Don't Be Bitch

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Aleks POV

I sat dumbfounded before the chicken. I really don't know anything about James. He'd pursued me up until now but I never took the time to get to know him, I hadn't asked how his family life was or how his day went or if he was happy.  I glared at the dirty street below me as I listened to the gang leader once more, "I'm serious; I'll tell you everything about James.  I can even tell you right now," Joe waved his hands around, playing with the information in his head, "You know he lives in this really rat--" 

"I'll find out myself," I forced my heavy eyes upwards and stared the chicken down, "You called him my boyfriend, right? We aren't dating," I bit my lip, reluctant to finalize my thoughts, "But we aren't dating because I know nothing about him.  His thoughts, feelings, family life-- they're all things I need to find out on my own and it needs to come from James. Not from some kidnapper-helper-chicken." Joe huffed in what I assumed was a quiet laugh. "You're pretty smart; also I would have hidden lies in the info." He took out a switchblade and inched closer to me, "You would have lied to me?" I asked, shocked that this complete stranger would have been dishonest. I tried to shake the thought from my head, just because he has a soothing voice and a silly get-up; it doesn't mean he's trustworthy. What if the gang going to pick up James isn't going to help him, but actually kill him? Fear was apparent in my eyes and my powerless body tensed as Chicken Joe pushed my head down, exposing my bound wrists. He cut off the damp linen bindings and freed my feet as well.  Using an excessive amount of force he picked me up under the arms and tossed me out of the trunk. "Wait, what are you doing?" I croaked out. "You weren't interested in my stories and I'm a busy man.  Time to go, have fun getting back to James." He hopped into the front seat after waving at me with his keys in hand. Revving the engine as realization dawned on me he drove away, leaving my wide-eyed, shocked, and tired self behind.  Fucking hell, James better be okay.

I whipped my head around, trying to get a grasp on my location.  I was never one to wander about before and was utterly lost.  Recalling my journey here I remember being tossed side to side a few times at turns.  Gulping down my nerves I began wandering back to James, trying hard to ignore the viciously loud barks of stray dogs and rattling of chains around me.  The night was so dark I barely knew where I was going and every now and then I passed an alleyway filled with addicts or gangsters looking to commit crimes. One woman with long black hair and tanned skin stood out to me. Her hooded and drug-ruined eyes looked up at me and I felt a pang in my chest.  She reminded me of James and I realized how stupid that sounded. Now avoiding eye contact I continued forward, feeling woozy and overly conscious of the knot growing in my stomach. I kept stumbling around the leaky, dark and loud city until I sunk to my knees in front of a gas station. Exhausted with a rumbling stomach I was ready to pass out and rest there until I noticed a flickering sign a few feet away from me.  I let out a breath of relief and pushed myself onwards, slamming into the sign to make sure I wasn't mistaken, "I'm back home." I melted from happiness, my muscles relaxed and I smiled a bit and continued down the road to the place where I had lost James.

James POV

My head was pounding, dim lights invaded my vision and the smell of gunk beneath me wasn't enough to make me move. Feeling like shit I groaned and shuffled my arms forward, preparing to get onto my knees at least. Peeling my aching body from the pavement I was thrown into a fit of dizziness and hysteria. Aleks isn't here, he was taken.  Where did they take him? Is he okay? I need to find him! I don't know where he is though, fuck! My body hurts so much God dammit! I threw myself onto my ass and grunted hard, the impact wasn't doing me any favors and I noticed a newfound pain in my jaw. Rubbing it, I recoiled instantly; it had been split open and I saw the dark red liquid present on my big hands thanks to the street light above me. Using my knee to help push myself up I wobbled around, finding refuge on the concrete barrier until the sounds of laughter, the vibrations of loud music, and the revving of an old engine sounded from far away. With eyes wider than the moon I threw myself into a weird cubby space, a broken but concealed part of the barrier that was just wide enough to fit me.

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