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From then on the two always stick together. The two always go to their secret place to play and there they made a promise that the two will never be apart no matter what happen.

The summer days came to end and wang Yibo need to go back because of his study.
"Zhan zhan I will comeback on summer break again okay.. dont replace me as your bestfriend promise.." Yibo said when the two sitting on Yibo's room.
"mn!! I dont want another best friend other than you Bobo. Promise me to come back dont forget about me" Zhan said and about to cry.

"I promise.." Yibo said and kiss him on lips Zhan was shocked and touched his lips.
"Why did you kiss my lips Bobo!?" He asked. "Its a seal to our promise Zhan. when we grow up we will be together forever" Yibo said.

"LIke my parents and your parents too?" Zhan innocently asked and Yibo nodded.
Zhan blushed and kiss Yibo on lips.
"I seal my prmise already" He said and the two hug.

The day when Yibo going back came. Zhan tried to stop himself from crying and Smile so that Yibo wont be sad.
"No good bye for us Xiao Zhan we will meet again." Yibo said and hug the younger on.
"Okay be careful Bobo" he said and hugged back.

Yibo went inside the car. They wave for the last time and the car drove away.

Zhan waited patiently until the summer break. he was so excited and went to the Wang Mansion to wait for Yibo but the day came to end and there no Yibo. He was bit disappointed but he smile and think maybe Yibo will arrive tomorrow. Zhan went home and the next day he waited again but no Yibo until the days went to weeks, months and the summer break enede without Wang Yibo appear.

Zhan was so disappointed. his mother tried to explain that maybe Yibo has something to do in the city . Zhan buy the ecuse that his mother made and he waited again until the next summerbreak. But theres no Yibo came. Zhan made a friends for the firstime their new neighborhood and his family friends and for the mean tim Zhan forget about Wang Yibo.

Zhan grow up hating Wang Yibo and other city boys thinking that they are the same who forget their promises.

End of flashback.....

Xiao Zhan just smile and join Wang Yibo on the garden.
"what are you thinking??" He asked and Wang Yibo faced him.
"Im just thinking what happen if I didn't lost my memories about you."
"I dont know maybe we still friends who cant confess their feelings. Yibo you know theres a positive impact on your memoriy loss. We just proved that even with out those memories we still end up together." Zhan said and Yibo look at him.

"Your right. You know Zhan back then I always dream about a two kids playing under the tall tree but I ignored it and It turned out that those memories are true." Yibo hugged him.

"Bo, Did you know that I hated you to the core before??. And the cabin inside the forest is not cabin at all do you remember? It used to be tree house right??? I burned it before when I was starting Highschool but then I regret it and I asked mom If I can restore it and turn it to a cabin." Zhan said and Yibo teard. "Im sorry for disappointing you." he said but han shush him. |
"Shhh bo dont say that. its not your fault its just I didn't know about what happened to you."

"I love you Zhan" Yibo said and kiss Zhan. h closed his eyes and feels each others warmth. "I love you too Bobo." He said and the two connected their foredhead and smile.

"Wang Yibo did you know that I already claimed you as my husband here?/" Zhan suddenly said and Yibo was shocked.
"What?? why??" he asked and Zhan pouted."YOu dont like it??" he asked
" No its not like that I love it but why??" He asked and smile.
"Because Im beautiful like maiden and every man that I meet in the mall asked if Im free and single. Im sick of it that's why I told them I hav a husband and A-yuan is my son" Zhan said and Yibo bursted in laugh.

"Very good wifey.....Youre mine alone" He said.

The two spent an hour in the garden before they went inside...

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