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A pile of papers waiting to be signed were lying on my table. I have barely read half of it and everything needs to be done urgently.

“Can I even make it?” I was already questioning myself if whether I could finish all the work. My brain was certainly not working this time. I decided that I needed a break and would just continue signing the papers the next day.

I looked up at the clock on the wall and it was already past eleven in the evening. I knew that I was the only person in the office. I was too concentrated on what I was doing that I couldn’t even remember how long ago my workmates had left.

“I guess this is all for today. I still have enough time to finish all these papers on time.” I set aside what I was doing and compiled the papers that needed attention for tomorrow. Convinced that everything was in order, I made sure that everything was secured too.

"Now, let's go!" I told myself as I made my way home.

The road was just occupied by a few vehicles unlike the usual scenario where congestion is pretty bad.

“I wished it would be like this 24/7. If it was like this more often then I wouldn’t need to worry about rushing to the office."

As I continued to drive my way home, I began to feel a little bit drowsy. Seconds later, a few meters away, I saw the flashing of red lights. It was quite familiar. It was either an ambulance or a police mobile but I got curious about what might have happened- well I always do. I just can't help myself when I am curious about something; I need to check it out no matter what. I lowered my windows and decreased my speed as I approached the scene.

Indeed, the ambulance was here but there was also a police mobile. One policeman was taking notes as he was questioning a man who seemed to be homeless. There were also some bystanders; some were gossiping while others wanted to take a peek at what the two men in blue loose clothing were doing. Then, I came to notice a black car totally wrecked by its collision to one of the post. It looked like crumpled paper and I knew there was no hope for the driver of that car.


The bystanders became noisier as the men in loose clothing’s carried a stretcher with a bloody body.

"I heard he was drunk." A man in his late 40s was discussing the accident to the person beside him.

"Then he just runs out of luck! You really never know when you'll die." The other man replied.

"At least I want to enjoy myself before I die!" Joked the man in his 40s as if they just forgot that they were in a place were joking was inappropriate.

"Before you die, you better fix your relationship with God you punk or you'd go to hell!"

"Well, I'd go to heaven for sure even what I do right? God loves us right?"

"You in heaven? Are their thieves and drunkards in heaven? I don’t think so. You might be better suited in hell!"

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