Chapter 23

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That morning, I woke up to the familiar smell of cigarettes and lemons. I couldn't help but smile at the way Noah pressed me(or my back, to be exact) against his hard chest by holding my waist tightly. I couldn't help but smile at the way his hot peaceful breaths blended almost perfectly with my fast ones.

I found myself replaying the fight we had last night which completely crushed my heart, then his surprising birthday declaration, which repaired some of the damage. And on top of that, the moment when I laid my head on his shoulder after we played video games, and he didn't push me away. Instead, Noah wrapped his arm around me and drew me closer to him.

We ended up sleeping on the black couch.

Yet, the image of his face when he wakes up and notices me next to him refused to give me any peace. I figured that the last thing I wanted was to see his unhappy expression once he finds out about the fact that his skin cells touched mine over-night.

He did open up a few hours ago, but I doubt that he likes me now, after everything we had to go through with one another.

So I decided to leave him on the black couch and let him get some sleep.

He can't suffer from the lack of sleep when I tell him about my plan. The brilliant plan I came up with while sitting on the kitchen table and drinking my dark coffee.

"Hey," Noah's morning, deep voice filled the kitchen with sudden tension.

"Hey," I smiled at him nervously before I took another sip from the burning liquid.

"Why didn't you stay?" he pointed at the living room while I moved my legs around the empty air and tried to focus on breathing normally.

Did he want me to stay with him?

"I needed some caffeine," I mumbled and moved my gaze down to the blue cup I held.

Meanwhile, Noah moved around the kitchen, determined to copy my idea, and make himself a cup of coffee. Once he was done, he came to stand in front of me with his own blue cup. Even with the help of the tall kitchen table, he still managed to tower over me.

"I was thinking," I started telling him about my splendid plan.

"That's never good," he cut me off sharply. However, I had to remind myself that I rather face his sarcasm than face his indifference.

"Shut up! So, I decided that we are going to celebrate your birthday today!" I finally revealed the plan, feeling like the smartest person on earth.

"You are making me uncomfortable, princess. I already told you that relationships aren't my thing, and now you are asking me out on a date," he shook his head, and I was overwhelmed by his second sarcastic comment of the day.

"Don't flatter yourself. It's most definitely not a date."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," I claimed as he raised his eyebrow, clearly doubting my intentions now.

"Jacob will join us," I added quickly, deciding not to give him the satisfaction he was unquestionably looking for.

"Taking your little brother to hide the fact that it's a date. Smart move, princess," Noah chuckled evilly as I tried to keep my temper to myself.

Unfortunately for me, Noah Adams decided to act even more annoying than usual on the day we were supposed to hang out.

"I will never force anyone to go on a date with me."

"By the end of the month, you, princess, will beg for a date with me."

"Will our imaginary date include going to an innocent cafe to order burgers?"

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