly." uh wow umm ok i'll go get some blankets." you say walking out your room to go get blankets. You go to the living room and throw blankets at E.J, Tim, and Brian."there ya go, oh and there's pillows on the couch just don't drool and I won't have to kill you got it." You say while smiling and walking away."oh yeah and goodnight I hope each one of your have lovely dreams." you say shutting your bed room door. " Ahhhh Shit" you hear Tim and E.J say. You sits back on your bed and unpause the video. Not even an hour later you hear another knock on your door. You sigh and move to the door. You open the door to Brain's face" what do you want" you says looking at him." umm you got any snack?" he says looking down at the floor." uh yes the third cabnit on the right up top." say looking at him." oh yeah and your damn cat won't leave me the fuck alone." he says handing you the kitten." maybe it's a sign good night." you say closing the door. You lay on your bed and cover up in your blanket. You browse through You tube but you couldn't find a good video to watch so you just turn off your T.V and try to fall asleep. An hour later you wake up to a loud crash in the kitchen. You shoot up from your bed and dive under your bed and grab your weapon case. You open it and grab your gun, you load and cock it. You open your bed room door slowly. You tip toe and look in the living room. E.J and Tim were asleep. Brian was also waken up by the noise. He quickly grabs his gun. You both walk into the kitchen. You turn on the light and nothing but a broken mug on the floor. You sigh and lower your gun. You grab your broom and pick up the mess. After that you went back to bed and so did Brian. But you still had your gun just in case. It was around 3:00 a.m when you suddenly woke up again, you couldn't go back to sleep so you just watched Netflix. It was and hour later when you heard tapping on your window, you look over to see a black sillouette outside your window. You grab your gun and before you could pull the trigger, something hits your head causing you to black out.

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