Chapter 2

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I woke up feeling like a zombie. Unfortunately, the mirror proved to me that I didn't only feel like a zombie, I also looked like one. My shiny red hair was in a messy bun, my eyes, only adding to my pathetic situation, were about to roll out of my face. And of course, my legs were barely functioning.

I was extremely tired.

Getting only three hours of sleep was hard, but waking up looking like you only got three hours of sleep was harder. Getting out of bed should have been the most difficult part of the day. In my case, getting Jacob out of bed, for the second day of school, was worse than difficult. 

After at least twenty minutes of begging him to wake up, he decided to finally accept the fact that staying home is not even an option and went for a quick shower.

"You look awful Sky," Viv brought me back to reality with her sweet words, making me laugh once again at her honesty.

"I know, don't remind me."

"You look like you didn't sleep for a year," I did respect her honesty, but sometimes it could be too much to handle.

"Thanks again, Viv," I rolled my dark brown eyes at her.

"No, but seriously, why?"

Because I couldn't stop thinking about Noah, my deepest secret, and the combination of the two. I was absolutely terrified of the thought that he would tell anyone about where I live and what he heard. 

Apparently, my sleep was also terrified of that exact thought and was determined to keep me awake with her, which I fully understood.

"I had many things to take care of," I trusted and loved Viv with my whole heart since she first tripped in front of her crush in ninth grade, but she couldn't know. She couldn't know about my father, nor my family's financial situation.

Viv was keeping my feet on the ground, I couldn't risk losing her.

"You sound like my mom Sky," well, at least her mom sounded nice.

"I love you too, Viv. Now, what is our next class?"

"Free period, I think."

"Free period? Is that even a thing in our high school?"

"I hope it is, you should definitely use it for sleeping," she laughed hysterically.

"Oh my god Viv, stop teasing me already!" I joined her, letting myself forget about everything for a few seconds.

However, the moment didn't last as long as I expected. The familiar dark green eyes hunted me last night in my dreams, and now they are back again, but in reality, watching me carefully from inside the classroom. I froze on my spot, only able to think about my secret being revealed and open like a fresh cut.

"Told you he was going to join, don't act all surprised now," Viv announced from beside me, moving her bright eyes from my frozen figure to the not-so-new student sitting(more like laying) on one of the blue chairs at the back of the class.

Although I wasn't surprised, I was terrified.

"I-I- think it would be best if we just go to our class now," I mumbled quietly mostly to myself. I began to walk again but felt Viv pulling me back to where I was standing seconds ago by my arm.

"What is wrong with you, Sky? According to the schedule, this is our free period class."

I saw red. All shades of red closing on me, almost choking me to death.

I don't know what came over me(probably the loss of oxygen), but before I knew it, my eyes met his intense ones, and I froze on my spot again. Deciding to look down at the interesting floor under me, I was wondering if she could do me a huge favor and swallow me alive.

"You look a bit pale, Sky. Are you ok?" She eyed me suspiciously, looking worried and confused.

My silence answered her better than I could ever have.

"Is it because of Noah? Did he do anything to you?" 

There was much more anger than curiosity in her question, and I hated myself for making her feel that way.

"He didn't do anything," I breathed heavily.

"You are lying, Sky. I swear I will kill him," her tiny little hands turned into strong fists.

"There is no need to kill anyone, God. I am fine, can we just not talk about it?" 

It came off as bad as I felt at that moment.

She muttered a small 'yeah' and walked inside the class with her head low. I followed her straight away, not daring to look at him one more time. 

I whispered a quiet 'sorry' to her while we chose our seats, and she looked back at me with a small understanding smile on her face.

My heart felt a bit lighter as a result.

"I am so excited to meet you guys! My name is Ms. Brown, but please do call me Ms. Bro."

Our class was extremely quiet, and a little shocked if you ask me, that her laugh was nothing but unnoticed, and calm.

If Noah Adams wasn't sitting behind me, I would laugh along with her.

But the world is cruel, and here I am, sitting in the same class as him, feeling miserable.

"I am just joking with you guys, laugh a little," she smiled wildly at us and continued speaking.

"Ok, let's get started. I am Ms. Brown, and I am going to be teaching you throughout the year. Respect me and one another, and you will do just fine in my class. You may have the impression that this class is not important, but you may be wrong. Treat this subject seriously or stay in high school for as long as you live."

I was behind confused at her sense of humor by that point.

When I heard a chair being moved from behind me, I stopped breathing. He walked towards the door, not caring about anything in this whole world.

"Where to, young man?" Ms. Brown asked him nicely.

"Not your fucking business," and the door closed loudly behind him.

I flinched.

His voice was lower than how it was a year ago, his attitude changed for the worse. Seconds later, I found myself out of that weird classroom, searching for him around the hallways of high school. 

When I saw him heading for the exit door, I started running in his direction. By the time I got to stand in front of him, I was already breathing heavily from the exhausting run. He seemed impatient, staring at me with a harsh glare.

"Please tell me you didn't tell anyone," I started talking before he had the chance to walk away.

"Are you stalking me?" he asked rudely.

"I am serious, promise me you won't tell anyone," I was close to begging, but his rude attitude stopped me from doing it.

"Why do you think I even care?" he pointed out sharply, leaving me without any words.

"I won't tell anyone, you know why?" for an unknown reason, I felt his body getting closer to mine, his eyes burning mine with anger as he goes closer.

"Why?" I could only whisper.

"Because nobody cares about you enough to even give a single fuck. Now, move out of my way," he spat the words at me, finally opening the exit door and walking away. 


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