trafficked and awakened

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beginning of 1941, egypt attack aftermath from 1941 to 1944. Amount of time in captivity:3 years after

Dear Diary,

I'm lucky I'm still able to write, I almost lost this book when they searched for me. I don't know how but my visions and my dreams played a real part in my survival. I don't know how, and even more, I don't know how long. Right now I'm in a truck surrounded by armed guards, my family is in the corner, bound by me, as well as a dozen other what I can only call "refugees" and I hear their whimpering, I don't know what they are doing, but with the lack of knowledge of where we are going and the guns they use, not to mention my family's safety, I don't dare attempt a shift in trying to get us loose. If I do, not only will they likely throw me off into an unknown location, but I'll still be bound, so I think it's not wise, all I can do is wait, I'm tired, and my face hurts, I'm sorry I can't...

Entry VIII-Trafficked part II-my revival 1919AD-27-Shemu-epip Dear Diary, I remembered how it happened. I see it now as if my eyes are being opened for the first time and what I remember is a little after age 19 and even now I'm seeing images of the years I was once born before becoming a fennec fox spirit, in the years of king menes  years of 3200-3000 BC; it's upsetting to think that I've killed to live. My name is Kaliya, Kaliya Ember amber Dark, which meant "dark amber fire is god's gift" when I had no name before.

it makes sense now, I found out the name's a connection to my land in Memphis, Egypt when I had no name before as a black fennec fox. I had images of sand, lots of sand in between Alexandria and Memphis 3000bc nearest to Cairo in all points. As I ran from hunters because the king used children as target practice for the military of the king and I was the greatest of prey- a creature that has great strength and healing, running from being hunted. I survived as a small blue-eyed fox by hiding and a Scarlet-haired girl with brown eyes came up to me and made me feel loved again when I had no one to be with, to come to, I was alone, and always will be alone, or so I thought. I jumped into the girl's arms for a hug as a pet perhaps and now I'm walking and talking after, moving like her, talking like her, her hair, skin, my eyes, my cerulean blue eyes as a fennec fox, this is the real me surviving by running and eating things, It's quite strange but serene, not evil not dark but I possessed this girl that showed me, love, the Egyptians called me what I am; A reincarnation of three souls fox spirit possessed human in three different time periods-in other words, a fox that is now connected in human form.

It was unique- it seems the girl's problems came with her body, because when my eyes opened, and I became her, I had collections of memories of the barbaric king menes. Until now. it wasn't long till I found myself in the Desert city, thrown into the pits, rings, and fights, and practices as a military opponent for a tyrant king MENES..or so I thought it was that was what I thought, remembered breathed believed...until I found myself awakened to the realization that it wasn't a tyrant named king menes it was a woman named queen merneith, the fog slowly lifting off my mind it was a woman a queen she was still a tyrant but a woman a princess a ruler who controlled my fate... I knew a bit of info since my soul was older than the girls's body- 18 years and older militants could be pushed into the training, it only sounds like a loophole for the ruler to pick up orphans from the streets and use them as target practice, but it was worst, The ruler promised me that if I didn't agree I would die there, and if I agreed and survived through all the fights I would be free; this girl gave me her body, I would not insult it so by giving it up so easily.

I didn't need martial arts training, I didn't even know what it was, I just fought for this girl's soul since I guess I was now privileged by it- it was mine now as weird as that was to say. I was this girl's soul and I'll be damned if I was gonna let this girl be harmed. I wasn't a soldier but I-my powers in this girl's body were more than enough to show this tyrant bitch that she wasn't my owner, a wild beast with abilities like mine having an owner? I vowed to rip out her throat and beating heart for the honor and love of the girl who gave me her own, and I had my chance or so I thought I would be damned before her cries would be entertainment, and She, I would be a live practice dummy for her dogs of war. I fought and my skills in the martial arts of Krav maga-Krav Maga is an Israeli contact martial arts it is only fitting that I would bring the Jewish world into my spearheads. It is known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency one could match my speed, agility, and strength. Soon I bested her top warriors after weeks of her trying to break me, she gave me concessions but the pharaoh herself had vowed to break me when I agreed to be her dummy.

by only a few years -I won and brought her to a point where he had only one choice I was excited when I was presented in front of my last line of "victories" but I found out even as I was pining very soon to get a grip of her by my fangs...but I, we were double-crossed. "You are a female, a little girl, an orphaned child, what powers gave you such strength from nowhere? You've bested the prowess of my finest warriors and yet you smirk at me on top of the world the very essence of evil in my eye, to bring a female child like you into war is costly for my men to look at this, especially someone who can match the strength and speed as you, take her away"

I was shocked, and I was angry at how this conniving fool played with us, this wasn't a case of what we did, it wasn't that she was a slave, she was an orphan, and not even that she was female or even a child;  she was afraid that's what; she feared me feared us. She, I we were born a slave and an orphan, and despite showing that we can fight as well, if not better than any guard? I was outraged at having my revenge ripped from me for being forced into having my sweet host being a whipping girl and us gaining and owning nothing for it in these walls but a room and basic food. "You accursed wrench, I hope the greatest of plagues affects you, your kingdom, and your kin for such  hypocritical treatment I am not the only girl YOU ARE A WOMAN, and I hope you die humiliated and painful, Fate as a man would be bad...death as a woman is slightly is going to be not for being either male or female...but for treatment as a hypocrite fitting is Death by wild, for you have challenged the wild, and the wild has bested you"

I cursed her, but not loud, only sharp, and I paid for my slander because the queen, ruler queen merneith stepped up to me. she was dressed in European jewelry, she was a queen, and with a lift of my chin, she just smirked. and leaned in and kissed me "Ha child you were right, to say for your victors I shall speak and now I'll see you die domesticated, broken, and forced back into the pitted depths that spawned you, you think so highly of yourself and I'll see you paid for it in by Anubis" she nods. I'm twisted on my knees in such a way that shocks me, so I can't move correctly. I feel her walk to my left side out of my vision though with the force of a jerk that set my left dominant arm free I swung a clawed hand at the hypocritical tyrant woman ruler in time to watch one of the medjays  swing a massive war club into the back of my head, just in time for me to rake my bladed claws acoss her throat opening four sharp bloody lines across her pretty neck, bleeding her dry just before my world went blank, only barely hearing words and suddenly I was dropped from a far off cliff along with the woman whoI finished off and sent into the afterlife. Just before I was thrown off the cliffs to my death I laughed to myself  cheerfully as I gave this girl what I promised;freedom and retribution...I would die falling over the cliffs-I felt the zero-gravity floating until I crashed to the Sea and floated down the river, never able to remember I gained my victory that day until now...

 That's what I see in my dreams and in my visions like another time, another place..another day...but compared to now I can only hope it gets better...what happens next is a guess...death claims me this day...this night

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