field trip

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Dear Diary,

It didn't take long for me to go back to being gun-shy. As I clung to my "mother" the traditional degradation of hiding behind ladies' skirts might sound kind of out of context, but for the situation, being gun-shy and hiding behind lady skirts seem to be a decent description aka appropriate. Especially for a little girl who has never been shown and never been in a city before. It was a good feeling. I walk with my mother and my sisters who have my back. Both were older than me one older than the last. We are in the market, traveling. I have a purse that I got from oldest sister only holds my book and maybe some essentials but nothing else, and I walked around with it. We are walking down the outside market place soon my sisters are looking at trinkets, gone from my side but I'm still a mother's side. 

"Hisana I mean..mama what are we here for?"

 It feels weird still calling her mom. I'm not related to her like I'm not related to my sisters.Hisana looks at me and smiles petting my hair. 

"Items little Kali we need food, and items for cooking I don't have much but I can get you something if you hurry"

 I question myself what do I need? My memories. Ok, let's be realistic. I look from place to place my sisters are looking at jewelry and clothes and I'm wandering into a door into a weapons shop 

"Ahh, the famed feral warrior from Giza do you wish once more my wears?"

 I walk casually around the corner, curious as to who spoke and the thought came to mind; Someone knows me? I go around the corner and a lean Tall Egyptian male, 5'11 towers over me, I'm 4'3" and I'm quaking at his mass. 

"Y-you could practically break me over your knee,"

 I swallow and he smiles. 

"Oh, I doubt that LITTLE GIRL" 

he purrs in the Egyptian accent and I shiver, and my hair stands on end, as I shake my thoughts from my head. 

"What do you mean "once more?"

 I ask because I can't ever remember talking to this massive giant.

He chuckles and yet he acts surprised when I don't remember him. 

"How can you forget your transferred here from..are you ok?"

 He asked me and I'm not there, I'm in my head trying to picture this guy, but there's only a slight shadow around my mind like details of me walking through the city, and then a flash to an arena the same as my dream, but I don't want to I know it's gonna cause me pain I start crying inside seeing the eyes, and the arms-kids, I look at them I have a double-sided spear its pegged at the end it's not a real battle but I can feel the pain of the wooden weapons tapping on my body, on my arms, legs, back, shoulders One of them steps forward and delivers a hard hit to the side of my jaw and I flicker back to the store, I'm crying, tears are streaming down my face and I'm sobbing, My oldest sister Nailah is cradling me She had me in her arms and she was cooking me.

"Shh Shh SHH we got you, Kali, we got you You're safe She in here"

 I hear her calling for someone and I end up hearing a woman, no two and my world starts to spin again, I blink and I sniff and I wake up. 

"It's ok it's ok we're here," My older sister said, meanwhile my mother was grilling the Egyptian man who was with me who was at least a foot taller than her and yet hell holds no wrath than my momma and sisters who saw me in distress. '

 "What did you do to my little girl?"

 "Nothing madam honest I started to talk to her, because she's a loyal customer and she just checked out and started to cry, and she just collapsed and broke down I went and grabbed another woman who coincidentally was I guess her oldest sister honest I'm clean check me"

 "Mom! he's true I found Kali in pieces, it's ok he's clean"

 By this point, She had him by the collar, yeah my mom is strong when she's mom, I feel something of fondness, my heart smiles, She came to my aid, my sisters they both are holding me. 

"I-I'm ok Na-i-lah, Ra-bi-ah I'm ok, get me up," I say and I lean up and he walks over. 

"Miss I'm apologetic if I scared you, I wanted to let you know you had yet to pick up the package you ordered a long time it seems." 

He goes to the back, and I get back on my feet and walk back to the door the item that came to me was a special serrated bladed knife black and silver that had a large silver ball on the other handle. I question what it is for and I look at my mom and sisters, they view it as I do; A weapon I'm about to deny, my younger sister shows promise. 

"Well, Kali are you gonna wait for our permission? zis iz zeh only zing tying you to your bast self. You must have come in here before or else this item wouldn't be here maybe it can help you"

 I pick up the knife, it is black-handled, silver blade, serrated, sharp and there's a golf ball-sized ball attached to the handle,.it's not incredibly heavy compared to others like it but I can gather that it was like a miniature chain knife, If I swing the handle I can do damage with the ball and in reverse, if I held the ball I can swing the knife long distance, its an evil blade but beautiful, but what does it mean? I question it. I look up at the woman and I nod. I don't know why but I feel I will need it soon..not now..but soon.

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