Home Again

385 26 1

Aleks POV

Joe's car was nice, I had to admit.  The plush, cool leather soothed my itching and burning skin.  The tears from the sharp stalks of corn had caused some of my skin to swell and form patchy rashes.  I sighed, seeping into my seat while the sweet AC blew my matted and dirty bangs away from my greasy, mucky face.   "So, you're mother did this to you," Joe said not looking away from the road, "why?" 

I peered over at him a bit more before relaxing.  "I don't know," I said, spirit crushed.  "My mom has always been... Quirky; but I didn't think she would have dead bodies in a secret cellar and would willingly torture her own son."  Joe sucked his teeth in response, finding the idea of it almost as disturbing as I did.  "You've been through a lot, squirt," he said softly.  Once again his scratchy but melodic voice lulled me into a daze.  Chicken Joe  seemed like a guy you could rely on, but since I wasn't a part of his gang and didn't want to call him Papi, I reminded myself to stay alert.  His whole business was shoddy and so was Kevin's organization.  "Do you know how to clear a bounty?" I asked out of the blue.  Caught off guard, Joe nearly missed our exit but maneuvered in the nick of time.  "Well I..." his words faded.  I sighed dejectedly and resolved to staring out the window.  "The people who placed the bounty on me have agreed to not kill me; but that won't stop people like you from hunting me down." Joe glanced at me again and hung his head low.  "Sorry, kid, I really don't know how to get it removed," He paused a moment before continuing, "however there might be a way but..." 

I perked up, excited at the idea of being a free man once more but sobered as I realized that would mean I wouldn't live with James in our stuffy but cozy Motel.  I would no longer share the cold nights in his presence and arms and there would be no more growling stomachs and paranoia to keep us tied together.  I was torn from my thoughts as Joe piped up, "You could try visiting the head honcho of the mafia.  It's in the heart of the slums.  The Creatures is what it's called.  It's the only office building in that entire part of town." I lifted my head from it's resting position.  "The Creatures..."  

I recalled Jordan and my first conversation with him, before the murderous bullshit, 'I'm Kootra, a part of The Creatures on Youtube...' I gasped and jumped up, now happy with the development.  Finally I'm getting somewhere in this mess! "Whoa, what's up?" Joe questioned.  "The guy's who set the bounty on me are a part of that group! They said they were both Youtubers but so am I..." I quieted down, embarrassed I had fallen for that lie.  It could have easily been fixed by a Google search but then again, James and I didn't have leisure time for a long time and by then had already forgotten about it.  I was stunned by Joe's next words, "Yeah, that's them alright." "What?!" I screeched, "I thought they were lying about being Youtubers!" 

Joe winced at my loud and breaking voice but nodded, bobbling his chicken mask around. "They're actually pretty popular.  You should check them out, ImmortalHD." I whipped my head over to him, amazed that he knew so much about me.  Then again he knew all about James' home life before too. "Just how easily does information get around in the underground world?" I asked to myself in disbelief.  We pulled up next to my Motel 6 room and stopped.  The car still running and us sitting in silence. 

Joe turned to me and in an oddly serious note said, "You're a good kid," he tilted his head, "the mafia could use someone like you, resilient, tough, and smart.  Stay alive until June, okay?" June.

I looked like a fish with my mouth opening and closing.  The mafia... June... Why? Why do I feel nostalgic... Joe rounded the car and opened up my passenger seat door, helping my weak body out. He turned to get back in and leave but I called out weakly, "Why June?"

He turned at his car door and lifted his beak, revealing a scruffy dark brown beard surrounding a pale face featuring pink lips before smiling at me and driving off.    I got the chills and felt compelled to chase after him.  What did this all mean?! "I don't get it." I said to myself before feeling nausea and the full weight of my body come barreling in.  I hobbled to the door and knocked, "James?" I called out with my scratchy and torn voice.  

I smiled at the loud sounds of feet stomping and the grumbling of James as he bumped into a piece of furniture before the door flew open and nearly made me topple over.  "Whoa there!" I yelped playfully as I was smothered in a bear hug.  A flushed and worried yet relived James had appeared to welcome me home.  "I was so worried," He croaked out, squeezing tighter, "what happened?" He pulled away to size me up and held back tears.  Glittery brown eyes looked at my mucky, disgusting clothes and cuts and broken nose and he simply smiled and brushed my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.   "I'll tell you later, can you please help me get cleaned up and take me to the hospital?" I asked politely.  His smile softened and he took my hand gently and led me in, careful to not grip me too tightly.  

As he helped me wash my face and clean and bandage my wounds he wouldn't stop treating me like fine porcelain.  I peered up at his focused face as he dabbed the disinfectant on my shredded nose and thought, I guess my disappearance really got to him, even though it was only for a few hours... I think. I continued looking up at his caramel skin and troubled face and asked, "How long was I gone?" He jolted still and furrowed his brows, looking down at me.  "Aleksandr you went missing for three whole days.  Today is the fourth day." I gawked at him, amazed at how quickly yet slowly my torture went on for.  "It seemed like only ten minutes until my torturer returned but I guess it was actually hours."  James frowned hard and I shut up.  He didn't seem to want to talk about it yet, already too emotional over my appearance.  

After fixing up all of my wounds he cupped my cheek with his hand and looked me in the eyes, "Who did this to you?" he asked a second time.  The delicacy of his voice and the comfort of being home again with him made me tear up.  I didn't really mind the fact that my mother was going to kill me; I knew she didn't like me much along with dad but James' soft expression and warm skin and tender gestures made my heart melt.  He seemed to fret over my tears but he didn't know I was crying out of relief and happiness, not out of sadness. "I'm.. So... Glad to be... Home!" I hiccuped out, now profusely sobbing.  He brought me into a hug and I told him about mom through my squeaks and shudders.  The rage that flashed in his eyes horrified me but also comforted me; no longer would we walk home separately.  


The hospital visit was quick and we had another appointment scheduled for later in the week to fix my broken nose.  The bone had nearly splintered but seemed to be on the verge of horrifically painful and semi-tolerable.  James and I sat on the bed of our Motel room and I told him all about The Creatures and how when I recovered we could go beat them up but was cut off by an angry James.  "No way! No way in hell, Aleksandr! You're own mother nearly killed you and now you want to go against the biggest underground circuit in Colorado?!" I jumped, not expecting this reaction.  "I don't know what I'd do without you so of course I refuse to let you jump into the lion's den,"  his posture relaxed and his expression turned caring.  "I know you don't want me to do this James but otherwise things like the Chicken Joe-napping and mom kidnapping me will just keep on repeating itself.  This is the only way to stop it-- unless..." I trailed off, focused on my new standpoint.

"Joe told me about June.  He said to stay alive until June; something about that month was mentioned in the corporation's note to you, right?" I asked.  James raised his eyebrows and nodded.  "June, huh?" I glanced at the calendar and wanted to cry.  It was only December.  

I looked pathetically at James, thinking our only hope would be to fight, but how do you fight a shady corporation without weapons and tactics and even the basic understanding of what you're getting yourself into? He took my hands in his and reassured me, "Everything is going to be fine, I'll protect you a thousand times better from now on, Aleks." I let a tiny smile appear and nodded.  

Everything will be fine, right?


TBC.  Hope you enjoyed as always!

Some foreshadowing here with that last line; shit won't stay happy happy like that for very long at all.  Sorry about the huge break between chapters, I lost my writer's flow and well, came up with this on the spot after reading the last chapter over again.

Not gonna proof-read this as intensely as usual so once again please tell me if there are any errors!

Either way, have a nice day/evening/night!!!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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