Chapter 2

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Wu Xie was sitting at a table with a smirk as he was watching the two people that were talking. He was pretty impressed by the brat escaping skills.He wouldn't have knew either if he wasn't watching on the windows when he had ran away. This job is going to be interesting.

"Wu Xie!"he heard a familiar voice shouting and he winced internally but was relived when he saw that the two people he was watching,didn't heard anything or didn't payed attention. He turned at the man who shouted his name and he slapped him across his head.

"Stupid. Be queit"he hissed before he broke in a smile. "Glad to see you again"

"I'm happy too. And i see that you are still violent."The man said with a smile before he followed the young man vision and he saw at whom he was looking."Whats interesting about them? Didn't you stopped being assasin?"

Wu Xie sighed and he looked at the older man by his name Fatty. Fatty was his friend and he was also the one who was finding his targets and jobs. He was also helped by another friend of his, XiaoHua,as long as the targets were bad people and not someone inncent,that the only thing they did was pissing the wrong person. Unfortuantely XiaoHua had stopped helping him after his uncle had hired him a bodyguard that was forbidding him of participating in the activities,with the threat that he would tell everything to his uncle.

At least they hadn't lost connection and they saw each other from time to time,even though XiaoHua bodyguard was showing up too. He may have not said anything but Wu Xie had saw it pretty well that he wanst considering the other man annoying the their looks. He was broken by his thoughts when Fatty pinched him.

"Oww. They are not my targets. She"he pointed to the laughing woman"Is my childhood friend"Of course he was still recognize Xiu Xiu,even if they hadn't been in contact as much as him and XiaoHua are."And him. Hes my job. I have to protect him. His name is Zhang Qiling"

Fatty wistles and he patted his shoulder. "Good job in working for someone like him.His family are very powerful and influential"

"He's just a brat. Nothing more.He's even disrespectful of his older brother too"

"Yeah. Like you are a saint,Mr Assasin"

Wu Xie rolled his eyes and he turned his attention to the table where Xiu Xiu and Qiling were and when he saw Qiling leaving a few minutes later after Xiu Xiu he stood up as well and bid goodbye to Fatty before he walked out from the coffe shop. He smirked and he walked behind Qiling and he grabbbed him by his shoulder. "Going somewhere?"


Qiling groaned and he turned to face the wierdo who was smirking a question. "Not any of your business."

"I beg your pardon,but its my business where you were going,Wǒ de ài"

Qiling glared at the other man and he shuggred his hand off. "I said to stop calling me like this. You are really werid and I don't know from where my brother collected you."

"He aleardy told you. My uncle is his busniess partner. But its not my thing. So here i am"

Qiling rolled his eyes and he was about to leave again but he was stopped by Wu Xie once again."I aleardy told you. You can't leave without me"

Qiling gritted his teeths and he nodded and started to walk after Wu Xie removed his hand,not seeing his smug smile. 

Once they were back at his home,Qiling was about to enter his house through the staff entrance."Ah AH Ah.You are going through the main entrance and face your brother."


Wu Xie smirked as he grabbed Qiling wrist and he dragged him inside the house through the main entrance and walked in Rishan office after he was granted permission. "Mr Zhang. Look whom I fished from the caffe. The little fish had went there by himself"

Wu Xie smirked and he looked from one brother to another. He stepped back a little when Rishan walked in front of Qiling, and he was admiting that the man look was scary.

"Qiling what have i told you about going outside by yoursef?"Instead of answering Qiling was looking in a random direction,not paying attention to his brother.

Wu Xie was actually pretty shocked by the man next action. Rishan raised one hand and he slapped his brother across his face so hard that he had stumbled bacwards,in Wu Xie.Qiling didn't said or made any movement. He just looked blankly at the ground. So Wu Xie figured that its was his job to stop this until it doesn't get worse.

"Mr.Zhang. If you want to blame somone then blame me. I was not careful enough and i let him run. I promise that from now one this would not happen anymore. I will cuff myself to him,even,if it would be necessary."

Rishan rubbed the bridge of his nose and he nodded.

"Come on"Wu Xie said as he dragged Qiling out from the office and brought him back to his room. As he was looking at the red mark from his face, a part of him was regreting that he had brought him to his brother. But still. The brat still needs to understand that his brother reasons and actions are purely made to protect him. He may have not heard about the Wang family but considering that both Rishan and Xiu Xiu,yes,he had listened to Qiling and her conversation,said that they are dangerous.Its means that they are really dangerous.

Especially if Rishan said that they were most likely the reason of their parents dead. It doesnt matter if Qiling can protect himself. You can't never be to sure with them. 

Wu Xie sighed and he shook his head before he looked back at Qiling and he saw him looking on his window again. He moved closer to him and he brushed he made a move to brush his fingers on the red mark when his wrist was grabbed. He smirked. "You have pretty good refelxes.I'm impressed"

Qiling didn't even moved his attention from the window and he had managed to grab his wrsit before he had touched his face. He spoke the truth. He was really impressed. Maybe the brat was really capable of protecting himself after all.

"That looks painful"

"Don't touch me",he said before he stayed quiet and he removed his hand from Wu Xie wrist.

The bodyguard sighed and he moved towards the door and he leaned against it. He pulled out his phone and he began to text both Fatty and XiaoHua. 

"You are boring,you know? You are pretty queit. You were pretty talkative earlier."Silance.He sighed. And when he though that his job couldn;t get anymore boring,his client is the quiet type. Even if he wasn't saying anything,he could tell that he was making new plans of escaping.

Wu Xie closed his phone and put it back in his pocket before he sat down on the bed beside Qiling. "You don't need to try and escape all the time. You are not in a prison. Why can't you accept to get out with me shadowing?"

This time Qiling moved his atention from the window and he looked at Wu Xie with a glare. "Why would I want to be protected by a killer?"

"What?"Wu Xie asked,pretty shocked.

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