Papi Chicken

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James POV / / / ///

Aleks and I strolled down the brightly lit boulevard, admiring the shops designed for the people who could live in the lap of luxury everyday. Carelessly spending money on trinkets and regular but branded clothes sounded so far away to me. We aimlessly walked down the street, trying to find a hotel that would accept teenagers; a dirty, rundown and affordable one too.  The damp and chilly night air made my hands quiver so I slyly brushed my fingers against my crush's searching for warmth. Looking over I was starstruck at the sight; the Russian boy next to me looked even prettier in the night.  Bright store lights silhouetted his entire body but I could still see a glimmer in his big, dark eyes that were nearly hidden beneath his chestnut coloured bangs and his cheeks were obviously red, but he tried to hide it by cupping his face with his hand. His breath billowed out in front of us along with mine and this endearing sight only set my heart at ease. I'm so glad I noticed you back then. 

I smiled at Aleksandr, "We must look like hooligans out here." He smirked and added, "or drug-dealers." I didn't hesitate this time in locking our hands together, to not make it a big deal I continued, "or like two stupid teens looking to get a cheap fix." He rolled his eyes and squeezed my hand, his fingers were even colder than ice. "So, you know of any good hotels?" He peered over at me with his doe-like eyes and I tried to stop my heart from melting. "Only love hotels," I winked at him and gave a cheery laugh, "I'm just joking." He slugged my arm lightly and we kept walking until we were out of the 'mall'. Rounding a corner I realized just how bad this neighborhood was, the sweet lighting from before had disappeared, only one light post stood before us and someone in a white suit was beneath it smoking.  I scooted closer to Aleks, going a bit in front of him and puffing out my chest; as the stronger and taller male of us two, I knew I would be the one fighting if it came down to it. Aleks said nothing but tightened his grip on my hand some more. We neared the smoker in the deserted area and I brushed my fingers over my pocket knife. 

Normally I would pass him as if it were nothing but the guy's slacked posture and patient attitude was rubbing me the wrong way. If I were a cat, I'd be full-blown hissing with bristled fur. "James," Aleks said so softly I barely heard, "James, don't." He had stopped going forward and begun tugging on my hand so I turned to face him but got the breath knocked out of me instead. 

The back of my head was throbbing, my vision doubled and I could only hear my breath and the far off sound of Aleks screaming. I stumbled and found refuge against a concrete wall, touching the back of my head I felt a warm liquid and figured I was bleeding.  My vision was so hazy and my body wasn't cooperating, I told it to move towards my love's shouts and pleas but after two steps I stumbled to the floor, barely catching myself. Tunnel vision had fully engulfed my eyes now, my ears were ringing so loudly I wanted to rip them off and I knew I was on the very brink of losing consciousness. I kept thinking of Aleks, trying to retain control over my body; trying to stay awake so I could see what the hell just happened and then everything faded.

Aleks POV / / / ///

James and I were now alone on a bridge, no cars passed and a lone streetlight was before us with a dark, smoking figure.  My blood boiled and this atmosphere was way too similar to when I saw Kevin in the doorway after I had read the secret files. "James." I breathed, tugging on him to stop, "James, don't-" I was about to protest more but right as he turned to face me a guy emerged from the shadows with a lead pipe raised high over his head, he smashed it mercilessly onto James and I began screaming as two more men appeared, they hooked their arms around mine and began dragging me away, I thrashed and screamed for James but could only watch as he stumbled around drunk, trying to find his way to me.  Through my shouts I heard him saying 'Aleksandr.. Aleksandr.. Aleks.. Aleks." and when I was thrown into an alleyway the last thing I saw was him on the ground passed out and unmoving. 

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