Chapter 12

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Wu Xie was surprised to see that Qiling was awake. He smiled and moved closer to him. "You are awake. Thank goodness. I was worried about you." He said as he pressed the nurse button.

" Why?" he asked with a raspy voice.

Why? Why would Qiling ask something like this? It was obviously because he cares about him. Why else he had risked saving his life either?

" What do you mean why? It's because I care about you."

" Really? Because last time I was just a plaything for you."

Oh. That's right. With everything that happened he had forgotten how stupid he had been and how like an idiot he had acted. That was also the reason why Qiling had left by himself in the first place too. Before he can say anything, the door opened and the doctor, that had talked with them, a while ago, entered the room.

The woman smiled warmly. " I see that you woke up. That's good. How are you feeling? Any pains?'

" I'm fine. And my side hurts a little"

She nodded. That's where your bullet wound was. I must say. The wound you had was pretty bad. If we would have been called on the spot, after you were found, I didn't guarantee that you would have survived. Luckily you have good and talented friends. Miss Huo had managed to patch you really good, enough to survive until an ambulance had come" The woman said as she checked the vitals and temperature. " Everything is looking good. You would make a full recovery and you would be able to leave the hospital in a week. " After she finished all her explanation and made sure that the young man had understood, she had given him a small dose of painkillers before she had left. But not before she had let Wu Xie known that the visiting hours would be over in 30 minutes. 

Wu Xie had taken a deep breath in before he sat down on the chair. " Qiling. Can you look at me?"

" What?" he asked as he looked at his bodyguard with a blank expression.

" The way I acted that day. I realized that I was stupid and an idiot. I shouldn't, have played like this. It's just... Every time I'm around you I can feel something. Something that I didn't know that I will feel. Especially for someone like you, as you acted like a complete brat the first time we met. But I guess that Fatty was right. I'm really starting to love you. More than a friend or a brother."

Qiling was pretty much shocked at Wu Xie's confession. Is this man bipolar? He acts nice and kind in the beginning and later like a jerk. But still. Despite that, he couldn't help but feel for him too. He had actually started to develop feelings for him after he had saved him from that man in the club.

" You don't need to feel the same. But can you at least forgive me?"

" I will if you tell me what happened? How come that I'm in the hospital?"

" I started to feel that something was wrong when you hadn't returned home from your meeting with Xiu Xiu. So I called her. When she told me that she hadn't sent you anything, I immediately knew that the Wang family was in the middle of it. Luckily you still wore your necklace. The necklace has a tracker. I use it to find you, and the others helped?" He said leaving the fact that he had killed out purposely.

" And? I know that you are hiding something from me, Wu Xie. It's impossible to have left me at the location alone."

" Alright. You are right. They were some Wang men there. And I killed them. I killed all of them and still feel like their death was an easy one. I wish I butchered them all." He said darkly." And I'm not sorry for doing it. But I'm sorry that I broke our promise."

For several minutes the only noise in the room was their breathing and the beeping of the heart monitor. Then.." I forgive you?"

" What?"

" You heard me. I forgive you. For being an idiot and breaking our promise to"

" Why?" Now don't take it like Wu Xie was not happy that Qiling had forgiven him. But for what he did, it's not something that can be forgiven easily.

" Because you are not the only one who had started to have different feelings"

Wu Xie's eyes widened " You mean?" 

Qiling nodded with a small smile and his eyes were starting to feel heavy. It seems that the painkillers are also making him sleepy and they started to kick in fully. 

" Try to go back to sleep. I will be here when you will wake", Wu Xie said and he kissed Qiling's forehead and the man was fast asleep soon after.

Looking at the clock he saw that the visiting hours were finished and if he won't leave, he would be kicked out by a nurse or by the nice lady, doctor. But.. He couldn't find himself leaving. He was Qiling's bodyguard. He can't leave him alone. So he didn't leave"


A few hours later the doctor walked in the room to check the boy, with a nurse behind her, before she would retire for the night. When she entered she was surprised to see that the other boy, who stayed with her patient all the time, was asleep in the same bed with Qiling.

The patient was curled up beside the other boy, and she knew that he would feel pain when he would wake up. The other boy was being mindful of the wire and he would probably feel sore considering his sleeping position. The bed was made for one person. So half of his body was hanging from the bed. She could see that his right arm was protectively wrapped around her patient shoulders. And even though both boys would feel pain in the morning she had no heart in moving them. That's why she had stopped the nurse from waking the boys. " Let them be," she said sternly. She finished her late check-up as quietly as possible before she had left.


It was true. The next morning the two boys had woke up in pain, but they ignored it. For the past week, Wu Xie made Qiling's hospital room, his temporary residence. The others were visiting Qiling every day, and they stayed for hours. Fatty or XiaoHua was bringing Wu Xie new clothes every day and he was changing after he washed in the room bathroom. The next day he had been shocked when the nice doctor lady had brought an extra bed in the room. And when he asked why she only smiled. Like she was doing every night when she was seeing the two beds glued to each other.

The week had passed relatively fast and the two boys had bid their goodbye to the nice lady before they had left. Once they arrived at the Zhang residence Wu Xie had helped Qiling, gently out from the car. If he was free to leave the hospital, that doesn't mean that he shouldn't be careful for the next days.

" Qiling" The two stopped in front of the staircase and they turned to see Rishan behind them.

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