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Meghan's POV:
When the boys started the encore for the last show, I went back to the dressing room already hearing these songs a million times before.

I was bummed that today was the last day of the tour and tomorrow luke and I would be on opposite sides of the world. When the show ended and the boys packed up their instruments, they stopped outside to talk to fans and sign autographs.

I went off on my own and made my way to the bus, minding my own business when I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I assumed it was Luke but I locked my hand in a fist just in case.

"Hey there." It was some random guy I assumed to be a fan or someone who worked for the arena." It's not safe for you to be out here all by yourself." He told me.

"I'll be fine." I replied.

"At least let me walk you to your car. I would hate to see a pretty girl like yourself get hurt." He said, flashing me a toothy grin.

"Really, I'll be okay." I replied trying to move away from him and get to the bus but he moved in front of me.

"Why don't you flash me a pretty smile?" He asked me. I looked at him and controlled myself from knocking him to the ground and getting on the bus but instead I rolled my eyes and turned around to head back to the stadium.

"It isn't nice to ignore people." The guy called as he grabbed my arm. I yanked it away from him and moved backwards trying to get him away.

"Leave me alone please." I told him as assertively as I possibly could. In my mind I was thinking of all the possible outcomes of right now; rape, kidnap, murder. The more I thought and the closer he got to me, the less I felt I could move.

Before he or I could say anything else I heard yelling.

"What's going on?" It was Luke coming towards us leaving the other three behind to sign autographs. Luke stepped in front of me, keeping me behind him.

"Relax kid we were just talking." The guy said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Seriously dude walk away. She told you to leave her alone and you didn't listen." Luke said. I walked back to Ashton and the other two as we stood and watched Luke handle it.

The guy started to step down but Luke was still riled up.

Luke's POV:
I started walking back but I was still mad; He had his hands on Meghan and had I not been around god know what could've happened.

"You pussy. Didn't even throw a punch!" He laughed, pushing my back. Before I could turn around and punch him, Ashton came up to me and told me not to do anything.

I flipped him off and started going back to where Meghan was standing with Calum and Ashton.

We went back over to some fans who witnessed the whole thing, some who recorded it. I didn't care that by tomorrow it'd be trending on twitter, I cared more about Meghan's safety.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, just a little shaken up." She replied." I've never seen that side of you before. Were you going to beat him up?"

I shrugged." He could've hurt you, Meghan."

"I don't care. Luke I don't want you going around beating guys up. I don't want you to add that to a future reputation." Meghan explained in a quiet voice, probably so the others couldn't hear.

"Fine, but if someone hurts you in any way you have to know I'm not going to stand by and watch." I replied. As much as I wanted to go back and punch that guy in the face, I didn't want her to be afraid of me or for her to think I was violent.

"If it comes down to that, I can't stop you but I hope you can be able to stop yourself."


I knew when John called a meeting this morning that it wouldn't be good reflection on yesterday's events.

The four of us were sitting around the dressing room of the same arena we performed in last night, waiting for them to pack up our instruments into a truck.

John came in and immediately slammed down three pop magazines with the guy and me on the cover.

"You want to explain this?" He asked me.

"After the show the guy was harassing her so I stepped in. Maybe a few fans caught it on video but I didn't think about it being a huge story." I explained, flipping to the article about it.

"These are just a few of the millions of copies they printed over night. Articles online have been posted and one o the fans who taped it out it on YouTube and the numbers continue to skyrocket. Luke how could you be so reckless?!" John yelled." That girl had brought nothing but trouble for you. I think it's time you end it."

"Hey! That girl is my sister." Ashton snapped.

"And I'm not going to break up with her. John this isn't some publicity stunt to promote a new album this is an actual relationship. She's not trouble, this was my fault. I could've let him get away with more and stayed with fans but I didn't. Who says this is a bad thing?"

"It's bad because you're bringing your reputation down as a guy who gets into fights. Justin Beiber is in the news constantly for fighting people and it's given him a bad name. I don't want that for any of you because when one of you goes down, the whole band pays for it." John explained as he looked at me." I'm not letting her ruin this new album so as soon as we release it in two weeks, you are set to start dating someone else."

"What?!" Ashton and I yelled.

"John that's not-" he cut me off.

"I don't care. I don't care if you stay with her or not but I'm getting someone who will help sell a Hell whole lot more albums than his sister." John explained." And none of you can tell her. Not now, not ever. Whether she finds out on her own is none of my business."

I was utterly crushed. Of course she's going to find out; its going to be everywhere, kids at school will know about it.

John dismissed us and I looked at Ashton." What the hell are we going to do?"

"Pray and hope that John changes his mind before then."

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