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Xiao Zhan pov'

I didn't know why Yibo hates me so much. Ive tried everything to make friend with him but I got nothing.

Today Im going to the Wang Mansion but its just a half day I still have somethings to do later on. On my way ther I saw Yibo walking outside. I smile and went to him.

"Eyyy Yibo what are you doing here??" I asked but he didn't even spare a glance at me. I pouted "Eyy you!!!! Are you deaf!!! or what" I shouted. I smile when he stop and look at me but I step back when he look at me like he wants to murderer me. "ahhh hehehe Yibo I just want to asked what are you doing her??" I said and laugh awkwardly.

"Non of your business. annoying.." he said and turn around. I felt a little pang in my chest. There's no one who said that Im annoying in my whole life.

I lowered my head and walk straight to the mansion.  "Zhanny!!! You are here finally. Ive been wating for you. Come I have something to show you." Grandma said. I shook my head and follow her in the back door. When we reach the garden I saw Yibo holding something like furry ball.

I was about to say an excuse to grandma but she already pull me towards Yibo. I have no choice but to smile at him but he just ignore me like he always do.

"Zhanny look. Yibo found them on the back garden. They look like you." Grandma said and show me the white furry ball. When I look closely my eyes widen.

"Grandma Im not a bunny!..' I said and pout. " Hahahha look you look like a bunny Zhan. Just look at them." grandma said and play one of them. Then a rabbit with a white headband came to me and sniff my shoes. I smile and pick his up.
"Hello little one...." I greeted and the rabbit licked my hands.

I look at Yibo and he is holding a black bunny in his hands. I aze and went near him.
"Whoaaa that so cute." I said.

3rd person POV'

While Zhan busy playing with the bunny. Yibo just sitting beside him silently while watching.

The black bunny was now on Zhan's lap playing with the white one. Zhan was giggling watching the two flirting.

"What so funny??" Yibo asked. "Ahhh hahaha Look Yibo they are both male and they are kissing." Zhan giggled. Yibo Shocked and look at the two bunny.

"Shameless" Yibo said and stand up. Zhan looked at him and pout. "why??? They are cute..... Male loves male" Zhan said and played with the bunny.

He already forget that he has work to do. Zhan is known as a pet lovers specially to those small animals he really loves them.

Yibo went to the living room when he saw his grandma sitting there sipping her juice. "Grandma.." Yibo said. "Yibo baby come here." His grandma sai and tapped the space beside her.

"Yibo did your friends already visit the beautiful places here??" She asked. Yibo shook his head. "Not yet grandma."

His grandma hit his shoulder. "Aiyoo You kids should visit. The three of you need to walk sometimes outside this mansion. I never seen you go out." his grandma said.

"Its okay grandma" He said and smile a bit. " no.. no.. no.. you need too. Tomorrow accompany Zhan in the market... You need to explore something. And I ll tell also to Zhan to bring you to the farm house. He will tel you what to do there" She said. Yibo shocked and look at her. "Grandma?!?!!?!?" Yibo whines.

Madam Wang shook her head. "Yibo Ive been soft with you on your first week of staying here. Start from tomorrow the three of you need to face you punishments. That why your parents send you here am I right." Madam Wang said.

Yibo look at her with unbelievable eyes but the old woman just shook her head and went to her room.
After Madam Wang left Yibo dropped his head on the pillow.

" Yow sup bro.. why?? whats the matter?" Hauxuan said and sit together with haikuan.
"Arghhh I really wanna go back. fuck it.... I hate here!!! I hate everything here!!!" Yibo said and kick the table infront of his.

The two shrugged their shoulder. "Hey Yibo stop that..speak to us." haikuan said.
Yibo comb his hair with frustration and look at them. "Grandma said we are going to start our punishment tomorrow." Yibo said.

"WHAT????!!" the two said and their eyes bulged. Yibo nod while the two still processing. and they all release a deep sigh.

They are all in quite when Zhan entered. he halted seeing the three city boys spacing up. He went near to them and one by one snap their face.

" Heyy. " He said. The first on who move is Hauxuan. "Zhan...." He said.

"Why are you spacing up??" zhan asked and Hauxuan just left out an awkward laugh. " hahaha nothing zhan." he said.

"Ohh Okay then.. Can you say to grandma that Im going now I still have some works to do. Just say that Im coming tomorrow. Bye guys" he said and patted Hauxuan's shoulder.

Yibo frown when he saw Zhan patted his friends shoulder. he don't know bt feel pissed of when Zhan is being close to some one. But that doesn't mean that don't hate the young man.

"I thik it will be a long punishment then..." Haikuan said. "You say... " Hauxuan said and sigh...
"I wanna go home." Yibo said and burried his head on the pillow

" okay.. then we will have a new experience tomorrow then. we need to enjoy this last dat then." haikuan said and sshow them a bottled of wine.

"Whoaaa when did you get that??" The two sid and went near then. " Hahaha don't mind it just drink hahah" haikuan said and place the wine infront of them ..\

After an hour the three already bubbling something. "You know *hick* I-I don't want to go home now" Hauxuan said.
"Why *hick* Is it because *hick* of that young man??" Haikuan asked. Hauxuan blush and nod.

" stupid.... fall in love with a provincial boy that's gross. I Wang Yibo will never fall inlove with those provincial boy promise cross my heart hope to die" Yibo swear.
The two look at him. " Ayyy Yiboo. Someday you will eat what you said today" haikuan said. " I record it!!!" Hauxuan said and show them his phone.

The three of them already drunk. the butler just shook his head and pick them one by one placing them to their own room.

"Aishh this kids..... I already feel it. someday..." The butler said and smile while looking at YIbo.

" Young Master... Welcome back....I hope someday you will remember everything..." He said and went out

"Im sorry guy if I didn't update yesterday. Its just my schedule are so tight.... Ill try to update regularly when I finish my test. hahaha

I hope you enjoyed this one god bless you all.

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