Hobo Jedi

425 31 2

Aleks POV / / / ///

James was breathing heavy and had told me not to look inside the box.  His expression was wild, his curly brown hair was disheveled and his eyes were frantically darting around.  The package had opened when it fell to the floor and I saw a glimpse of its contents; something so morbid, I just, who the hell sent this?! The liquid splattered all over the inside was definitely blood and I saw a wrist watch much like the one Kevin wears.  The only out of place thing was: It was on a severed hand.  I think, no, I'm sure there were more body parts inside but... Why? I averted my eyes from James as his unnerved composure made me uncomfortable. Normally he was the smooth bad boy of our school; he swooped into to save me from Kevin effortlessly yesterday, but something was different now and it was setting off a flight reflex in my head.  "SHIT!" James slammed his fist onto my house's poor door frame and continued yelling curses.  Not holding back, he began kicking, punching, and bashing in my door.  The house barely shook but plaster fell and revealed the skeleton, his skin tore and bled all over and I was thankful he wasn't directing that temper at me.  I backed up a few feet before he could notice, then some more, and then some until I was out of range.  His shouts echoed around the whole neighborhood and I still didn't know why I got sent mangled body parts; now I wished James would leave me to figure this out.  His detective skills were'nt exactly top notch, he was more of the muscle and I guess, even with my low scores on tests, I was the brains.

"You're alone?" A crackling voice cooed into my ear.  I gripped my ear and whirled away from the stranger just in time to avoid getting cut. This guy looked like a hobo, what the hell?! I jumped backed a few feet, toppling over and landing on my ass to avoid his constant knife thrusts.  This guy began playing with his butterfly knife, flicking it around so quick I wouldn't know what he was doing if I hadn't seen one before.  His tan robe looked absolutely ridiculous on him, like some star wars-assassins creed get-up. The dude began giggling as I wiggled on my butt backwards, hoping I would reach James.  The hobo Jedi saw something behind me and using the distraction I tried to kick him but fell short of laying the blow when he gripped my ankle mid-air. "Don't even think about it, chew toy~" He chuckled, wide, blue-eyes staring through me. "Who the hell are you?!" I shrieked out, twisting my leg from his grasp in order to throw my limbs around to try and get up. Scrambling to my feet, I bolted for my house, my assailant was in no hurry to catch up to me from the sound of it and I slowed when I neared James. 

"JAMES! INTO THE HOUSE, take the box, c'mon!" I shouted but quieted down as I got even closer.  He tensed at my presence but heard me and did as I told him by ripping my spare key out of the wall and unlocking the door to throw himself and the package inside.  I tossed my body inside and he slammed the door shut and locked it.  "Aleks what is going on out there?" He yelled whilst jangling closed the five other chain locks I had. "Some hobo attacked me with a knife!" I screeched, still tense from the moment but flopping onto the couch to run my hand through my hair. "He had blue eyes and was in some Jedi robe, he's fucking crazy dude!" I turned around to stare at James and find a reaction but was only disappointed.  James stared at the contents of the box, expressionless and unmoving.  "James...?" I tried, "Huh?" He whipped his head up, surprised and embarrassed. "Uh.. No, never mind.  Just, thanks for coming over." I stated blankly, he nodded his head and returned his attention to the morsel.  He was acting weird and I just remembered something I wished I hadn't.

How does he know where I keep my spare key? How did he even know where I lived in the first place?

 I peered over at him, wide-eyed and keen on finding out how he knew so much about me; I had always refused to let the tall man get close to me and being extra alert of bullies, I make sure to not be stalked. He attention was glued on the dismembered body parts in the now-soggy box and I felt queasy. "Stop-" Loud banging came from the door and from my seat I saw the hobo through the translucent curtains. "James." I whispered to the panicked guy, "Up." Pointing at the stairwell we both crept silently to it and made our way up the stairs.  James was ahead of me and before I could mention a safe room my parents made awhile back, he was already inside the hidden compartment. How does he know all this? Will I really be safe if I go into that cramped space with him? "Hurry up!" He whisper yelled, I shook my head and threw myself inside right as the wood on the door smashed downstairs.  Carefully placing the wall frame back where it's meant to go I settled down next to James.  This room was designed for one person and to be honest, James was way too big for this box.  Our legs clanked and clacked together as I tried to position myself properly but it was a struggle, on a different note; his body was like a toaster, radiating warmth and comfort that I didn't want at the moment.  I needed to stay sober and focused in case that bulky man found our spot. Breathing heavily and loudly I turned my attention towards calming myself; the eerie silence that blanketed my household was stronger than ever right now and I refused to be caught for something as dumb as being out of breath.  My fingertips were cold and I was sweating, shaggy breaths escaped both my and James' lips as we looked other ways to avoid awkwardness.  If we weren't in danger right now he would probably make a move on me and that thought made my stomach flutter a bit but it was washed away the instant I heard someone's tongue cluck. "Heeheheeeee!!!!" The crazy man cackled, "You and you're little lover boy really think you can hide from me?" I held my breath in my throat and thought James did the same but was sorely mistaken when he let out a harsh sigh. I would have socked him in the face for being noisy if that wouldn't draw more attention to us. I sweat profusely, waiting to be found because of his fuck up but relaxed my tense shoulders when the footsteps faded away. Right as I began to whisper something to James about keeping his trap shut, something knocked against the wall, or more specifically, the fake wall that enclosed us. My heartbeat sped up rapidly and I felt my ribs seemingly clang against the meat with every pump. My eyes, now used to the darkness, could notice James' eyes on me, they were just as wild as before but there was a caring note in it; as if he knew how scared out of my mind I was currently. He looked back at the wall entrance and I flinched when warm fingers brushed against my clammy ones. He took my hand softly in his and held it.  I felt a flood of relief wash through me but my heartbeat didn't slow.  Just the fact that I wasn't alone in this situation was all I needed to muster up some strength and contain my fear. Another knock sounded down the hallway, then a bang, and a shout erupted. "What the fuck Jordan! I thought you got them already!" A deep voice howled. "No, you idiot! You were in here to get them if they came in! Why were you napping?" The hobo said, wait, Jordan?! The pair of killers continued to quarrel and bicker while James and I looked at each other once more before hurriedly getting out of the compartment and bolting out of the house through the torn and splintered doorway.  Our hands were still laced together as we panted and ran for our lives.  

Lost somewhere in our town we decided to begin walking.  "What now?" James said, breaking the silence. I looked over at him and made an are-you-kidding-me face. "What now? We are bums now, that's what! Living on the street, attending classes, running from killers or whatever! I don't know 'what now' James! I don't!" I announced, exasperated. He kicked at a pebble on the floor and sullenly replied, "Sorry, I just didn't know what to say. I don't know what to do this time." I glanced over at him and saw him in a new light. The tan boy hung his head low, lips pursed with glistening eyes and sagging shoulders, I felt a pang in my chest. James isn't just some bad-boy smooth talker.  He's human too and I forget that way more often than I should. Ashamed of my attitude towards the guy I pulled us into a park and sat on the swings.  "Let's just hang out here for the night, okay? We'll figure out what to do in the morning." I said, taking note of my aching and overtly tired body I swung a bit, dragging my feet in the wood-chips.  James had nodded in response and I simply felt bad.

"Should we call the cops?" James muttered, holding his dying phone in front of him. I opened my mouth to answer but just sighed, "No. They won't believe us 'cause we're kids." I glanced over at him from beneath my thick, fluffy bangs and added, "What if the police are even working with them?" James looked shocked and surprised but said, "You're right. Those shithead teens do the cops dirty work by killing escaped convicts or people who got out of the system clean.*" Our idea was almost laughable but it wasn't too far-fetched either.  We quit talking for a few hours until my stomach growled, I patted my tummy, nodding my head in agreement. James chuckled beside me and pulled something out of his pocket.  I tried to hide my smile after snatching it away from his grasp, playfully glaring at him I said, "Really. A Snickers bar?" James giggled like usual and nodded, "You aren't you when you're hungry." I slugged his shoulder softly and thanked him before eating the tiny candy. It definitely didn't curb my appetite but at least it was something.  The sun had already set and the wet air began to dampen our bodies. James suddenly stood up and huffed, "Let's go to a hotel." my eyes went wider than the moon. I was not prepared to take it that far with him yet.  James looked back after missing my response and laughed wholeheartedly when he knew what I was thinking, "Not that, you dummy!" He laughed some more,"We need a place to sleep, and, we can steal the fridge food." He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. I hopped up next to him, "Sounds good. I'm so hungry right now." I said and we walked downtown to find a suitable place to mooch off of.


TBC. Hope you enjoyed the chapter even though it was kind of all over and strange; this whole storyline is kind of weird when you think about it but, who cares, It's pretty interesting to me lmao.

I realized during this chapter that people were meant to hate Aleks for getting Nova's attention but then I put him in Immortal's friend group, like-- wha?! Also, I really want to type Immortal and Nova but that might ruin the atmosphere I'm trying to set-up (as if the hobo Jedi thing didn't already.) 

Oh well, I already published the chapters that happened in and won't fix anything as it may confuse people. ;)

*By get out of the system clean I mean they made it through a trial/jury session without being convicted and got away scot-free.

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