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Meghan's POV:
We were all sitting in the dressing room of Concord Pavilion Amphitheatre, me sitting on Luke's lap, and Luke laid back on the couch bouncing his leg.

"Five minutes to show time." John said as he came in. The boys started getting up and getting themselves ready which meant it was time to head to the stage.

"I'll see you after the show." Luke told me giving me a small peck on the lips.

"Ew get a room." Michel gagged. We were currently in Concord, California and this was the first outdoor show of the tour. When the boys went out, I went backstage with John and watched.

"You're brother sure knows how to get a crowd going." John commented. Ashton was currently given some commentary to the crowd about the set list." Your boyfriend as well; he's got some star quality about them. All the boys do."

I didn't correct him but technically Luke isn't my boyfriend. At the moment we are more like friends with benefits-minus all the fun benefits- since luke hasn't actually asked me to be his girlfriend. Right now he and I didn't mind that we acted like a couple but soon enough he'll ask.

Luke's POV:
We walked out and started heading for the stage.

"Luke are you and Meghan dating?" Ashton asked me as he cleaned off a pair of drumsticks.

"Technically no." I replied." I'm gonna ask but I just wanna wait for the right time."

"So you're not dating but you act like a couple? And make-out all the time like a couple?" Calum asked.

"We Don't make-out." I mumbled." But it's like the beginning stage before a relationship when you just go out on a few dates before popping that question."

"Except you haven't been on a date. The closest thing to a date you two had was going to a gas station and kissing." Michael pointed out." That's pretty standard for you but still."

"What rule says you have to go out on a date before deciding to be in a relationship with someone?" I asked them." It's fine, I'm a big boy I can ask any girl out when I want and take her on a date to where I want...actually where she wants."

"You aren't asking anyone out when you're "in the beginning" with my sister." Ashton said as we walked to the stage." Thats a good way to get your balls plucked by not only me but Meghan also."

We went out on stage and got our instruments.

"Hello Concord pavilion! Who's ready to have a good time?!" Ashton announced into a microphone. Ashton then proceeded to go on and on about our set list and what was to come.


"Thank you Concord. It 'twas a lovely evening and goodnight!" I said. We took a bow before going off stage.

"You guys were so good!" Meghan exclaimed as we met her backstage. I tried to give her a hug but she got a whiff of me and pushed me away." You smell terrible. All of you do." She chuckled. We all closed in on her and gave her a group hug. When we let go, she gagged.

We packed up our instruments and walked out to the bus. Meghan went back on her own and we stopped to take pictures with some fans.

"Who's that?" On girl asked us.

"That's my sister Meghan." Ashton replied.

We took more pictures and got to as many fans as we could before getting onto the bus and heading off to Mountain View.

When we got back on the bus, we heard Meghan scream.

"What happened?!" I called.

"I'm trending on twitter as Ashton's sister!" She said, coming in and showing us her twitter page." Great now people are gonna know who I am everywhere I go."

"Welcome to life we live." I chuckled as I wrapped an arm around her.

"I find it funny how it's of these pictures are of waiting outside for you guys or walking to the bus." She explained." At least nobody saw us together."

"Why would that be a problem?" I asked her.

"How would you feel having the media start theories about us when we haven't discussed what that is yet." She replied, whispering to me.

"Why don't you guys just date already. It's driving me crazy waiting around for one of you to make things official. By god just someone put a label on it" Ashton exclaimed." I put a lot of work into putting you two together and it's not going to waste."

"What work?" Michael snapped.

"How do you think Meghan found out? Other than luke being obvious but he probably wouldn't have done anything without me." Ashton replied.

"You guys just love to drag me don't you?" I jokingly asked." Anyway," I turned back to Meghan." Are you ready to put a "label" on this?"

"Sure." She shrugged." But that label means we are exclusive and if I catch you texting other girls besides your mother you're gonna be in trouble." She said jokingly as we walked into the bedroom.

I looked back at Ashton and mouthed," thank you." Before she shut the door.

Ashton's POV:
"Remind me tomorrow to remove that door." I said to Calum.

"I love how the only thing we do anymore is bash in luke. Best tour ever!" Calum joked.


Meghan's POV:
"So are we gonna make this twitter official or what?" Luke asked jokingly as he climbed into his bed.

"Yeah because the last thing I need is a bunch of girls retweeting threatening to gauge my eyes out if I came anywhere close to you." I replied.

"What if we turned your account private and I don't tag you." He suggested. I rolled my eyes and climbed into his bed next to him. He turned flash on his phone and got a low quality selfie of us.

In the caption he put a heart and penguin emoji and added the same ones on his bio. I did the same and turned my account private and changed the name.

"There we are twitter official." He said before kissing my head. I climbed down and plugged our phones in before crawling back into his bed and going to sleep.

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