how events unfold

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 From 20 October 1943, to the spring of 4rth april 1944, around 25,000 Jews and partisans were interrogated and tortured in the Risiera. Three to four thousand of them were murdered here by shooting, beating or in gas vans. Most were imprisoned before being transferred to other concentration camps. Risiera Trieste concentration camp italy 1943 to 1945. Time in lockup: 4 years-attack of Alexandria was 1941 Historians estimate that over 3,000 people were killed at the Risiera camp and thousands more were imprisoned and transported to Auschwitz germany WWII-little Kali is about 15 years old from being 12 in Alexandria to being captured for  years in Italy... estimated time from being trafficked by the attack on Alexandria- to the Risiera Trieste concentration camp; 19 December 1941-4rth april 1944=four years and five months 

Dear Diary,

I'm starting this off but I don't know who was writing in it before, I found it in my bag I want to start this entry off with a little about what's happening so far, it's currently the beginning of the year 1942, I must have been sleeping for quite some time, I feel years has passed when the calendar only shows  a year maybe has passed. I had some massive dreams, but how I ended up on a truck to being captured in jail cells I won't know there's no memory I find myself in a structure not like a factory a tower, but it smelled of blood death and destruction I struggle and fight as my captured who wore nazi uniforms.I  land on my knees and I'm about to run when I have a butt of a rifle smacked in my face and knock me to the ground. It hurt again..AGAIN?  I get up and this book falls out of my arm I bend down to pick it up and the man picks it up first it has a star of avid symbol on the book cover. I'm sure the man is curious because he picks it up and looks at me. "vhat zis?" I glare at him and he gets out his lighter and am about to torch this book when I cry out "It's my Diary, I please ask that you let me keep it," why am I surprised that I can speak so fluently now not even in a dialect its been 4 years and Ive seen people speak in English, Italian, and Arabian and now Its like I cant remember what happened the last few years only what happened centuries ago this was starting to get old I'm desperate, I don't remember much of anything, I don't remember where I've been or who I talked to,I had a pin or patch or a tattoo of a star of David on me but the answers are in these entries that he now holds, he looks hard at me, and scowls finally of a whim he throws the diary at me which hits me in the face. He walks on it telling the Italians of Trieste to get moving I recognized the place was a factory called Risiera di San Sabba, in Trieste, I pick up my book, and I hear and feel  a pair grab me.

"Kali you're safe, how's your ankle?" I looked behind me and a group of ladies was holding me. At first, I thought they were just prisoners, but something was telling me they were a part of what existence I lost they had the patches they were star of Davids like mine. I questioned where we were going, and I saw smoke rising and screams as we looked behind the gates starting to close, and suddenly Italians were circling us. And I look at them. "Kali you need to get out of here," I heard the tallest peak. "Tell everyone our story, you have the Diary?" I blink and look down at the diary and It makes sense at least to a certain extent. "Yes I have it, but what do I do?" "The older sister spoke. "We aren't gonna make it, but you can hop that fence get out of here, and tell our story - remember who you are and what you become and survived now GO!!!" and they both with all their strength threw me out of the window of the place and I fall and land a good 3 stories and land outside of the massive structure on the ground on my feet quite easily without a scratch...that was weird . I look up at them as they look down on me and I nod, and run and I run hard, taking out the Italian Facisicm that covers around me. "vhat do you mean vee got zeh escaped prisoner? vhat? She fell out of zeh window? you got to be zeh kidding me zeh gates closed, go get 'er damn it" was yelled over the radios by one of the soldiers in charge, and suddenly a patrol was gathering around me, and this time I was ready, my senses had returned, and I instantly remembered exactly what to do now; who I am and what I am. With a massive jump, I leap over the massive wall as I hear gunshots ringing out it brings back memories...from so long ago it seems..

I'm running along the streets of Trieste, I'm fast, faster than anything this fascist police have dealt with. By the time they have scrambled their cars, I'm already deep in the city, but what they lack in time they make up in numbers, I can smell blood, and burning flesh, and I know what's happening I've been trafficked but from where? I can't remember anything and who were those girls that help me get out, I'm running along the deep ends of the city, and cops are following me. I only have the jeans, and shirt and purse so I can't rightly hide, I need to get out of the city but I don't know where I need anyplace but no money I perhaps yes I have a plan so I start heading into the city center and the sirens are calling my name, even my speed won't do any good against a cruiser, I hear something behind me "tutti a bordo del treno per venezia italia '' that means the train for Venice is already boarding. If I make it there I'm free. I will not let this girl's body be destroyed and I will not let those three girls die in vain.

I take off just as the cops start calling for backup and are running after me. "I was captured once, and I assure you it will not happen again" I fly over the fences and now I have a high amount of officials after me, and just as it seems they will catch me, I take that step and leap into the closing train door as the train starts moving at high speed; I'm safe.

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