Chapter 1

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"You bastard. Stay away from my brother"Wu Xie glared at the man that grabbed him by his neck and pushed him against the wall,with a murderous look in his eyes.

"But Mr Zhang. You are the one who hired me"

"Consider yourself fired,you pshycho killer"

Wu Xie gritted his teeths and he pushed the other man away from him."I'm a killer? Yes. I'm an assasin after all. But you must remember that i killed that men to save your brother. They were the bad guys. Not me"


"Yes. I will. But i will take him with me",he said pointing to the umcouncious person on the hospital bed. "He belongs to me"

"He's a person. Not a thing. He doesnt belong to you. And hes my brother!!"

"True. But me and him. We have a promise between us. So he belongs with me"

Several weeks ago

Qiling was in his room reading a book beside the window. Time to time he was looking outside,at the people that were passing by and he wished that he was one of them. Since the accident that took their parents away from them,as well as his memories,his older brother,Rishan,was not letting him out from the house anymore. Except was when he was with him,and that was rarely because he was always busy with their family bussines.and if not when he was with him,then he was only allowed in the garden,

He had gotten tired of it.Everyday he only see the flowers that were put there by the maids or their family friend,Xiu Xiu,and the trees. At least from his bedroom door he could see the streets too.He sighed and he closed the book when he heard a knock at his door.


The door opened and a maid walked in and bowed. "Young Master,your brother wishes you to see you in the living room. He brought in a guest."

"Tell him that i will be there soon"The woman bowed once more and she left. Qilling stood up from the couch and he walked out too a couple of minutes after the woman. His expression was blank. He wasnt looking forward to meeting the supposed guest because he was most likely another bussiness partner. And all of them were old and boring as well as annoying. The only one he can actually stand are Xiu Xiu and XiaoHua.But the others no.

Qilling walked downstairs and in the living room where he saw his brother on the couch with a person that he cant actually see because they were blocked by his brother.

"You wanted to see me? "

"Ahh Qilling. You are here",Rishan said and he looked at his brother with a smile.He moved away and Qilling was able to see the person beside him. He was a young man with dark hair,and dressed in a white shirt with a black leather jacket. The person smiled at him and winked and Qilling was having a feeling that he knew this person.

"Qilling this is Mr.Wu Xie. His uncle is a bussines partner of mine but he doesn't the same desire for his work and he made himself a bodyguard."

Wu Xie stood up and walked in front of Qilling before he bowed to him. "From now one i will be your bodyguard. I'm looking forward to it Wǒ de ài."

Qilling narowed his eyes at the nickaname and he crossed his arms and snorted."Don't call me that. I'm no need of a bodyguard. I can protect myself.Plus you are werid. Brother. I'm going upstairs"

The younger brother turned to leave but he was stopped by his older brother harsh voice."Qilling. Stop being a brat. If you want to leave the house from now one you would take him with you. Or else you would be stuck here forever"

"Then i will be stuck here forever",he said before he left and when he walked in his room he made sure to smash the door hard enough to be heard from downstairs.

Rishan rubbed the bridge of his nose and he looked at Wu Xie. "I apolozise for my brother."

"No need. I have dealt with spoiled brats before."

"Its not that. Acctually a few months ago we lost our parents in a car accident. Unfortuantely my brother was with them and because of this he suffers from amnesia."

"So he lost his memories? He seems to know you very well",Wu Xie said confused.

"Yes. But not all of them. There are still some framents that remained but they are not completed."

"You said that he can't leave the house without me? Why is that? 

"Our family got an dangerous enemy,that i suspect is behind our parents death. I can't risk in losing him as well. So i forbidden him to leave the house."

"Ouch.That loosks harsh."

"I'm looking out for my brother Mr. Wu"

"Dont call me this. Just Wu Xie. After all from now one i will work for you,Mr.Zhang"

Rishan smiled and he patted the young man shoulder. "Look out for my brother"

"I will"


"Go away"Qilling said when he heard a knock at his door. He was either his brother,a maid or that stupid bodyguard of his. And farely speaking he doesn't want to see anyone.He stayed quiet and he listened to the door and when he didnt heard anyhting anymore,Qilling opened the window and he jumped on a tree branch that was close to his window. He got out from the tree and he walked around. 

He made sure to be quiet,to not be heard by anyone. When he hadnt heard any noise he walked to the gate with a smile and he opened it before he snuck out.He rushed on the street and made a sign to a taxi before he climbed in it.

Qilling sighed relived as he let his head to rest on the chair and he looked outside at the passing view.


"I think that it's a good thing that Rishan had gotten you a bodyguard. It means that he cares about you and he wants to keep you safe",Xiu Xiu said as she drank from her coffe. After he had gotten in the town he had meet Xiu Xiu and they went at the nearest coffe shop and he had told her everything.

"I can't belive that you are on his side.You know that i can protect myself."

"You cant never be to sure Qilling. The Wang Familly are a dangerous people. Anyway.Tell me about your bodyguard. What is his name?Is he hot?"

Qilling snorted and he rolled his eyes."He's one of my brother business partner,nephew. His name is Wu Xie. And hes not"

Xiu Xiu eyes widened."Wait. You said that his name is WuXie?"

"Yes. Do you know him?"

"Yes. He's a firend of mine. Or he was when we were children.Me and him and XiaoHua grew up together but i barely saw him now."

Qilling nodded and he remained quiet. The woaman smilled and muttered obviously under her breath.  Half an hour later Xiu Xiu escused herself and she left first. Qilling left soon enough,he guess that he had stayed enough outside.A little more and his brother would notice his absence.

"Going somehwere?"Qilling stopped as he heard a voice behind him,followed by a hand on his shoulder.

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