Chapter 30

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Noah's P.O.V

A few weeks ago, if you were to ask me what pain tastes and feels like, I would have to say that the pain I embrace after a fight, the pain I welcome with open arms when I think about my family is sweet like sugar and hot like boiling water.

It's easy surrendering to pain, drowning in pain, and finding a piece of comfort within the unclear limits of the two-sided sensation.

The night of the fight, I closely observed my opponent and waited for the familiar rush of excitement to wash me over, but it never came. Then, he started punching the hell out of me, and all I could think of was: why does it hurt so bad? What the fuck is wrong with me?

The pain was too real, too unexpected.

I started blaming my mind, my body, for betraying me when I needed them the most. I was looking for the adrenaline, the powers to continue, yet the thought that I am slowly losing control of how I handled pain so far made me surrender. 

Five rounds later, I found myself bleeding on the ring's floor for the first time in my life.

I secretly eyed my princess, and the tears she was trying to stop made me realize she was the one I had to blame all this time.

Before I met her, my full trust and loyalty were given to the only thing sable and permanent in my life- my pain. It was there ever since my father left us, and it never really left me. Over time, I learned to appreciate it, to control it, and to overcome the physical aspect of it.

But then my princess came, and she made me feel things I never thought I am capable of feeling. Because of her, I can no longer lock my emotions and thoughts deep down inside, and so I feel much more when she is around me, including the dark side of my pain.

I am like an open wound next to her. When she touches me, it hurts. When she sees right through me with her beautiful dark eyes, I am slowly burning. When she wraps me with her warmth, I feel like I don't deserve her care and concern, like I need to heal by myself.

The sound of an opening door pulled me out of my thoughts from last night, and Jacob walked into my bedroom with a sad smile.

"Landler told me to let you rest, but I had to make sure you were okay."

"Of course I am okay, little guy."

"She is cooking your favorite breakfast, Noah. I think she likes you," my little guy whispered the second part of the sentence and failed his attempt to wink. Jacob stayed with me for a few minutes, trying to make me laugh at his random jokes.

Sometimes, he reminded me of my little sister back at home.

He ran out of my room the second he heard that the food is ready, and I laid back on my bed, pushing back a small smile.

My door opened once again, and there she was, standing with crispy waffles and a cold glass of orange juice.

Her freckles were bolder than usual, her tired eyes seemed hunted, and her skin was pale as snow.

Sky placed the full plate on my nightstand and turned to leave without saying a word.

"What are you not telling me?" I asked her, my voice husky with sleep.

"Ummm, nothing."

Her fake smile made me grip her hand before she had the chance to turn back and pull her to bed next to me. The surprised expression on her face caught me off guard and made me realize what I have done. For the second time, she was lying shocked on my bed.

The first time fucked with my head for days.

Using the last bit of my energy, I managed to place myself above her and stroked back her ginger hair with my damaged hands.

"What is it?"

"My father wants me to visit him in the alcohol recovery program," she avoided my eyes and sounded defeated. The mention of her father made my blood boil, but she started speaking before I had the chance to question her even more.

Damn it. I am not the type to ask questions.

"I don't know if I am ready to meet him, Noah," she looked so small and vulnerable under me that I felt the need to protect her from all the evil in our world. Just like the night before, I could tell she was trying to hold back the tears.

"You can cry in front of me, princess."

That's all she needed to break down.

Knowing that I would do anything to calm her down, I ignored the fact the I had to stay away from her and softly kissed every tear. I don't do soft. I don't do relationships, but the innocent redhead has got me wrapped around her little finger.

"Talk to me."

Fuck, I missed the taste of her hot skin against my lips.

"I am scared," she quietly admitted, finally meeting my eyes.

"Don't be," I whispered into her ear, trying my hardest not to bite it and watch her reaction. She wrapped her shaking hands around my neck and pulled me closer.

I think she likes you.

"What if he plans on hitting me again? What if he is not trying to recover, and all he wants is to humiliate me?"

You know she needs someone with her. Get over your damn pride and be the one to help her go through the difficulties in her family.

"If he touches you again, I will make him suffer," I promised, hoping she figured how I would do anything to protect her.

"What do you mean?"

"I am taking you to him, princess. I will keep you safe."

She took a deep breath, and her tired eyes revealed everything I needed to know. She waited for somebody to take care of her, to look after her.

"Get some sleep before we leave," I wrapped my hands around my princess, kissed her trembling shoulder, and fell asleep with the thought that I am not worthy of her. 


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