The 'New' Kids

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James Pov

Aleks was adorable like always today, he refused to look into my eyes and hid his pretty, pale face behind his fluffy, brown hair. I'm still in disbelief over yesterday; Some sort of hit-man killed our apparently sex offender teacher and is now probably targeting us. Aleks is so cute, I'll be sure to beat that creepy guy up if he lays even one finger on him. Arriving at school I saw a cute, sweater-vested teen sluggishly making his way to his first period. "Hey, Aleks!" I yelled, grinning broadly. Running over to his side he began to hide his face more than usual and was eerily silent. Cupping his chin I tilted his head and made him face me only to see he was a mess. His normally glittery brown eyes were clouded over, sporting dark grey bags like no other. Although he was already on the verge of being an albino he was even paler today. Concerned for my baby's well-being I asked, "Did you not sleep or something?" He slouched some more and nodded. It was so strange for my little Aleksandr to act this unsocial, he wasn't like this yesterday, even after the incident, unless...

Before Aleks could enter his classroom I locked hands with him and pulled him off to the side. Staring into his beautiful eyes and nearly smiling when I saw his cheeks light up I asked, "Did that creepy-agent fucker do something to you after school yesterday?" His face went from a surprised blush back to a pale scowl. Dammit. "Yeah, he was hiding in my house. He uh... Well-- I was about to beat him up but he kicked me off of him and I hit my head against the wall. Then he was going to shoot but got a phone call." Eyeing Aleks once more I could tell he hid a big part of the story from me. At least he willingly told me the important bits though. "Didya know what his call was about?" I tried. Aleks stared at the floor and after a second met my eyes again. "He called someone Jordan and said he'd get that job done right like always or something." I nodded my head. Jordan, huh. I had pulled Aleks against me, grasping the small of his back and holding one of his hands up at shoulder height without realizing. Sadly Aleks noticed and shrunk away from me. About to whine I heard an unforgettably deep voice. Grabbing Aleks' hands once more, refusing to let him run, I turned around and was met with the creepy dude. He was in a two-toned baseball tee, jeans, and converse. The hell?! He looked our age. "The fuck you want?" I spat, not letting down my guard for a second. He put both his hands up in a 'don't shoot' fashion and said, "Woah woah, why the hate? I won't attack you outside of work hours. I'm actually a student at this school starting today. Let's get along, yeah?" He held out his hand, asking for a hand-shake. He seemed nice when he wasn't in combat mode but I was still suspicious. Thinking I would win his trust and turn against him or get him to tell us what his work really was, I shook his hand. "Yeah..." I mumbled. The guy started walking away but paused, "I'm Kevin by the way. Oh! Don't tell anybody about my work, got it?" Kevin's tone turned malicious at the end and I merely nodded. I had no plans to reveal his secret to anyone here unless I thought he might kill them anyways.

Finally paying attention to the struggling Russian in front of me I looked back at a red-faced, fuming boy. "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU JUST SHOOK ON IT? Him? Of all the people James Wils-" I cut off his incessant yelling with my hand. Leaning in I pressed my body against his and put our foreheads together. Whispering, ensuring only Aleks could hear, I explained my plan, "If that Kev guy trusts us, he may not kill us. He also won't harm our friends if they're nice to him." Aleks nodded slightly, still red but no longer from rage. I released him as he reared up, ready to kick me. Rubbing his wrists he grumbled about my tight grasp and left for class. I watched him go and left for my own first period, already having missed the first five minutes.

Walking into the science class like I owned the place I noticed a red baseball cap on someone's head at my table. He was chatting with Steven and they seemed to be having a fun time. I still don't know who he is, though. "Hey Steven, who's this guy?" I nodded my head towards the stranger. "This is Jordan," As the name rolled off his tongue I could feel myself pale. Jordan? The guy Kevin was talking to after beating up Aleks? I looked shocked and stared at Jordan, not even listening to the probably fake spiel about why he was here. He smiled up at me, his face was relaxed and he wasn't shocked but his eyes were full of hatred and malice. This was definitely Kevin's little pal. Fucking hell, he is here now too?! To add to my annoyance, Steven invited him to lunch. I faked kindness, remembering the plan Aleks and I were apart of. This better be fuckin' worth it.

Aleks pov

I stepped into my science class, James was in chemistry but I was taking physics this year. Hoping the teacher wouldn't notice me and point me out I slinked over to my chair and sat down before she looked up from her computer to take attendance. I settled in and got the things out of my bag that I would need before looking up at my friends who were being unusually loud today. If I were holding something I would have dropped it because right across from me was Kevin. He went a completely different direction when he left us alone this morning, though! Why the hell is he here?! I took a deep breath in and slowly released, keeping a cool composure I asked to be introduced and we faked politeness and acted as if we weren't just at eachother's throats the day before. It was kind of nice and because of Eddie's nosey personality I found out we have a lot in common. Kevin is apparently a youtuber like me though his upload schedule is never good. Probably because he's too busy killing people, I thought. Of course, Eddie invited him to lunch right as class ended. Jeez, this day is such a shitstorm already. I moped, feeling pity for myself; I ambushed a seething James. "Jamesssss. James. James. James." I groaned, making him whip his head around as he snapped out a, "THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" I almost laughed at his cheekiness and the way he corrected himself when he saw it was me but contained my giggle and begged for his hoodie, gladly giving it to me I shrugged off my vest and threw on the comfy pullover only to be overwhelmed by the sweet smell of freshly cut fruit. James' hoodie smelled like ripe pineapple and strawberries and I hate to admit it but I kind of liked it. Thanking him and wandering away to second period I couldn't stop smiling as I caught whiffs of it. Does he wear cologne or something, 'cause this is good.

James would never really date me and I always tell myself not to fall for him but whenever I notice this smell I can't help but want to melt against his body, I wouldn't mind it if it meant I could smell this fruity-vacation scent for much, much longer. Shaking my head and throwing my mind out of the clouds I arrived back in reality just in time for the teacher to introduce the new student. I had already missed his name but he was walking towards me. Great. I pulled my backpack off of the only empty seat in the class and watched his every move. "Hi! Mind if I sit here? I mean, there's really no other spots." I shook my head and not removing my eyes from him asked, "What's your name? I'm Aleks." He smiled and said, "Jordan. You can call me Kootra though." I scrunched up my face, "What the hell is a Kootra?"

"Well it's a nickname I have because of-- uhm.. my Youtube channel." I perked up, now suddenly interested in this guy. "You're a Youtuber too? I'm ImmortalHDFilms." His smile brightened. "I've heard of you before I think! You've played with Sly a few times right?" He asked. I smiled as well, admiring his friendly attitude, and responded with,"Yeah, we're actually best friends. Sly goes to this school too." Jordan's eyes widened and he was Woah while looking off into the distance. It was kind of derpy and I let out a chuckle saying, "Damn dude."

Soon I found out Jordan's phrase was 'dern sure'. It sounded kind of nice with my 'damn dude' and I invited him to lunch. "Sorry but I already agreed to eat with a group. They're all Youtubers too." I shook my head laughing, "Was one of their names Steven?" Jordan thought for a second, "Yeah I think so." I let out a breathy laugh, "He's a part of my friend group. So either invitation you accept, we'd all be there." "Oh that's dern sure good right there." He announced, finally turning back to his work. I followed his lead and finally started working on this stupid English assignment. I had nearly forgotten my old teacher died just yesterday and was immediately replaced. Hope this one isn't a pedophile too...


TBC.  Hope you liked the chapter.  Also, if i put one of the characters (let's say Eddie) in James' chem class and then again in Aleks' physics class, please tell me.  I forget who I choose pretty easily.  Also ik this was kind of fluffy, I wrote this right after that trippy first chapter haha idk how the mood changed so fast, hope it wasn't too big of a leap.

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