Chapter 16

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Just like I thought, Noah's sour face and new girlfriend welcomed the cafe with their presence at 10:30 exactly.

This time, she had straight brown hair compared to my wavy ginger one. Her face was full of cheap makeup so that even if she had freckles, I wasn't able to see them. And lastly, her legs could nearly reach the sky.

So Noah likes the tall ones.

I was more than pissed at the sight of them heading towards me to order. Needless to say that I wanted the ground to swallow me, but decided to deal with it like a grown woman.

"Hey, what would you like to order?"

"I want a medium-rare steak. Don't roast it for too long. It will not be fun for the two of us."

Did he threaten me?

"I am truly deeply sorry, but we don't have any steaks here. Try something else," I hope the workers will not say anything about my fantastic sarcastic comments to the manager.

"Make it a medium-rare burger then," he told me wickedly. I was so out of patience for him. He was making me mad on purpose because of the little stunt I pulled on him a few days ago. I guess it was the time to fight back for once.

"We have been through this already, remember? You brought a different girl here, asked for a burger. I said, and I quote: we don't have any burgers here. It's a cafe."

"You brought a different girl here?" the bear finally woke up from his very deep hibernation. I could tell Noah was shocked by the whole situation, although he refused to show any signs of it.

"Yes, every single week. I think it's pathetic, don't you?" her bold pink lips parted in pure shock and confusion. She turned to look at his hot cheeks, and arrogant smirk then faced me with a fake smile.

"Thank you for being honest," she said forcefully, then shifted her gaze to the guy next to her again.

"Goodbye, asshole."

As soon as the words left her mouth, I placed my hand over mine, hiding my proud amused grin.

"You know, jealousy doesn't suit you."

"Good that I am not jealous then."

"Very funny, princess. I will see you at home," he showed me his clenched fist and made a funny expression, almost as like he is about to explode right there.

"See you," I smiled when he turned and left the cafe without a second glance back.

When I thought about doing this every time he brings his girls around, I realized that maybe he wasn't that far from the truth, claiming that I was jealous.

But just maybe.


"Hey there," an unfamiliar voice pulled me out of my deep trance. I glanced up to see my classmate looking down at me with a small smile. His warm brown eyes flashed with embarrassment, but his blonde hair reached his big eyes and managed to hide it pretty well.

"Hey, Logan, right?"

"That's me, Skylar?"

"Yeah," I smiled at him awkwardly. Making small talks was a marvelous skill which I certainly didn't own.

"My partner didn't show up today too. Can I sit here?"

Did he have to mention our lack of partners?

Because I was seconds away from drowning back to my misery again. As much as I tried to avoid it, I couldn't think clearly anymore. Like someone has placed a dirty glass to my eyes, and forced me to see through it for the past week and a half.

I needed to get over it and move on.

I had to be strong again.

But being away from my old and familiar home is making me think about things I buried inside of me for years. I am not in control of my future and decisions anymore, and it kills me. Only when Logan watched me with a frown, I recalled the question he asked me before I zoned out on him.

"Of course."

"Listen, please don't think of me as a creep, but I have wanted to get to know you for a while," he announced after taking the seat beside me.

Feeling overwhelmed by his unexpected declaration, my palms started to sweat, and my cheeks burned with color.

I could kiss Viv and acknowledge her as my true hero for rescuing me in time.

"You know how bad I wanted to go on a double date with you someday. Well, hon, today is the day!" she clapped her hands while Logan and I stared at her in confusion.

"Don't you think I need to date someone first?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"You can bring your friend right here if you wish," she pointed at Logan with a satisfied smile. She was trying to set me up with him, how predictable of her.

However, saying no to her offer meant dealing with my mother's visit today(which I wasn't ready for yet).

"Is it fine with you, Logan?" I asked him.

"Of course, I would love to come," he said to me with a kind smile.

"It's settled then. See you two at eight in that new Italian restaurant."


I eyed my piggy bank sadly on the bed, knowing that breaking it to pink pieces was my only choice. I am saving money for a new phone, yet my best friend has to ruin my plans by choosing the most expensive restaurant existing on earth.

My heart winced in pain.

I was glad Jacob wasn't there to see the heartbreaking sight. My mother kept him busy in the living room(in Noah's approval, of course) while I thought about ways of spending my precious and very dear money.

All of a sudden, Noah broke into the room and caught me staring pathetically at the cute little pig.

"Get ready, Marcus is picking us in ten minutes."

It was the first time he mentioned Marcus. Actually, it was the first time he mentioned anyone close to him.

"What do you mean? I am going with Logan."

His eyes narrowed at me, and his lips pressed into a thin line. He rushed out of my room, not answering my question.

"Noah!" I called after him.

"Stop asking questions, just get ready!" his voice echoed off the walls of the hallway.

It seemed like I was going on a double date with Noah. I was suddenly feeling nervous and odd. Ignoring my loud and clear heartbeats, I chose a yellow summer dress and a dark red lipstick.

I felt sorry for Logan for whatever they told him, but it didn't stop me from smiling when I saw my reflection in the mirror.

Dear God, please help me get through this double date alive. 


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