Untitled Part 7

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" We will take care of the bodies and the footage. Just take him out of here", XiaoHua said and he went to drag a body away.

Wu Xie wrapped one of Qilimg arm around his shoulders, and with his own arm around his waist, he stood up and he went towards the exit of the club. Once out he saw Rishan's car and Xiu Xiu as she was talking with the driver. Fatty walked the two of them and he looked worriedly. " I told Xiu Xiu everything. Let's say that she's not exactly pleased about your and XiaoHua's previous occupation. But she at least managed in talking to Ning in telling us about the powder. The good news is that it's not deadly. The bad news. He would have a killer headache when he would wake up. Especially as it was mixed with alcohol and he would feel nauseated too. The effects hold between 8-10 hours."

Wu Xie nodded and after he thanked his friend, he walked into the car and leaned Qiling against his shoulder. As he saw that the driver, didn't give them any questioned or worried looks, he assumed that Xiu Xiu had told him that Qiling was just tired. The whole drive back to Zhang's residence was made in silence.

Qiling is not a heavy person, actually, the brat is pretty light. But after everything that happened tonight, plus the fact that he dragged his deadweight up the huge ass staircase until he got to his room, Wu Xie was completely exhausted. He lowered Qiling in the bed and he sat down for a few minutes to catch his breath.

After he had rested a little, he looked at Qiling for a second before he left the room. He knew that he would probably lose his job when he would tell Rishan what happened. But he feels obligated to do it. Especially when he had almost killed the man's younger brother. It seems that he was not cut for this job.

When he arrived at the office door he knocked and waited to be invited in. A maid walked by and when she saw him, she stopped and walked to him.

" Excuse me. Are you looking for Mr.Zhang?"

" Yes", he said and he turned his attention to the woman." Is he not in his office?"

" Mr.Zhang informed the house staff when you and the young master would return home, to let you know that an important affair had appeared and he would be out from the city for a few weeks."

"Thank you", Wu Xie said and the woman bowed before she left. It seems that it would have to wait and he would keep his job for a little while. He knew that he can very well call him, but he doubts that he would answer. Even if the call is from him, his brother's bodyguard.

"Asshole", he said under his breath before he walked back upstairs.


He didn't know when he had fallen asleep. He didn't even know when he had returned to Qiling's room. But as he heard a noise beside him, Wu Xie opened his eyes to see that he was in the same bed with the brat.

He brushed the question, of how he got there. Maybe he was more tired than he thought, and he looked on his left side to see that Qiling was waking up.

Wu Xie lifted himself in a sitting position and he touched the other arm. 

Qiling woke up, and he jumped up, immediately. Something that he soon regretted as he could feel his head pounding.

"Wah easy", Wu Xie said as he grabbed his arm and laid him down.

"My headstands to explode, "Qiling said as he rubbed his forehead. He didn't even question why Wu Xie was in the same bed as him.

"Well that happens if you drink too much", he said teasingly, hoping that he would believe him and that he doesn't remember what happened.

Qiling turned and glared at Wu Xie. "Don't take me for stupid. I remember what happened. What I don't know is what happened with that bastard".

"It had been taken care of ", he said with a dark look. 

The other raised an eyebrow and he made a move to lift himself up again, with a groan. Wu Xie grabbed his arm again, and helped him up, leaning him against the headboard."You killed him. Didn't you?"

Wu Xie flinched and he looked away without saying anything, proving his words right. "I should have known it. You are an ex-assassin after all"

"The bastard deserved to die."

"That's right. But not by your hand"

"Why do you even care anyway?"

"I don't want my bodyguard to be arrested for murder. Plus you are not as bad as I thought" he said with a chuckle.

Wu Xie smiled too and he patted his cheek before he pinched it. "You are not so bad, yourself, brat. Alright. I will not do it from now on. But if you promise me something."

"What's it?"

"I will not kill anyone from now on if you would stay by my side forever"

Qiling raised one eyebrow. This was clearly what he had expected to hear. But he nodded. "I promise"

Wu Xie smiled before he got up from the bed. "I'm going to bring you something for your head."He was about to walk out of the room, but he stopped and he turned around. He brought his hands to the back of his neck and he took out a necklace and holder it in front of Qiling.

"What's is it?"

"A protective charm. I don't need it anymore. You can have it."

Qiling took the necklace and he looked at it. When he looked back at Wu Xie , he saw that the other man had already left his room. Looking back at the necklace he agreed that indeed Wu Xie was not a bad person, and he couldn't ask for a better bodyguard.

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